Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


  • 26.06.2024 08:18
    Tragikomedie justice, kdy oceněné reportérky u soudu letos ...


  • 23.06.2024 15:13
    Dotaz na soudkyni Bochňákovou: Jelikož vim, že čte tyto články ...


  • 21.06.2024 17:45
    Česká společnost Dvakrát zažila totalitu. Šest let nacistickou ...


  • 21.06.2024 11:13
    Od dob působení Otakara Motejla se mnoho na tomto úřadu změnilo ...


  • 18.06.2024 10:48
    Nejlepší policie na světě? Aktuálně je v médiích, že Karlova ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Freedom of speech

  • 2012: „Let Šinágl write“ - also in 2024

    Sinagl VictoryLN Sinagl Caslavska Kubisova 2012

    Updated: Today's interrogation at the Beroun Police Station lasted 3 hours (damage to creditor and slander). I am not allowed to disclose more. I am attaching what the law and freedom of speech allows me to say: Criminal complaint of Mgr. Miroslav Stiebaldated 8 April 2003against "JUDr." Martin Michal: PART I - PART II. I quote from the conclusion: "As a citizen of the Czech Republic, I am forced to state that I am very sorry that the universally accepted principles of the moral and ethical code of citizens are not part of the Criminal Code."


    I published the article below on July 16, 2012, and its contents still apply today. The criminal complaint against Šinágl was filed by former Federal Assembly deputy Bohuslav Hubálek, singer Helena Vondráčková and her husband Martin Michal. Today I have been summoned to the Beroun Police Station for questioning in connection with another criminal complaint filed by Mgr. Jana Gavlasova, attorney at law of the MM Agency.


    The activist does not deny genocide, only the official interpretation of history. That is his "crime". Every liberal should rebel against the prosecution of Jan Šinágl. But there is another way to put it. If this activist is prosecuted, a controversy will erupt that could shed light on many things. We shall see. .. Let's say right now that it's not just about Šinágl. In fact, it's about general freedom of speech, opinion and interpretation of historical events. It is about the freedom to interpret or criticize today's attitudes towards the events of the 1940s. And that already applies to anyone who comments on the subject.

    Havel SinaglCecna Sinagl HavelJan Šinágl is a man who breaks out of the norm here. He is one of those people who are described by the majority as at best opinionated and at worst assholes. And those who openly defend him are labeled crazy. Yes, Jan Šinágl interprets the facts in a rather extreme way. But is that a crime? If we look at his articles that founded the lawsuit, there is no denial of Nazi crimes in them. He doesn't deny them, he just puts them in a very specific context....

    So let us now repeat: interpreting the facts - however much we dislike them - is not denial. When Šinágl writes that the communist regime in the 1950s was worse than the Nazi government before the assassination of Heydrich, that is his interpretation and he is entitled to it. He is not denying the crimes of the Browns or the Reds, he is merely putting them in an unusual order....

  • Czech Republic 2021: My house auctioned for 4,900,000 CZK - for freedom of speech!

    On June 9, 2021, my house was auctioned off. After my urgency, the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic, the day before the auction, on June 8, 2021, decided on my Appeal of April 27, 2021 - rejected. He did not deal with the essence of the Appeal at all. He ruled against the spirit of the law to my detriment. Demonstration of the "equality" of all citizens before the law!

    I can get much better at the situation of Czech Germans, who also did nothing and their property was confiscated, which they built up with honest work. Then, as today, everything is according to the law, they just don't kill themselves today, they don't torture themselves - they just quietly liquidate themselves uncomfortable by making it impossible for them to work. References to laws do not relieve judges of personal responsibility for wrongdoing.

    Sadly, formal law enforcement helps far more crime than decent citizens. Fulfilling the spirit of the law and seeking justice thus remains a fata morgana. The question is how long will citizens still enjoy this for their money and how long can such a flagrant abuse of the country's law and justice still afford ?!

  • I paid two million crowns for the crime of "slander"...

    It must be stressed in this context that the crime of defamation has a basis in civil law. The means of criminal law are available in the case of defamation where the limits of civil law are not. Criminal law must act only as a last resort for the most serious cases, as the Constitutional Court stated, for example, in II Constitutional Court 474/19, i.e. as ultima racio.

    The offence of defamation under Section 184(1) of the Criminal Code is committed by a person who makes a false statement about another that is capable of significantly jeopardising his or her esteem among his or her fellow citizens, in particular by damaging his or her employment, disrupting his or her family relations or causing him or her other serious harm.

    In order to be false, the information must be of a nature that can be objectively verified as true or false, i.e. consistent or inconsistent with the facts. The information communicated by the defendant is objectively verifiable.

  • Launch of Nadine Strossen's book Hate, which criticizes the restriction of freedom of speech by the discriminated

    Anezka H21 E citat 21.10.2021Anezka verejnost 21.10.2021The book launch took place at the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia on 21 October 2021 at 6:00 pm under the auspices of the Karel Janeček Foundation against Corruption. On the YT-invitation, Nadine Strossen put it precisely: "The book deals with the large-scale problem of systematic racism and other forms of discrimination. I agree with that...and that's why I totally reject the solution that's being touted, that we're going to give that discriminatory system and those discriminatory people the power to make decisions based on their values and based on the values of the majority, and which views are going to be silenced."

    I didn't see a representative of the public media? You can watch the entire book launch with input from Nadine Strossen from the US at this link (start from 27,45 min.). Unfortunately, due to traffic, I had to leave after her input was over. So I was unable to attend the discussion with the author of the book. Unfortunately, she is no longer part of the video recording. J.Š.


    Hercegova JanaLelek Jan

    Updated 20.2.2022: I recommend the interview with detective Karel Tichy (CT 24, 19.2). The links between the judiciary, police, politicians and criminals still work today, as they did in the 1990s. I talked to Mr. Tichy at one of the PŘÍSAHA meetings before the parliamentary elections in Prague. A trustworthy man and human being. J.Š.


    Today and every day we can read about powerful politicians, businessmen or lobbyists. The average person would say that this gives them a pretty good picture of who decides what happens in this country. Who is pulling the strings. But this is a bit of a media illusion, a mirage, a delusion. Even the most powerful lobbyist, businessman, politician or even judge is really the one who is placed on the imaginary Olympus. And the highest is the prosecutor. Yes, that simple, unassuming public servant with the black robe with the red, blood stripe. The Attorney General. Comrade prosecutor. For this officer of the state wields power so great, but above all so unchecked and unbridled, that no one else in this country can match him. He can order the prosecution of an innocent person and no one can stop him. He can stop the prosecution of his acquaintance and again get away with it. If a comrade prosecutor wants to, no one can stop him.

  • The second attempt to seize Shinagl's computers failed - thanks to the help of the Czech Police !

    Zebrak exekutori a PCR 5.10.2023On 5.10.2023 I was fortunately at home. Two bailiffs and a locksmith came to recover another 210 000 CZK, which I had no idea about. I immediately called the Police to assist in the execution of the "law".  

    This time everyone had a video camera (the last time they had one for three people, when my personal belongings were lost, the bailiffs were moving around the house separately, in my absence, the bailiff is not obliged to call the owner that his house is being forcibly entered, a quick financial compensation by the bailiff to the owner can be doubted). I insisted that the whole group be together at all times (the locksmith stayed on the street - he was the same as the first movable foreclosure - didn't want to be photographed, same for the main bailiff). I reminded them that they were participating in an official execution and thus certainly had nothing to be ashamed of. Thanks to the presence and professional attitude of two young police officers, the tense atmosphere gradually faded. The performers gradually lowered their "vigour", including me. I had the impression at the end that they were glad to be done with it.

  • YouTube channel of Jan Šinágl ended...

    Tenpa Iarphel Jan SinaglCecna Sinagl Havel"The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level of thinking that created them."

    Albert Einsten


    After twelve years of public service, "Comrade Computer" decided to remove me. The formal application of law, reigns supreme even at Google. The decision was "made" and sent in minutes... Hundreds of my videos have irretrievably disappeared - the bailiff Mgr. Jan Beneš from Prague, in violation of the law, confiscated not only my computers, but also a backup disk containing 30 years of my work...

    Basically, this is the result of many complaints about videos posted by me, where the public's right to information about public affairs and public persons was literally "trampled into the ground." The fight for freedom of speech and the public's right to information will continue. In war, sometimes battles are lost, but in the ongoing war for free speech, common sense and good morals, we will win! There is no other way if human life is to have meaning and "advanced" civilization has any hope of surviving the current unnaturalness of thought, behavior and action. A life built only on mindless material existence is no life at all if it is not built on moral values. We must each do our part - for our own sake and for the sake of future generations.

    A very hopeful Christmas and a happy New Year to all people of good will and who have not yet abandoned common sense.


    Jan Šinágl, 6.12.2022