Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Zebrak exekutori a PCR 5.10.2023On 5.10.2023 I was fortunately at home. Two bailiffs and a locksmith came to recover another 210 000 CZK, which I had no idea about. I immediately called the Police to assist in the execution of the "law".  

This time everyone had a video camera (the last time they had one for three people, when my personal belongings were lost, the bailiffs were moving around the house separately, in my absence, the bailiff is not obliged to call the owner that his house is being forcibly entered, a quick financial compensation by the bailiff to the owner can be doubted). I insisted that the whole group be together at all times (the locksmith stayed on the street - he was the same as the first movable foreclosure - didn't want to be photographed, same for the main bailiff). I reminded them that they were participating in an official execution and thus certainly had nothing to be ashamed of. Thanks to the presence and professional attitude of two young police officers, the tense atmosphere gradually faded. The performers gradually lowered their "vigour", including me. I had the impression at the end that they were glad to be done with it.

Computers, a printer, a music tower (still 30 years old from CH), a television, and a bicycle (20 years old) a fraction of the amount recovered, are the only valuables in my former home. They can't seize working tools, by law, much less the property of a registered society. For the first time the apparently "right hand" of the bailiff Mgr. Jan Benes Bc. Robert Želonka, however, only assisted. The Police had no reason to actively intervene, however, I am not sure whether I would have defended my working tools and the property of the association without their presence. By the way, the Police Presidium has issued an internal instruction not to help bailiffs, it is not their job. They are only supposed to resolve potential conflicts (Mgr. Jan Benes once physically assaulted me in his office, PČR did not deal with it, no injuries occurred). This leaves the bailiff with the option of hiring security. In this case, the police really "helped and served" the citizen.

At the KS Praha - see link below, the creditor and one of the plaintiffs, Mgr. Jana Gavlasová "further legal action". So I waited... I naively thought that I could now calmly go about my work. Of course, I will file a motion to stop the recovery. It is pointless, it is only formally fulfilling the law, without fulfilling its spirit and finding justice. I have complied with all the court decisions, the plaintiffs do not recognize them, they themselves no longer have an overview, nor do the judges. The bailiff just obediently carries out their instructions, including proposing maximum fines.

One example: the court ordered an apology on video and put it on this site for a month - the first time the plaintiffs criticized my polite addition, the second time they didn't like that the apology wasn't always right at the top (but always on the main page), the third time everything was fine, but the plaintiffs denied publication? Strangely, they suddenly didn't notice the apology, which visitors to this site could read throughout February this year…

One of the creditors with the false title "JUDr." Martin Michal, embezzled CZK 600 million (he was not punished), beat up a journalist, in 2013 he was in foreclosure for CZK 17 million (the bank did not collect the debt (in 2003 he married singer Helena Vondráčková). He appears in tabloids and other friendly media, where he slanders me and where I have no access. His son has been sentenced to 8 years for billion-dollar tax fraud (he has not yet entered prison).

I have already paid a total of 7 times CZK 100 000 to the State, the claimants are still not satisfied. I don't know a journalist who has been punished so draconianly for nothing, except for those who have paid for their work with their death...

It is a violation of freedom of speech, the public's right to know about public figures and who, according to the Constitutional Court, have diminished protection of their privacy. The public will be informed of further developments, unless, of course, I lose my working tools again and the association loses its assets. The aim is to destroy the independent journalist and his reporting - fingers crossed! JŠ

Full article in Czech>


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