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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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VDA Lipavsky dead line 7.11.2023VDA sal 7.11.2023"You cannot control a man going into battle. You can control machines. You can lead men going into battle. And leading does not mean kicking them in the ass to make them go before you, but convincing them to follow you."


The famous British commander Bernard Law Montgomery


I duly and on time (25.10.2023) logged on to the Vienna Diplomatic Academy website to participate in an interview with the Czech Foreign Minister on Geopolitical Challenges and the New Czech Security Strategy. Shortly after my arrival, two Austrian uniformed police officers arrived, legitimized me and asked me to leave the hall, as instructed by the organizer. They were correct, they could not do otherwise. I explained the background to them, which they accepted with understanding. They welcomed my card. In doing so, they unwittingly participated in the restriction of freedom of the press, speech and the public's right to information. The Austrian police were purposely abused by the staff of the Czech Embassy in Vienna.     

SSCR avers 2023SSCR obsah 2023

I filled in the registration form as instructed, everything went smoothly, but I did not appear on the guest list. Of course, I will inform the management of the Diplomatic Academy Vienna, as well as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, when I will request reimbursement of the costs of travel and accommodation.

Everything started normally, on arrival I greeted the Czech Embassy staff who were already waiting for the arrival of the guests an hour before the start. We introduced ourselves, they did not know me, but suddenly lost interest and left. Shortly afterwards, their colleague came to inform me that I was not on the list of registered guests. I assured her that I had duly registered, would stand if necessary, and that I had no intention of disrupting the dignity of the event in any way. After a few minutes, the police arrived. The witnesses were three young female interns with whom I had the opportunity to speak. They certainly have a lot to think about. When the police arrived, it was obvious that they were in visible shock. Everything is documented.

I felt like I was at the OS Ostrava, where the judge is also no longer allowing me into the courtroom, thus violating the applicable laws and regulations. Perhaps I will soon be subject to an international arrest warrant as a person threatening the "public interest"?! This is what an Austrian pensioner said to me at lunch, shortly after the "expulsion", when I told him the whole story, including the background. He also gladly accepted my card.

SSCR Fiala 2023There were two representatives of the CT news and one of the Czech Radio. There were witnesses, they were sitting nearby, and of course there was nothing in the reports. Only 40 seconds of Lipavsky's meeting with his Austrian colleague (like 26 reports out of 33) were in the CT Events. Only CT 24 "60 seconds and enough". What is the value of this "coverage" at the cost of the trip, if it was not a permanent correspondent in Austria?    

On 7 November, I received in my inbox a reply from the Director of the Communication Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, Mgr. Karel Smékal. He has not yet responded to my letter of 29 September 2023.

I quote from the letter of the Director of Communications: ... The case you call Maroccogate has been dealt with by both the Inspector General of the MFA and the law enforcement authorities. The text you sent cannot serve as a basis for evaluating the activities of the Czech Ambassador and the Czech Embassy in Rabat. ...

I only add that the GI of the MFA in Rabat was there, but did not investigate anything at all! I am glad that I "survived" 7 November in Vienna in good health, I would hardly have cut the one in Moscow in 2017. The unsustainable conditions in Czech diplomacy today are a consequence of what started in Moscow 106 years ago.

SSCR Lipavsky 2023It is sad that in the publication SECURITY STRATEGY OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC 2023, there is no signature of either the Prime Minister or the Foreign Minister, as is common in developed countries.

Czech diplomacy is 'headline'. It is far from being a truly effective, behind-the-scenes one, with all due respect to the real diplomats. Lipavský is a "headline" minister, whom we see in the media almost every day.

After 1946, our diplomacy began to sink into ideology. Today, it threatens to do the same to the West. In crises, a great deal of knowledge is always released that the majority does not care about. Will we end up like Orwell or Huxley? Let us do something about it, everyone, so that the next, legitimate crisis does not damage us so much or destroy us completely.

Otherwise Vienna is still charming with its unique atmosphere, nice and helpful taxi drivers who will help with advice without using their services. The sound is amazing, reminiscent of the clatter of horses, which is heard when the pedestrian button is pressed and creates a calming atmosphere. Even the Wiener schnitzel has lost none of its quality. I won't charge the MFA:-)

Full Article in Czech>

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