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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

"If bad people unite to form a force, good people must do the same. How simple it is."

Lev. N. Tolstoy


Prelovsek DamjanDr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, expert on the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.


Moroccans are the second or third largest group of illegal migrants in Slovenia, which is surprising considering the arc they take to get there. The reason is that they can fly to Belgrade visa-free and then smuggle themselves illegally into Slovenia. The government there has already partially removed the barriers that the last government installed on the border with Croatia. It is no wonder then that immigration is increasing madly. The Prime Minister, Robert Golob, has solved this with a charlatan's judgment, equating 'white' illegal migration with legal migration. The government wants to build a new migration centre. Each migrant costs Slovenia almost €2,000 a month, far more than the shameful minimum wage that many Slovenian citizens receive. People are protesting against the new centres because of their experience of the criminality of its inhabitants, but the government doesn't care. It organises basic Slovenian language courses, but to no avail. The goal of most migrants is to go to Western Europe. Austria and Italy have already introduced border controls. Which means they'll all be staying in Slovenia soon. So far, only a small number of migrants have managed to be sent to Croatia. This is also the way Schengen is unravelling. We, the EU and the world lack strong leaders. They state what is wrong but do not offer effective solutions. Let us hope that the coming crisis will generate them. This has always been the case after times of great economic crises and prosperity. Let us hope in time, without the need for war.

This is how it ends, or rather begins in Germany.

Original Article in Czech>

Truth be toldMedical Body Area Networks #MBAN Explained by Hope and Tivon with Todd Callendar. How they put technology in your body to monitor you wirelessly in your home which has now become your personal kill box. This the tech that the doctors and nurses still employed in the industry do not want to talk about.

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VN Majdan foto IV. Putin 11.9.2022Ukrajinsky chlapecekSee for yourself (Events ČT 30.5.2024 - from 7:24 min) - horror! Quote: "I ran to my son. I couldn't carry him properly. He climbed on top of me. I can still see his hands torn off - I wanted to pour gasoline all over the place and set it on fire. I liked it here. I was building something and I was doing it for the joy of it."

Adds Aleksandr Mitrofanov in a short gloss: (ČRoPlus 31.5.2024, 12:34 from 12:48) - Comparison of Hitler and Putin's speeches on peace initiatives, defense and not attacking civilians. Ends with quote:

"Everything around us literally screams that we can finally make our personal dullness a national brand under whose banners the blood of innocent people will be shed for years."

A pain in the ass, a nuisance, a nuisance... Reality

Polina 26.2.2022I know of fellow citizens for whom I am a pain in the ass, a nuisance, and a nuisance with my years-long warning that a Russian danger is creeping from the East that compares with the former creep from Hitler's Germany. It is all right. It is a tax on my knowledge and their convenience, stupidity or devotion to the perpetrators of this danger; for the nature of the breeding ground of the new normalisation with its transition to totalitarianism may be different. But the result is the same.

Churchill said: "Britain and France had a choice between war and disgrace. They chose shame. They will have war." The situation of the late 1930s cannot be repeated to a tee.

"The Russians are allowed to kill any number of Ukrainians, including civilians, women and children, from their territory, but Ukrainian soldiers must not, under any circumstances, use our weapons against Russian territory."

The Russian Anti-War Committee in Exile has published an appeal to the governments and people of the US, EU and NATO, saying: 'Europe is in danger of soon facing direct war, of suffering the death of its own soldiers and the destruction of its own cities. The indecision of allies and the illogical policy of sanctions look like an invitation to blackmail by the dictator Putin." There is nothing more to add.

"The people who die from today will also die because of you - Alliance Leadership Today (4.3. All the people who will die from today onwards will also die because of you, because of your weakness, because of your disunity - All the Alliance could do, was to get 50 tons of oil through its supply system to Ukraine - Perhaps so we could burn the Budapest Memorandum (the 1994 treaty in which Russia, the US and Britain promised Ukraine security in exchange for giving up USSR-era nuclear weapons) - Did we want a NATO like that? - Did you build such an Alliance?" - Don't buy us litres of fuel for litres of our blood, spilled for our common Europe, for our common freedom, for our common future - We have endured nine days of darkness and evil. We are warriors of the light. The history of Europe will always remember that."

Volodymyr Zelensky

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Ponomarenko Unterwasserman IIHe poses as a billionaire, yet he has been insolvent 2 times. He transferred his assets to his wife in the insolvency and acted as a non-wealthy. Where did his gigantic fortune come from? He's been in jail. If you steal a lot, you can feel pretty safe in the Czech Republic. That's why the world takes us less and less seriously. JŠ 

Full Article in Czech>



Testimonials with Maxim Ponomarenko: Who is Maxim Ponomarenko

Justice for Petr E

KSE Papez 27.5.2024Updated 30.5.2024: I add a PHOTOGALLERY. "Blood on the hands" is a cultural trait; in Arab countries it is seen as corruption. This event is not on the list of rallies. Islam itself is peaceful, unlike Islamism. Islam has much to give us. Translation of the Arabic inscription: 'Our rights are constitutional, our demands are lawful. All Czech media are silent so far, except for the tabloid BLESK (29.5). You can sign the petition sheets on the spot, and now you can also sign the PETITION on the Internet. On the very first day of the protest, a Czech anonymous person called Mrs. Dubovcova and called her "ZUB" (Arabic for "dick", the worst swear word). The checkpoint is right in front of the police building. The police are correct, as are the KSA staff, including senior officials. Stasek Miloslav velvyslanec v USAKSE dar 27.5.2024I could talk to them without any problems. Finances are important to a widow. She is also trying to rectify the situation at the MFA and the KSA so that this unfortunate event can never happen again. Mrs Dubovcová was personally supported and the petition was signed by former great diplomats Karel Stehno (91 years old) and Miroslav Belica. These three great diplomats deserve to be honored by the state on October 28. Their names will not be found among this year's nominees, but once again a number of people who have done much less for the country. The Czech Nicola Tesla Emil Kolben, founder of ČKD, is again not among them. They have already received honours from the citizens. JŠ


Update 5/28/2024: At the family's request, I am clarifying (to avoid confusion). The term "black paramedics" was used in the incident inventory not to refer to skin color, but to refer to the black-colored clothing of KSA's paramedics. JŠ


Protest against the failure to provide first aid and compensation to the family. Petition stand.


KSE arabsky citat 27.5.2024KSE Dubovcova 27.5.2024Petr Dubovec held the position of chargé d'affaires a.i. at the Czech Embassy in Kuwait and in Damascus (a.i. means that no ambassador was sent to the aforementioned country - he held the highest post at the embassy in both countries for a total of 10 years). A tribute to his memory and work. JŠ


I would like to inform you about the protest action of Mrs. Lenka Dubovcova, whose husband Petr Dubovec, a long-time employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Councillor-Ambassador, employee of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Riyadh, died during a business trip in Riyadh as a result of failure to provide first aid in February 2019.

Dubovec a HybaskovaDubovec Klaus VondraPeter Dubovec's death was not immediately reported by the media for unclear reasons. Therefore, the widow Lenka Dubovcová, a former employee of consular departments in Arab countries, sought financial compensation on her own. Even after five years of communication with the MFA and the Saudi side, the family has not received an apology, an admission of wrongdoing and proper financial compensation.

For this reason, the widow of Petr Dubovec has resorted to the following steps. She wants to make the whole case and the process of communication with the MFA and Saudi Arabia as public as possible. In an effort to be as open as possible, Mrs. Dubovcova has written a brief (albeit extensive) summary of the events of the case, which you will find in this APPENDIX in Czech (Initials, names and positions of persons in the case).

Dubovec a HavelKSE Simon Perez 27.5.2024Mrs Dubovcová is preparing for a protest action with the help of her family. All her efforts to date to make amends have failed. It will start in front of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia (Na Zátorce 622/32, 160 00 Prague 6 - Bubeneč) on Monday 27 May at 9:00 am. The end date will depend on the attitude of the other side. An information leaflet in Czech and English - see above - will be available at the protest site for interested media and public.

There is a vital need for the return of real diplomats, educated, capable, morally and characteristically strong personalities, serving the country. Not to turn their positions into a corrupt business of functions, as we are experiencing today in politics in general, unfortunately not only in the Czech Republic. Petr Dubovec was such a great diplomat. The EP elections will be another test of the maturity of today's society. 

You can contact me at any time.


Jan Šinágl

media representative

+420 775 239 148

Original text in Czech>

Lipavsky Jan PiratBartos Ivan Pirat... As an employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I prepared an audit report in which I drew the minister's attention to something that his party also claims - that the Ministry's selection procedures are not transparent enough. The Minister categorically rejected my conclusion (and thus that of his party). My audit report has disappeared. I became an inconvenient official and - to make matters worse - the poorly depoliticized service law made it easy for the minister to get rid of me. A few months later, my boss quit too. He was replaced by a loyal person from the management of the audited department. …

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The Czech Embassy in Vienna called in the Austrian police so that Šinágl would not "disturb" the speech of Minister Lipavsky

Moroccans: "When it bursts, half of the Czech Republic will fall!"


Prelovsek DamjanDr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, specialist on the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.

We are including current events in view of the upcoming European elections

The recent attack on Slovak Prime Minister Fico and the events at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague inspire us to reflect on the crisis of today's society and the decline of morality. On Saturday, Czech television devoted one of its news bulletins to threats against Slovak politicians. It was not only there that the active and responsible approach of the Slovak police to warnings and threats was discussed. However, this is not just about Slovakia. In the Moroccogate affair, threats were also made in the Czech Republic. In March 2021, an employee of the Czech MFA telephoned the former consul in Morocco, J. Chaloupková, and told her that "she could be glad that she was still alive because she had touched somebody's business". She was to issue visas according to the instructions of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc, regardless of the regulations. Almost a year later, another person, also from the ministry's personnel section, said that the consul should be careful, that they could hire someone to look after her, and repeated the same thing again a few months later. Unlike the Slovak police, Colonel Jan Šulc of the NCOZ just smiled and referred them to the 158 telephone line.

Full Article in Czech>

Chleb a hryToo many people just blather on about work, who creates real value? The devastating disparity is growing and the consequences will be increasingly felt and the devastating attempt will not wake society up in time. This is always due to its (im)maturity. "Without honest work there are no cakes". One cannot live forever on the debt of today and the future. "Bread and games" ends, like all prosperity on debt. JŠ


A cautionary tale of the economic and political failure of Brexit, an acceptance of the inevitability of a Europe-wide solution to the migrant crisis, and the ultimate realisation that simple information has become a weapon of mass destruction would be a good start for a much needed discussion. The question remains, however, whether populist political entities such as ANO and SPD, which address almost half of the Czech electorate at this critical moment, are interested in such a self-preserving discussion.

The assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is just the first rumble of a storm that has long been brewing. Czech society does not want to see it and is not prepared for it. For "us" nothing is happening, so it is more important to see if the historic attendance record at the ice hockey world championship will be broken, or to get upset about the police intervention against fans who "only" wanted to celebrate the league championship title after the game right on the stadium field. Isn't that not allowed? Who cares? "Our boys" won...

Most Czech politicians are oblivious to this and are not even able to notice the radical change in the world. They do not understand that what is happening on the other side of the globe can directly affect the Czech Republic. Even less does it understand that without active participation and cooperation within the European Union, it has not the slightest chance of defending itself.

Full Article in Czech>

Ponomarenko Unterwasserman IIUpdated 29.5.2024: 


"People do not differ altogether in what they regard as evil; they differ very much, however, in what they regard as pardonable."



"If you want to make billions then be like me, live life like me". - "I'm finally gonna start living like a proper Jew." It's not just about money, it's about MINDSET! It's always good to be rewarded for hard work!


How sick society must be to allow this. That's why it is starting to collapse, more every day. They are psychopaths, victims without knowing it. JŠ



Testimonials with Maxim Ponomarenko: Who is Maxim Ponomarenko

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Hovorkova sprostarny 2014Even after 10 years at District Court Sokolov she is still on the list of judges (if the list reflects the current status)?! JŠ

The recording incriminates the judge. She called cows and idiots to witnesses!

The case of the dirty judge has an absurd continuation


Recently dismissed bailiff is dead, court says he abused debtors' money


"Men do not differ altogether in what they regard as evil; they differ very much, however, in what they regard as pardonable"