Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Civic Journalist Jan Šinágl

  • Czech Television Council 20. 3. 2024: Good and bad news

    Rada CT 21.3.2024The day before the first day of spring, the Czech Television Council was not brimming with new hopes. What Councillors Ježek, Veselý and Řehák showed with their attacks on Councillor Šafařík was something incredible, reminiscent of the period of rigid totalitarianism and normalisation. They "framed" the author like orthodox communists, unable to deal with any other opinion in a factual manner. They can't help it. They are also victims of the environment in which they grew up and still live, and which still needs them today. They don't see their stupidity and limitations because they can't. Good housing is a priority for them. Democratic and moral values go completely outside their limited spiritual space - just another example of the ineradicable Czech plebeianism. Councillor Šafařík rightly called CT provincial. I personally thanked him for his courageous performance and his defence of citizens' rights. HERE is my audio recording of my speech.

    By the way, Google has just been fined another CZK 4 billion for repeatedly misusing information from other sources. It has not appealed and will adjust the AI "work". I'm being reported again - for the third time - for violating the terms of the contract without giving reasons? In a way, a tribute to my independent reporting as well. The fight for freedom of information and the public's right to information continues. JŠ

    Full Article in Czech>

  • Ondřej Kašina Episode 4: We are facing a deep crisis. Perhaps it will wake up our elites, but also the silent majority. Forward to the past

    Actualized 9.11.2023: Czech Embassy in Vienna summoned Austrian police to prevent Šinágl from "disturbing" Minister Lipavský's speech


    On November 7, 2023, the Czech Embassy in Vienna summoned the Austrian police, who asked me to leave the Diplomatic Academy (as an journalist), before the speech of the Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky on the topic GEOPOLITICAL CHALLENGES AND THE NEW CZECH SECURITY STRATEGY, despite my proper registration. A truly "successful" November 7, this time not in Moscow... Coverage follows. JŠ


    It's not about who is right, but what is true -Nothing is great that is not true


    "Faith is a protest against the fact that the world cannot be as it could be"(Jewish proverb). History is always written by individuals. The best projects always come from individuals, you can't expect that from government and politicians.


    Ondřej Kašina, Czech diplomat, councillor, writer, who worked for more than 30 years in Czech diplomacy, mainly in Latin America

    "The world has become more complex and more dangerous at the same time, and the more the West shows a loss of ability to react in a timely and appropriate manner. We are witnessing crises that are spiralling out of control, whether it is mass illegal migration, covid, or the war in Ukraine. For the small Czech Republic, the situation is all the more complicated. For a long time, our diplomacy has been a Cinderella, lacking self-confidence, prestige and finances. It is up to us to wake up in time to stop our economic degradation, our economic descent, before it weakens us so much that we are then really unable to react, simply because of a lack of resources. There will probably come a time, which will be painful, when there will be a wake-up call that we have to start doing some things differently, that we have to start respecting reality. The dream that we dreamt was not entirely realistic, we have to start saving what can still be saved. We missed the train. It's going to get worse to get better. Either our elites and our silent majority will wake up, the sooner the better, and start seeing that black is black and white is white and stop dreaming some delirium. It is a terrible economic crime to transport agricultural produce when it can all be grown locally. The awakening will be painful, but there must be a crisis. Otherwise, neither the silent majority nor our elites will wake up."

    Original article>

  • Ondřej Kašina Episode 4: Wir stehen vor einer tiefen Krise. Vielleicht wird sie unsere Eliten, aber auch die schweigende Mehrheit aufwecken. Vorwärts in die Vergangenheit

    Aktualisiert am 9.11.2023: Die tschechische Botschaft in Wien ruft die österreichische Polizei, um zu verhindern, dass Šinágl die Rede von Minister Lipavský "stört".


    Am 7. November 2023 rief die tschechische Botschaft in Wien die österreichische Polizei, die mich (als Journalisten) aufforderte, die Diplomatische Akademie vor der Rede des tschechischen Außenministers Jan Lipavsky zum Thema GEOPOLITISCHE HERAUSFORDERUNGEN UND DIE NEUE TSCHECHISCHE SICHERHEITSSTRATEGIE zu verlassen, obwohl ich ordnungsgemäß angemeldet war. Ein wahrhaft "erfolgreicher" 7. November, dieses Mal nicht in Moskau... Die Berichterstattung folgt. JŠ


    Es geht nicht darum, wer Recht hat, sondern was wahr ist - Nichts ist groß, was nicht wahr ist


    "Der Glaube ist ein Protest gegen die Tatsache, dass die Welt nicht so sein kann, wie sie sein könnte" (jüdisches Sprichwort). Die Geschichte wird immer von Einzelnen geschrieben. Die besten Projekte kommen immer von Einzelnen, das kann man von Regierungen und Politikern nicht erwarten.


    Ondřej Kašina, tschechischer Diplomat, Ratsmitglied und Schriftsteller, der mehr als 30 Jahre lang in der tschechischen Diplomatie tätig war, vor allem in Lateinamerika

    "Die Welt ist komplexer und gefährlicher zugleich geworden, und der Westen verliert zunehmend die Fähigkeit, rechtzeitig und angemessen zu reagieren. Wir erleben Krisen, die außer Kontrolle geraten, sei es die massenhafte illegale Migration, der Kovid oder der Krieg in der Ukraine. Für die kleine Tschechische Republik ist die Situation noch komplizierter. Unsere Diplomatie war lange Zeit ein Aschenputtel, dem es an Selbstvertrauen, Prestige und Finanzen mangelte. Es liegt an uns, rechtzeitig aufzuwachen, um unseren wirtschaftlichen Verfall, unseren wirtschaftlichen Abstieg zu stoppen, bevor er uns so sehr schwächt, dass wir dann wirklich nicht mehr in der Lage sind zu reagieren, einfach weil uns die Mittel fehlen. Es wird wahrscheinlich eine Zeit kommen, die schmerzhaft sein wird, in der es einen Weckruf geben wird, dass wir anfangen müssen, einige Dinge anders zu machen, dass wir anfangen müssen, die Realität zu respektieren. Der Traum, den wir geträumt haben, war nicht ganz realistisch, wir müssen anfangen zu retten, was noch zu retten ist. Wir haben den Zug verpasst. Es wird schlimmer werden, um besser zu werden. Entweder wachen unsere Eliten und unsere schweigende Mehrheit auf, je früher, desto besser, und fangen an zu sehen, dass schwarz schwarz ist und weiß weiß ist und hören auf, irgendeinen Wahn zu träumen. Es ist ein schreckliches Wirtschaftsverbrechen, landwirtschaftliche Produkte zu transportieren, wenn sie alle vor Ort angebaut werden können. Das Aufwachen wird schmerzhaft sein, aber es muss eine Krise geben. Sonst werden weder die schweigende Mehrheit noch unsere Eliten aufwachen.


  • OS Ostrava 5.3.2024: Journalists again not allowed to attend public hearings - judge threatens journalists with criminal charges - Ministry of Justice is "intensively dealing with the matter"

    Blažek Bochnakova 28.2.2024Judge JUDr. Jana Bochňáková has once again banned two journalists from attending a public court hearing, mediating a verbal message by a judicial guard. Again, no factual, legal justification, with a ban on entering the courtroom - before the court session began and after it ended. The judge is flagrantly violating the Constitution of the Czech Republic, the right of the public to participate in public court proceedings, to exercise control over them, including attacking freedom of speech, the press and encouraging censorship.

    The next meeting is scheduled for April 25, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. In the matter of defamation by Bogdalík, convicted 3 times, on 2.4.2024 at 11:00 a.m. Let's hope that his "partner" from the NCOZ (National Centre for the Fight against Organized Crime) Ostrava, Colonel Jaromír Šigut, will also appear.

    Full article in Czech>

  • Prague Regional Court, 12 October 2021: My closing speech for freedom of speech - abridged

    Havel SinaglFor the sake of overall understanding, let me recall the context and background that led to this absurd case:

    I am the most punished citizen journalist in the EU for disseminating truthful information. Punished for freedom of speech and the public's right to information about public figures who have reduced protection of their privacy by law. In a developed country, my case would never have happened.

    This truthful information was largely disseminated by the public media, especially the tabloid press, with hundreds of thousands of readers reading it. I have only commented on them and added new ones, when they have been read by an incomparably smaller number of readers, in the hundreds or thousands, on the website www.sinagl.cz 

  • The Czech Embassy in Vienna called in the Austrian police so that Šinágl would not "disturb" the speech of Minister Lipavský

    VDA Lipavsky dead line 7.11.2023VDA sal 7.11.2023"You cannot control a man going into battle. You can control machines. You can lead men going into battle. And leading does not mean kicking them in the ass to make them go before you, but convincing them to follow you."


    The famous British commander Bernard Law Montgomery


    I duly and on time (25.10.2023) logged on to the Vienna Diplomatic Academy website to participate in an interview with the Czech Foreign Minister on Geopolitical Challenges and the New Czech Security Strategy. Shortly after my arrival, two Austrian uniformed police officers arrived, legitimized me and asked me to leave the hall, as instructed by the organizer. They were correct, they could not do otherwise. I explained the background to them, which they accepted with understanding. They welcomed my card. In doing so, they unwittingly participated in the restriction of freedom of the press, speech and the public's right to information. The Austrian police were purposely abused by the staff of the Czech Embassy in Vienna.