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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Lelek JanIustitia kresbaIt has been more than thirty years since working class rule ended in this country. Another would say rather the reign of the working class rabble, murderers and thieves. A government of the people that did not shy away from (re)stealing from the able, the hard-working and the successful, or punishing those who disagreed. But the Bolsheviks have not only not disappeared from the streets of our cities and public functions to this day, they have above all remained in the heads and minds of people who have not even experienced the dictatorship of the proletariat (properly) themselves.

Iustitia was the Roman goddess of justice. She was supposed to protect the good from the bad. In the same way, today in our time, the police, prosecutors and courts should protect honest and decent people from crooks and scoundrels. But today, as in ancient Rome, it is not about gods, but about people. And so it happens more than once today that not only does the justice system fail to protect honest people, but those who should protect good people from criminals sometimes become criminals themselves.

Prague is the capital and centre of our country. The centre of Prague is therefore the centre of our country. It is the place where the most important public and state authorities such as the Parliament, the government and the ministries are located. And the District Prosecutor's Office for Prague 1 oversees it all.

The head of this prosecutor's office is Mgr. Bc. Jan Lelek. Mgr. Lelek is a boy from the foothills of the Giant Mountains. Even as an elementary school student, he was diligent and hardworking. He always wanted to study law, but apparently failed the entrance exam. Therefore, he transferred to the Police Academy in Prague, which was a fateful decision. Not only did he thus gain contacts and lifelong acquaintances among the police, but above all, he got to the coveted law school at Charles University, from which he finally graduated in 2005.

Well, he did. For a long time, his thesis was more secret than the number of fields of the former Minister of Health and Director of the Royal Vinohrady University Hospital. It wasn't until 2021 that this thesis was pointed out and it suddenly emerged from the university archives, even though it didn't even have a library signature. And not only did it emerge from the depths of the archives, but it was on paper so perfectly white that one would say it was printed not 15 years ago, but yesterday. Nor did this mysterious thesis bear a date of composition. Similarly, there were acknowledgements to persons, including a statement of the positions they had entered after the writing of this thesis.

The whole thing was somehow strange, but the Faculty of Law of the famous Charles University stubbornly refuses to provide any further information, as if Mgr. Bc. Lelek is an exceptional student. Exceptional but not (only) for his cleverness.

After graduating from the old university, Mgr. Bc. Lelek, according to his official CV, threw himself into advocacy.

Well, he threw himself into advocacy. Once again, there is no tangible record of his time at the Bar. If you ask the Bar Association about Mr. Lelek's activities, the answer will be a stubborn silence, similar to that of the law faculty. When you search for Mr. Lelko in the historical list of trainees, again you will not find a single mention of his ever having been a law clerk. All the others were listed, but not Mr. Lelek. But Mr. Lelek insists that he was not only registered as a trainee but even actively performed the work of a trainee. The fact that there are no records of this available does not matter.

However, he never became a lawyer.

He never even got to sit for the bar exams because in 2007 he apparently concluded that advocacy was not for him and returned to what was close to his heart, namely the police and the prosecution. So he started to work as a law clerk. He finally had clarity in his life and began to prepare for a lifetime career as a prosecutor. In order not to have to work for the meagre salary of a law clerk for the three compulsory years, he had his experience as a trainee recognised. But he was not even registered as a trainee. So how could he get credit for a clerkship he may never have had?

These questions did not bother any official of the prosecutor's office or the Ministry of Justice. Why would they?

Honzik Lelek is a diligent and hard-working student who always did what he was told.  And because he got on so well with powerful people, these men began to persecute Mr. Lelek so much that he became the chief prosecutor in the centre of Prague.  The boss of the bosses at the very centre of everything.

But the magistrate has also improved. From a simple boy from a village in the foothills, he became a man of influence and power. He bought a nice house just outside Prague and a nice new silver car. All in all, he was doing well. Not to mention the fact that his salary to date is approximately 130,000,- CZK from all of our money. That's how much money the magistrate takes to punish the bad guys and protect us honest ones from the bad ones. But that's not always what the magistrate does.

The magistrate has the great advantage that he knows many police officers all over Prague.

And if only policemen. He even knows the judge. His colleague, Magistrate Kateřina Rybáková, is a judge at the District Court for Prague 1. She was also a public prosecutor, like Magistrate Lelek. But not in Prague. She worked in Mělník, near where he lives. But Mělník became too small for her, so she threw off her red-striped gown in Mělník to put on a purple-striped gown in the centre of Prague.

And thus was born an impenetrable system. In the very center of Prague, there is a judge - a prosecutor - and police officers who all know each other, and when they stick together, no one can touch them. And when I say nobody, I mean nobody. The judge is supposed to control the prosecutor and the prosecutor the policeman. But what if all three are friends? Then they can really do whatever they want. Prosecute criminals? Why not?

Prosecute innocent people? Sure, why not.

And why would they do all that? Well, first of all, because they can. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. But mostly because there are benefits to prosecuting. Plus there are many who don't want to go to jail, but maybe there are those who would like to put their enemies in jail. No problem in the centre of Prague. Just know that you need to go to the District Prosecutor's Office for Prague 1. They'll take care of everything. They'll take care of everything. You don't have to ask how. They'll just take care of it. Where did the magistrate learn that slogan? Where did he borrow it?

The prosecutors have the most power in the state. They form powerful groups, they're impenetrable and basically nothing can happen to them because their colleagues won't let it happen.

No, this really isn't fiction. No this really isn't 1930's American Chicago. This is the Prague of our time. 

I am sending this article to the Commander-in-Chief of the Czech Armed Forces and President Miloš Zeman, Minister of Justice JUDr. Pavel Blažek Ph.D., Supreme State Prosecutor JUDr. Igor Stříž, Minister of the Interior Vít Rakušan, President of the Government of the Czech Republic Prof. Petr Fiala, PhD, LL.M, President of the Constitutional Court JUDr. Pavel Rychetský, Speaker of the House of Representatives ing. Marketa Pekarová-Adamová, President of the Senate RNDr. Miloš Vystrčil, Director of BIS Michal Koudelka, Director of NCOZ SKPV Michal Mazánek, citizens, legislators, mainstream media, newspapers and dozens of journalists.

I believe that our country still has the potential to become a truly free country. Fortunately, those who act are increasing. May this article give more courage to act to real statesmen, judges, citizen legislators and public servants to serve the law, justice and the citizens of our country.

The article will be translated into English and German. It will be sent to the leadership of the European Commission, members of the European Parliament, sent to the Embassies of the democratic world in Prague and to all major media and newspapers in the Western world.



Jan Šinágl, 13.2.2022




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