Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Capka Vaclav VS OlomoucBochnakova Jana JUDr... Two members of the judicial guard stood outside the entrance to courtroom 207 and refused to allow independent journalist Jan Šinágl and KTV Live representative Ivan Smetana into the courtroom, both of whom have been following the case of Mr Jan Karas for a long time. The argument of the judicial guards present, with regard to not being allowed into the courtroom, was that they should write to the president of the court. ...

The whole SUBJECT of the Solomon Society (23.1.2024). RESPONSE by JUDr. Václav Čapek, President of the High Court in Olomouc (13.2.2024).

A clearer submission could not have been made. The President of the Court did not understand at all that the merits of the case are not the prohibition of making an audio recording, but the non-admission to the courtroom on the assumption that something might happen? Thus, it cannot impose a fine of up to CZK 50,000 for anything. Nevertheless, there is "progress by one step". Under totalitarianism, one was sent to prison for "presumption of criminality". I have not yet received a reply to my SUBMISSION on the matter (29.1.2024) to the hands of the Minister of Justice, JUDr. Pavel Blažek. This is an attack on the media, journalists, freedom of speech, the press and the public's right to information, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Czech Republic!


OS Ostrava 23.1.2024: Judicial injustice against the innocent, the public and journalists


"God gave us the tongue to cover the thought. It depends on whether we have one. If we have none, or if we have quite another, it doesn't matter. God gave us a tongue." Anonymous


Prof. František Koukolík tells us in an understandable way how sheepish we are and how blatheringis worse than lying. The author agrees with Josef Fousek who says: "If you want to rule (govern) someone, you have to reach out to the stupid, the comfortable, the indulgent, the lazy, the lazy to read and remember - there are more of them!" Such are easy to manipulate and exploit. That's why what happens in our country happens. It all starts with upbringing, education and personal example. JŠ


Ralph Keyes in his book on the post-truth era, the dishonesty of deception in contemporary life has pointed out the blurring of the lines between truth and lies. He speaks of the hyped-up truth, the untruth, the soft truth, the easy truth, the ambiguous statements that are not the truth but not yet a full lie. Deception has become a way of life. D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States said, "An intellectual is a man who makes up more words than are necessary to convey more than he knows."

Robert Schiller, Nobel Laureate in Economics (2013), "One cannot afford too much morality or one will be swept away by the ruthless force of capitalism... Only those who are willing to cheat can survive... Cheaters are not immoral per se, they are merely reacting to reality as it is... They need above all to make a profit, and they face great competition... If someone cheats others, you have to do it too... Capitalism encourages fraud if you don't regulate it."

Scientific fraud is common, some with disastrous consequences. Blabbing in science is common.

EU totalitaUpdated 17.2.2024: Ansichten von Hans-Georg Maaßen, ehemaliger Präsident des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz, Rechtsanwalt und Vorsitzender der WerteUnion

Updated 14.2.2024: 


Europe is in a very bad state, the debt is enormously high. In this case, to use the words of Thomas Schäfer, the CEO of Volkswagen, „Europe has become lazy and stupid.“

Tomas Bata: "We do not want money, we do not want subsidies, we do not ask for donations from the government!"


The text of the interview is an edited version of a live interview and therefore may not fully reflect Mr. Bat'a's statements in the full context of the ideas that were expressed. The FULL VERSION of the interview is presented in the podcast session. 


From an interview with entrepreneur Ivan Batka: Bata will be missed in times that won't be easy - Czechs have a tendency to celebrate those who have gone, instead of those who are with us, they can teach us something and move us forward. Listen to them more during their lifetime than after their death - Most of our economists and their claims are wrong - "3Ps": Understand - Adapt - Seize the opportunity - Europe as a whole is sick.

There has been a transformation of society, the world economy and the world order

Germany is an exporter, the engine of Europe, if this engine stalls, what place will we have in it? How will we and our companies react to these changes? - Who is a mere supplier will crash - Let us look for answers in the perfect nature: "No tree grows to the sky!". One day we need to start planting new trees. Every civilization has been made up of cheap inputs of production. If resources are exhausted, civilization ceases to exist. European civilization is exhausting itself in its way of thinking and existing. Logically, Europe itself will disappear and its position will change. This must be seen positively - the 'trees' are going and new ones must be planted. Either to replenish the existing ones or to plant completely new ones. In every end there is a beginning, in every beginning there is something new.

Vit Zebrak 10.2.2024Ordinace doktoraOn February 10, I attended a talk in Žebrák with Mr. Václav Vít, Ph.D., known for his appearances on television and radio and his talks with citizens all over the country about holistic medicine. For 33 years he has been helping to return people to health without doctors and hospitals. For the sake of your own health, I recommend listening to the entire LECTURE! You will learn, among other things, why bananas are dangerous, why the composer Karel Svoboda died needlessly, why mothers used to make yeast spreads for their children, how microwaves promote radiation sickness, how antibiotics lower immunity, dangerous types of childhood vaccinations, senseless organ removal just because it is financially lucrative, etc. Those in charge know the dangers and risks, but argue, "If I don't do it, there will be another for a lucrative salary."

Treatment is needed to keep a person alive, not to prolong inhumane dying by keeping them alive, where the sick person just exists, is an unwitting "production tool" and is forced into a life that is nothing but suffering for them and their loved ones. Billions are then missing in other places where they are really needed. JŠ

MigrantiThey calculate our carbon footprint, ban plastic bags, force us to sort waste, intervene in all spheres of life, energy, agriculture, they even say it is impossible for Czechs to fly by plane on holiday...

And we give in. Why not? Some of these things are quite reasonable. For example, the waste sorting. Or limiting the use of plastic bags and going back to cloth ones. Others are not reasonable and are more like ideological flip-flops or good business. But generally speaking, we Europeans are sensible people and we like to look after the environment in which we live. And although we damaged it quite a lot in the initial industrial boom, we saw the consequences in time and we have restrained ourselves.

Strangely enough, our elites do not address their demand for a sustainable way of life to those who demonstrably do not live it at all. Let's get a few facts straight:

Sinagl VictoryLN Sinagl Caslavska Kubisova 2012

Updated: Today's interrogation at the Beroun Police Station lasted 3 hours (damage to creditor and slander). I am not allowed to disclose more. I am attaching what the law and freedom of speech allows me to say: Criminal complaint of Mgr. Miroslav Stiebal dated 8 April 2003 against "JUDr." Martin Michal: PART I - PART II. I quote from the conclusion: "As a citizen of the Czech Republic, I am forced to state that I am very sorry that the universally accepted principles of the moral and ethical code of citizens are not part of the Criminal Code."


I published the article below on July 16, 2012, and its contents still apply today. The criminal complaint against Šinágl was filed by former Federal Assembly deputy Bohuslav Hubálek, singer Helena Vondráčková and her husband Martin Michal. Today I have been summoned to the Beroun Police Station for questioning in connection with another criminal complaint filed by Mgr. Jana Gavlasova, attorney at law of the MM Agency.


The activist does not deny genocide, only the official interpretation of history. That is his "crime". Every liberal should rebel against the prosecution of Jan Šinágl. But there is another way to put it. If this activist is prosecuted, a controversy will erupt that could shed light on many things. We shall see. .. Let's say right now that it's not just about Šinágl. In fact, it's about general freedom of speech, opinion and interpretation of historical events. It is about the freedom to interpret or criticize today's attitudes towards the events of the 1940s. And that already applies to anyone who comments on the subject.

Havel SinaglCecna Sinagl HavelJan Šinágl is a man who breaks out of the norm here. He is one of those people who are described by the majority as at best opinionated and at worst assholes. And those who openly defend him are labeled crazy. Yes, Jan Šinágl interprets the facts in a rather extreme way. But is that a crime? If we look at his articles that founded the lawsuit, there is no denial of Nazi crimes in them. He doesn't deny them, he just puts them in a very specific context....

So let us now repeat: interpreting the facts - however much we dislike them - is not denial. When Šinágl writes that the communist regime in the 1950s was worse than the Nazi government before the assassination of Heydrich, that is his interpretation and he is entitled to it. He is not denying the crimes of the Browns or the Reds, he is merely putting them in an unusual order. ...

Oxid chloricityTV NOVA 31.1.2024 main news 7:38 p.m.: Health Minister Vlastimil Válek: "My opinion is different from that of the world health organisation." When it came to the vaccination against covid, he fully agreed with the WHO's positions, opinions and recommendations. JŠ


The medical system, including the Czech Medical Chamber and the WHO, has consistently denigrated, ridiculed and refused to recognise for wider use a medical method that has been proven to work even in severe coronavirus infections - the use of chlorine dioxide. This drug is essentially 100% effective and has proven (by medical studies) safety. In addition, it is gradually being introduced in many Latin American countries, has state support in both houses of parliament in Bolivia, has already been accepted for use by the regional government of the Mexican state of Campeche, is used by more than 3 500 doctors and has already saved tens of thousands of lives. Its only drawbacks are that it is extremely cheap, so that pharmaceutical companies cannot make a profit from it, and that it successfully treats. Which means that groups that want to use the coronavirus epidemic to gain political advantage, restrict civil rights and force vaccination programmes are actively trying to keep this drug out of the public eye.

The medical system is thus guilty not only of deliberately obstructing lives, but also of huge economic losses for states, financial bankruptcies for individuals, the threat of widespread vaccination with a potentially very dangerous vaccine and, last but not least, the misuse of the coronavirus epidemic to restrict personal freedoms.

This text is a public, social lawsuit that each of you has the right to judge on the basis of facts that you can verify.

The entire lawsuit in Czech>

Chinese criminal organizations operating in the Greater Mekong Region have launched a new business in a big way during the covid: online investment scams based on the slave labor of hundreds of thousands of human "bots." Read more HERE.


"When people's religious freedom is taken away, political freedom soon follows."


Cina nemocniceOn January 31, Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson highlighted concerns about forced organ harvesting perpetrated by the Chinese Communist Party on religious citizens, calling the regime one of the "most repressive in the world" for its human rights abuses.

"Tibetan Buddhists and Falun Gong practitioners are being placed in forced labour camps and have their organs harvested by the Chinese Communist Party," Johnson said during a speech at the International Religious Freedom Summit in Washington. Read more HERE.

Original article in Czech>


Nobel Peace Prize-nominated lawyer, co-author of the Bloody Harvest investigative report and human rights expert arrives in Prague

Prelovsek DamjanBahaddou Ahmed

Updated 19.2.2024: I spoke to the President of the EP, Roberta Metsola - No energy crisis! In fact, the prime minister's lie and speculation on the stock market - the government should relocate to the prison in Pankrác


Dr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, specialized in the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.


I wanted to encourage an objective investigation so that fraudsters are not covered up and innocent people are not destroyed. The editors contacted Ahmed Bahaddou and asked about his activities at the Czech embassy in Rabat together with Viktor Lorenc, specifically whether he was a middleman in suspicious applications for Schengen visas. Bahaddou denied this: "I did not broker any visas. I accompany the Czech embassy on certain occasions. I was present at the creation of some contracts between companies and accompanied the official visit of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš to Morocco on 4 December 2018. I worked first with Ambassador Fronkova, then with Viktor."

Of course, he didn't fly in the Prime Minister's special so as not to be too conspicuous. It was A. Bahaddou who took care of him in Morocco. And as he himself states, he arranged cars and drivers for him and other top representatives of Czech companies, invited them to dinners and paid for everything in Morocco out of his own pocket. Of course, he couldn't do this forever and he couldn't pay for everything. So he had to get some kind of counterpart.

However, Bahaddou later stated that he was the initiator of the idea of this air connection and he arranged it. This would also explain his presence on the first flight.  A. Bahaddou's statement in French to Air Arabia on the audio recording:

But somehow the strange visa activities don't fit in with all this

Babis Air Arabia 1.4.2029If someone is arranging business for Czech companies, arranging air connections, arranging meetings for the Prime Minister with wealthy Moroccan businessmen, then surely he or she is receiving appropriate financial remuneration for these activities. At most, he could recommend some local VIPs such as politicians, businessmen and partners of Czech companies for Schengen visas, who would deserve, for example, priority acceptance of visa applications, waiver of the application fee, a visa for multiple entries, as they often travel to the Czech Republic and elsewhere. These exemptions are duly allowed by the Schengen regulations, they are in order, normal and, on the contrary, for some people they are an expression of quality diplomacy, respect for the partner and can be described as part of economic diplomacy. Such correct exceptions are common practice in all Schengen Member States. Not, however, visas for suspicious persons who then travel elsewhere and for other purposes.

Full article in Czech>

Masopust 1Masopust 2

Photos from Winter Wonderland Prague - Letňany. JŠ


The slow departure of winter and the onset of warmer spring days heralds the traditional Mardi Gras revelry bidding farewell to the cold with exuberant merriment. The so-called Fashank is celebrated between the Lenten season of Christmas and Easter and this year falls between 7 January (after Three Kings) and 13 February. But carnival fun varies from place to place, in some places lasting just one day, in others for weeks. Organisers also often coordinate so that spectators can see multiple parades in one year and enjoy the fun. It is also an opportunity to visit neighbours near and far and learn about their culture.

Masopust 3Masopust 4The Old Bohemian Carnival in Hlinsko was inscribed on the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List in 2010. It is held in the open-air museum of the Vroubenek on Veselý Hill and nearby villages. After the ceremonial permission to go round, the procession of masks goes from building to building and plays and dances for the owners of the houses to bring them luck, abundance, good harvest and fertility. Merry songs are played, but if someone has died in the building, they are replaced by tunes of mourning to honour the deceased. The hosts then treat the musicians with typical sweets such as doughnuts and alcohol to warm them up. Refreshments are also offered to visitors who come with the procession. The masks like to play pranks on them - they paint black lines of soot on their faces, throw the boys into the white snow and take the pretty girls for a spin. You'll find a chimney sweep, a chimney sweep, a Turk, a grasshopper, a laufro and straw scarecrows. Then in the afternoon, during the closing ceremony, they recite the carnival testament, enumerating the sins of the grasshopper mask. She is then slaughtered and the procession ends with the frolicsome dance of the masks - a symbol of the removal of all evil and the arrival of a new pure time.

Full article in Czech>