Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Havel SinaglFor the sake of overall understanding, let me recall the context and background that led to this absurd case:

I am the most punished citizen journalist in the EU for disseminating truthful information. Punished for freedom of speech and the public's right to information about public figures who have reduced protection of their privacy by law. In a developed country, my case would never have happened.

This truthful information was largely disseminated by the public media, especially the tabloid press, with hundreds of thousands of readers reading it. I have only commented on them and added new ones, when they have been read by an incomparably smaller number of readers, in the hundreds or thousands, on the website www.sinagl.cz 

The MM agency has been filing lawsuits for years against everybody, when it usually fails. With its claims for non-pecuniary damages and threat to "reputation", it has rarely succeeded. The sums of money demanded from other individuals or legal entities are incomparably lower compared to those imposed on my person. I cannot defend myself in the media, unlike the plaintiffs who have access to the mass media and slander me. It has not been shown how my articles could have damaged Agur MM. 

I am now paying hundreds of thousands to "JUDr." Martin Michal, a convicted fraudster, rapist, liar, forger of public documents, who embezzled approx. 600.000.000,-Kč, is in execution of approx. 20.000.000,-Kč, which nobody solves. Creditors, including banks, do not ask bailiffs to recover the debt? His son, Antonín Michal, has been convicted of billions of euros in tax fraud in the fuel trade. I used my information to assist the Czech Police in their investigation. He hasn't gone to prison yet, but he and his family attend major sporting events in public. The Czech Prison Service has refused to give me information. What is the reason? In the case of the billionaire Roman Janoušek, who purposely avoided serving his sentence for health reasons, they provided me with all the details without any problems. The stepson of the singer Helena Vondráčková, famous from the totalitarian era and honoured by President Miloš Zeman, is also a taboo for the tabloid media. By the way, even the tabloid press no longer dares to write anything critical about Agora MM. Similarly, the public media are silent about my case, although they are all informed by me.

By the way, during the foreclosure of movable property, with a mortgaged house and millions of "debts", the bailiff was only interested in my computers worth only a few thousand crowns. As a result, I lost 30 years of data - texts, documents, photographs, sound recordings, videos, etc., concerning private and public persons. I can only speculate whether they were of interest to anyone and became the subject of a lucrative trade. Bailiff Mgr. Jan Beneš has fined me 6 times a maximum of 100.000,-CZK, basically for publishing his decision. Before the voluntary auction of my house, the amount due, with a large reserve, of 850.000,-CZK was paid. The bailiff's office did not acknowledge it, did not return the money, and 600.000,-Kč was received by the State. The Police of the Czech Republic, the Office for Personal Data Protection, the Czech Enforcement Chamber, the courts and the Ministry of Justice found everything in order.

I feel like I did in the 1950s, when there was only formal litigation without fulfilling the spirit of the law and seeking justice. By referring to the law, judges absolved themselves of personal responsibility for the judgments they handed down. I can now empathise well with the situation of innocent Czech Germans, whose movable and immovable property was confiscated en masse after the war, and later of Czech nobility, peasants and political prisoners. The only difference is that today I do not end up in prison, on the scaffold, but as a homeless person.

My father refused the offer of the State Security in the 1950s by saying: "Put my head on the chopping block." He was fired from his job for an hour and my mother was transferred to a menial job. I fulfill the legacy of my parents and my ancestors (my grandfather was an Italian Legionnaire) every day with my work, so that I don't have to be ashamed of my life.

I am also a Swiss citizen, so I know something about real democracy, the rule of real law and a real advanced civil society.

Service to one's country has never been paid for in blood. I continue to fight for democratic values and the preservation of the legacy of those who fought and died for them in the past - also in the name and memory of all the victims of the criminal communist ideology. Today's society still has to deal with its legacy.

It is not surprising when, in the case of Robert Tempel (currently the biggest scandal of the Czech justice system), the ECtHR in Strasbourg declared in its June 2020 judgment, "The Czech justice system is dysfunctional and violates domestic law at knife-point." I have often reported on his judgments as a sole journalist. The same is true of the current scandal about the threat to the security of the Schengen area, thanks to the trading and visa at the Czech embassy in Morocco.

I am liquidated as a modern-day "class enemy". It is no coincidence that I am also being tried in the court here by former members of the Communist Party of the Czechoslovakia, when the President of the Senate was an active member. The verdicts turn out accordingly.

No one addresses the proportionality of punishment when I am punished as if I were a billionaire, repeatedly and in principle on the same matter. The constitutionally guaranteed right to a fair trial has been demonstrably, repeatedly, flagrantly, violated. Not to mention a previous heart attack and two heart surgeries.

This whole senseless, purposeful destruction of my property is, in a sense, a tribute to me and an appreciation of the necessity of my work as a citizen journalist. I inform the public about serious cases and events that the public media do not have the courage to publish. I have been deprived of all my possessions by the publication of the truth. Even today, it has its price. Fortunately, it's no longer being burned for it... 

It's not just my house anymore, it's about the country we're going to live in, including our descendants. Free life and true democracy cannot exist without an independent media and an independent judiciary. Recently, a young judge said to me in a private conversation after a court hearing, "Yes, you are right - there is no justice in this country."

The purpose of my work and civic engagement is to make these words of the judge no longer true. The house has been auctioned off, which covers all the debts. Not to mention the fact that the price of the house and land will rise radically, so I was potentially deprived of millions of crowns. Of the auctioned amount of CZK 4,900,000 for the house I built with my parents, approximately CZK 1,500,000 was paid to the plaintiffs. The remaining 3.500.000,-Kč has not yet been sent to me...

Any immoral and dishonest behaviour would negate everything I have done in my life so far. I follow unwritten moral laws, which have always had priority in my life and will continue to have priority. Otherwise I would deny the purpose of all my work to date. There is no freedom without true freedom of speech, just as there is no freedom without an independent judiciary.

Legally, as a layman, I have lost my bearings on the matter. All "debts" have been paid.  I request that the remaining money from the auction be sent to my private account. 

I take the liberty of attaching this my closing statement to the court file. At the same time, I request that the order from today's hearing be sent to my inbox. I have no legal costs. Thank you.


Jan Šinágl v.r.


There are 860,000 people in foreclosure in the Czech Republic, including children. It is estimated that about 70% of them are in violation of the law. This is a "time bomb" made possible by "right wing" politicians, with bailiffs having more power than the courts and police combined. There are no moral requirements for bailiff positions and it is virtually impossible to sanction them effectively. 

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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