Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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The MFA Czech Republic

  • The MFA of the Czech Republic is a moral cesspool, suicidally corrupted ...

    Ne pane ministre avers 2023Ne pane ministre revers 2023On 31.10.2023, I attended the launch of the book "NO, Mister Minister" by the long-time diplomat Ondrej Kashina in the café Božská hlavice in Prague. It was packed. I can only recommend the audio recordingof the whole event - it's hard for words to penetrate the (in)dependent media. The discussion was also attended by František Koukolík (Czech neuropathologist, columnist and recipient of the Knight of the Czech Medical State award) and Jiří Balvín, former Director General of CT. The book is a novel with changed names. It was clear to those present what it was about. I have made several interventions in the debate and raised other important issues. The book also writes in detail about corrupt visa deals in Vietnam. Similarly, visas for the Schengen area were traded in Morocco.

    Bozska lahvice panel I 31.10.2023Bozska lahvice verejnost 31.10.2023

    I also contacted the Director of the MFA Department, who was asked to help me get a carg after the sudden recall of the Consul from Morocco, Dr. Jana Chaloupkova. It had been blocked for 10 months in Morocco by Ambassador V. Lorenc. She could have approached the Moroccan Embassy in Prague to help with the transport without the need for help from the Czech Embassy, which did not want to communicate with the carrier. The director acknowledged that it was an incredibly long time, but then she inquired somewhere and everything was different. The reason why the MFA could not help was supposed to be the proximity of Lorence and President Zeman.

  • XI. PART XI Marocco Gate: Whistleblower Protection in the Czech Republic: When she exposed criminal visa dealing at the MFA, she was removed. Others are being promoted for their crimes

    "If bad people come together to form a force, good people must do the same. How simple."



    "I have known Yana personally for 32 years, since her time in Thailand. Linguistically equipped, honest diplomat and very loyal to the Czech Republic. What they did to her is a PIGGERY."


    Chaloupková Jana IIIPrelovsek DamjanDr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, specialist on the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.


    Reaction to article on Aktuálně.cz. When she exposed visa fraud, she got fired

    Yes, that's exactly right, but it wasn't that quick. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had to work its way up to the firing, and in doing so it acted in violation of Government Regulation No. 145/2015, which prohibits punishing, disadvantaging or coercing a person who reports suspected wrongdoing in the service.

    Although the relevant Whistleblower Protection Act No. 171/2023 has only been in force in the Czech Republic since last year, whistleblower protection has been an EU priority for a number of years (including EU Directive 2019/1937, which aims to protect those who report work-related misconduct)....


    I have written to several senior EU officials personally on the matter, both in the public interest and in the context of the forthcoming EP elections. Their reactions, if any, will be made public.

    Full article in Czech>