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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Hercegova JanaLelek Jan

Updated 20.2.2022: I recommend the interview with detective Karel Tichy (CT 24, 19.2). The links between the judiciary, police, politicians and criminals still work today, as they did in the 1990s. I talked to Mr. Tichy at one of the PŘÍSAHA meetings before the parliamentary elections in Prague. A trustworthy man and human being. J.Š.


Today and every day we can read about powerful politicians, businessmen or lobbyists. The average person would say that this gives them a pretty good picture of who decides what happens in this country. Who is pulling the strings. But this is a bit of a media illusion, a mirage, a delusion. Even the most powerful lobbyist, businessman, politician or even judge is really the one who is placed on the imaginary Olympus. And the highest is the prosecutor. Yes, that simple, unassuming public servant with the black robe with the red, blood stripe. The Attorney General. Comrade prosecutor. For this officer of the state wields power so great, but above all so unchecked and unbridled, that no one else in this country can match him. He can order the prosecution of an innocent person and no one can stop him. He can stop the prosecution of his acquaintance and again get away with it. If a comrade prosecutor wants to, no one can stop him.

Prague. According to Article 13 of the Constitution of the Czech Republic, Prague is the capital of our country.

The centre of all events, the economic, social and spiritual centre of our country. And the most powerful prosecutor in Prague is the head of the Prague City Prosecutor's Office. The City Prosecutor's Office in Prague has power over all ten subordinate prosecutors' offices. But if only that, the Municipal Prosecutor's Office in Prague decides on the biggest and most important cases in our country, because most of the offices are located in Prague, the biggest business is done there and the most important cases are solved there.

The head of the Municipal Prosecutor's Office in Prague for many years was JUDr. Jana Hercegová.

JUDr. Hercegová thus had oversight, but above all power over everything that was happening in Prague, and therefore in this whole country. Her tenure was thus accompanied by many controversies, with many suspicions that JUDr. Hercegová was influencing major, large, important cases in favour of related persons. Today, she is no longer the boss. Today, she is just an ordinary prosecutor of the Municipal Prosecutor's Office in Prague. But she has obviously retained her power and ties to this day.

The Municipal Prosecutor's Office in Prague deals with, among other things, the most serious and complex economic cases.

One would therefore say that JUDr. Hercegová must have been a top expert in this field when she headed this prosecutor's office. Unfortunately, this is not the case. JUDr. Herzog does not hesitate to put down on paper her allegations, which would make many a law or economics student laugh and drive to despair people who realise that this is the lady who had to fight sophisticated criminal activity and still does.

For example, JUDr. Herzog said that when someone steals your shares, the amount of damages is calculated on the face value of the shares, not the market price. Nominal or par value is the value of the stock that is printed on the share. It is the initial value. For example, one thousand Czech crowns. If the company is doing well, if its business is profitable, the share is worth, for example, ten thousand Czech crowns on the stock exchange a few years after its issue. And if you bought, say, 100 of these shares at the beginning, you are now quite rich. You bought 100 shares at a thousand each, so you paid CZK 100,000 for them. But now those 100 shares have a market price of 100*10,000, so they are already worth CZK 1,000,000. If someone stole those shares from you, you would lose the million, because they would now buy them from you on the stock exchange for that amount. But Judge Herzog would say a clear "NO!" The damage that was done to you is still the original 100,000 CZK. Strange, don't you think? Yes, it's strange, but that's how the (all)powerful JUDGE Herzog thinks.


JUDr. Hercegová clearly does not have a background in economics.

She clearly does not understand economic issues. One would say so be it, she is a lawyer, not an economist, so it doesn't matter. But it does matter a lot, because she can hardly prosecute sophisticated economic crime who has no idea about economics. Plus, if it's just about economics. Judge Herzog doesn't understand much about the law either.

If you complain about a decision of the chief prosecutor, your complaint will be handled by a superior prosecutor.

And prosecutors are like the military. Complaints against the head, even the head of a subordinate prosecutor's office, cannot be decided by a rank-and-file prosecutor, even a rank-and-file prosecutor of a superior prosecutor's office. No. Complaints against the boss must again be decided by the boss, and by a superior prosecutor. JUDr Herzog didn't worry about that either. Isn't that illegal? That it's not allowed? Unfortunately, nobody cares, because JUDr. Hercegová is the (former) powerful head of the Municipal Prosecutor's Office in Prague.  

And as a good prosecutor, JUDr. Hercegová will never sink another prosecutor.

When you file a very well-founded criminal complaint against a prosecutor, JUDr. Hercegová writes that it is just your opinion and completely wipes the matter off the table.

So prosecutors really are all-powerful. There is no force in this country that can break their (evil) will. Even judges, who are a symbol of power and strength for many, do not have such power and impunity as prosecutors. When a normal person cuts taxes, he ends up broke and in jail. When a prosecutor is suspected of tax evasion, she is, of course, acquitted. How many stories do you know of convicted prosecutors? How many prosecutors have been brought to trial and fairly convicted for their actions?

Prosecutors should experience their methods of tyrannizing the lives of decent people so they can get their feet back on the ground from that aforementioned Olympus.

The new law on public prosecutors should not only set clear boundaries for prosecutors, but above all should provide for effective and tough independent control. Control that will ensure that prosecutors understand that they are, above all, simple officials paid by all of us to protect honest and decent people from wrongdoing. They are not paid to turn a blind eye to mischief or even to actively commit it themselves.

The current "head" of the Municipal Prosecutor's Office in Prague, Mgr. Martin Erazim I have known for years. I regularly cycle past his house in Hředly, where he lives with his friend. During one of my visits, I asked him when the Ministry of Justice would respond to my suggestions. His answer: "You know, Mr Šinágl."  

The bailiff Mgr. Jan Beneš has just blocked my bank account again. He charged 193.000,-CZK and imposed the seventh fine of 100.000,-CZK. My house was auctioned off.

The renowned newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung asked me, as a journalist and political analyst, to comment on the 10th anniversary of the death of President Václav Havel. The article was published on 18.12.2021. 

Freedom of speech and the public's right to information come at a price. They must never be given up! 



Jan Šinágl, 19.2.2022



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