Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

"If bad people come together to form a force, good people must do the same. How simple."



"I have known Yana personally for 32 years, since her time in Thailand. Linguistically equipped, honest diplomat and very loyal to the Czech Republic. What they did to her is a PIGGERY."


Chaloupková Jana IIIPrelovsek DamjanDr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, specialist on the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.


Reaction to article on Aktuálně.cz. When she exposed visa fraud, she got fired

Yes, that's exactly right, but it wasn't that quick. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to work its way up to the firing, and in doing so it acted in violation of Government Regulation No. 145/2015, which prohibits punishing, disadvantaging or coercing a person who reports suspected wrongdoing in the service.

Although the relevant Whistleblower Protection Act No. 171/2023 has only been in force in the Czech Republic since last year, whistleblower protection has been an EU priority for a number of years (including EU Directive 2019/1937, which aims to protect those who report work-related misconduct). ...


I have written to several senior EU officials personally on the matter, both in the public interest and in the context of the forthcoming EP elections. Their reactions, if any, will be made public.

Full article in Czech>

Bata Filmy zlinskeho atelieru 1935 1948 aversFor today's investment terms it will seem incredible that the entire building in solid masonry, including part of the craft work and the adjacent semi-detached house for Poupera and Paták, were completed by mid-1936, i.e. in eight months from the start of excavation. READ where Bata was and where we are not even after 80 years. JŠ


IT'S TIME FOR BATA'S PUBLIC SERVICE - The Soviet General's Mental Breakdown

The taxpayer would pay about 800 times more than the "damage" caused - the robbery was arrested at the scene of the crime with the perpetrator - more HERE. A common offence, but probation does not apply the 10 000 CZK limit of the damage caused.

How many prisoners are working and paying off their debts? The daily cost per prisoner is CZK 1,800 (CZK 2,000,000 over 3 years). The Czech Republic produces the most expensive "chocolate" in the world, which is not threatened even by rapidly rising cocoa prices on world markets...

We have about 20 000 prisoners, if we multiply by 30 years we have a total cost of 400 billion crowns?! Is it any wonder that we have been "building" highways and railways for 30 years, while other countries have had them for a long time? JŠ

Full article in Czech>

Pod Majerovic leteckyQuote from SITUATION REPORT (28.3.2024). Prof. Ing. Nikolay Valentinovich Chagin, CSc. and JUDr. Václav Velkoborský, who took over the land by deceit, fraud, document forgery, criminal and terrorist activities. The courts have found in favour of the group of predators on the basis of other lawsuits and mainly on the basis of the registration of the land in the land registry. They want to convert the land into building land and sell it to developers for building construction at a profit of around CZK 200,000,000

Quote from the extended APPEAL (10.3.2024): the agreement on the termination of the contract dated 5.4.2001 is a documentary forgery, which, moreover, is not eligible for registration in the Land Registry. JŠ

Full article in Czech>

Petras Boris Zlicin 17.2.2023I learned too late, I couldn't get any more information...

How subtly he lived among us and served us every day, he passed away so unobtrusively. Today, in his place another powerful human story has taken its place. He also helped others (he made successful collections to help disabled people when he was hit and badly injured on the road). Unfortunately he, too, was struck down by adversity. I'll post his incredible current story when it when I can. In the meantime, "Šroubek" sends this greeting to those who know him by this nickname. Let's keep our fingers crossed for him in the next struggle and challenge of life! JŠ

Full Article in Czech>

Mazanek Jiri reditel NCOZ

Updated 8.4.2024: 



(from the wisdom of our grandmothers)


What a bunch of police chiefs we have, they can only blabber, according to the slogan "We won't let ordinary people ruin the police and everything criminal we do to people is for our pleasure".

Jana Domanská

Full Article in Czech>

JCDEUX Andel zastavky 3 2024JCDecaux is the exclusive operator of citylight advertising spaces on the city furniture in Prague. The surfaces are part of public transport stops, others are in the form of freestanding panels and columns. We also operate digital surfaces at the most prestigious addresses in the centre of Prague - https://www.jcdecaux.cz/mestsky-mobilar

I spoke to an employee who was removing anything that resembled JDEUX from bus and tram stops. He told me that the City Hall had not been able to remove any of the JDEUX products. Prague still does not have proper service contracts, the bus stops are not as clean, the glass is not cleaned, etc. Why continue a contract with a foreign company that everyone in Europe is happy with. The CEO of the company personally flew to Prague. He did not understand why the contract could not be renewed when everywhere in Europe the customers are satisfied. Let's divide the loot for ourselves and forget about the customers and the impression of Prague for tourists. It's bad, mother, you're running into thieves everywhere...

Full Article in Czech>




Bata Tomas a Jan


From the wisdom of our grandmothers


Updated 27.3.2024: Stanislav Vrbík: ON BATISM IN TIME:

... Perhaps the most open and eloquent admiration for the Batas as creators of a new type of human society was expressed in 1937 by a Soviet general, apparently from the secret services. (According to Jan Bata's later account. He did not remember the general's name). After a visit to Zlín, where he and Gen. Shaposhnikov in 1937, when he was invited to participate in the military manoeuvres of the Czechoslovak army, he was overwhelmed. He declared in a private conversation with Czechoslovak Gen. Luza that while in Russia they had shed streams of blood to exterminate the businessmen as pests of the country without achieving the goal of giving the people a happy life, in Zlin one of those cursed businessmen had achieved it to a degree that they in Russia could not even dream of. He is said to have slaughtered hundreds of businessmen with his own hands in the belief that he was doing the right thing. No, that's not possible, he added, digging his fingers into his face and on the verge of a mental breakdown. ... An excerpt of the essentials follows. JŠ


This exercise of morality has been going on since the beginning of the last century. Unfortunately, only in Zlín and there it was limited by occupation and destroyed by nationalisation. It was not enough for the communist government. They had to hang a lot of people and rename Zlín to complete the work of destruction.

But the true Eldorado of plunder could only come after the fall of communism. Capitalism came, infected with the virus of extra-corruption. "Fortune favoured the prepared" (probably thanks to the StB) and our society went from mud to puddle. There was corruption even under communism. Such a hundred-crown and bonanza. With the new capitalism, a kind of perverse inflation of bribes reached billions.

Even today we can ask in amazement with A. Cekota: "How can a state whose political parties have hung themselves on their necks continue to prosper"... and which, thanks to the "pragmatists" in their ranks, cannot resist corruption and the influence of the nouveau riche, who are then, of course, allowed to invent and sophisticate their thieving work.“

This is how it MOVED in the Czech TV Events on 24.3.2024. JŠ

Skala JosefSkala Josef smlouvyIn our country, however, it is different and freedom of speech also excludes the promotion of genocide, acts of violence or advocacy of Nazi and Communist crimes. The aktualne.cz website provides a justification of the sentence against Josef Skala. "This was a clear propaganda exhibition beyond the bounds of the law, which from beginning to end was aimed at only one thing: to convince the listener who will have the misfortune to turn on the programme that not much happened in Katyn, and if it did, it was all the fault of the Germans, because the Soviet Union did not commit any war crimes during the Second World War or any other war crimes. ...No one anywhere in the world would dare to do that if it were about the crimes of the Germans, Auschwitz, the Holocaust," emphasized Tomas Hübner, the judge of the District Court for Prague 7 who heard the case in the first instance, adding that he believes the misconception persists that communist and Nazi crimes are not on the same level. "This is not true, the law knows absolutely no such distinction."

Correct, red and black totalitarianism should be treated equally. They are both comparably criminal and have been involved in the destruction of entire populations. The Holocaust has been proven beyond doubt and the culprits for the mass murder of millions of Jews are the German Nazis. Similarly, the guilt of the Soviet Communists in the murder of Polish officers at Katyn is indisputably proven. Of course, one cannot compare the number of dead, but denial of the historical truth deserves to be punished in both cases. Indeed, it could lead to a repetition of earlier horrors in the future. And if these three do not stop their lying and genocide denial, then I hope they end up behind bars. It is possible to lodge a constitutional complaint with the Constitutional Court against the Supreme Court's verdict, but in my opinion that would be absolutely irrelevant in this case.

Full article in Czech>