Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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It must be stressed in this context that the crime of defamation has a basis in civil law. The means of criminal law are available in the case of defamation where the limits of civil law are not. Criminal law must act only as a last resort for the most serious cases, as the Constitutional Court stated, for example, in II Constitutional Court 474/19, i.e. as ultima racio.

The offence of defamation under Section 184(1) of the Criminal Code is committed by a person who makes a false statement about another that is capable of significantly jeopardising his or her esteem among his or her fellow citizens, in particular by damaging his or her employment, disrupting his or her family relations or causing him or her other serious harm.

In order to be false, the information must be of a nature that can be objectively verified as true or false, i.e. consistent or inconsistent with the facts. The information communicated by the defendant is objectively verifiable.

It is essential that the commission of the offence of defamation under Section 184(1) of the Criminal Code requires not only that the information communicated is false, but also that it is capable of significantly endangering the esteem of the person defamed among his fellow citizens. Thus, it is not sufficient for the threat to be of any kind, i.e. even of low or ordinary intensity, but it must be of a more fundamental nature (see the Supreme Court's resolution of 5 February 2003, Case No. 5 Tdo 83/2003). The cited provision refers to two specific forms of threat to seriousness, namely damage to employment and disruption of family relations, and beyond that it refers generally to the threat of causing other serious harm. The false allegation must be capable of endangering the reputation of the person defamed among his fellow citizens in such a way that the communication of the allegation threatens serious harm to the person defamed. Endangering the reputation of fellow citizens means that, if the false allegation were to spread and become known in a certain circle of other citizens, the defamed person's reputation would be affected to such an extent that it would significantly impair his or her position in employment or in the family, or, depending on the nature of the case, in other areas, such as in leisure activities, in relations with friends or acquaintances, in access to certain buildings or facilities, in participation in various events, etc.

The capacity of a false statement to endanger the esteem of the person defamed among his fellow citizens to a considerable extent is not only determined by the falsity of the statement itself, but also by the person to whom the statement was communicated, since this circumstance also co-determines the degree of probability that the false statement will spread, become known in some circle of other citizens and thus actually endanger the esteem of the person defamed among his fellow citizens. A false allegation has the potential to significantly jeopardise the reputation of the person defamed among fellow citizens, provided that it is communicated to someone who has a realistic possibility of not keeping the allegation to himself and of passing it on to others. This is the only way to create a state of danger to the respectability of the defamed person among his fellow citizens (see also the Supreme Court's resolution of 20 July 2016, Case No. 7 Tdo 936/2016). The court did not give any further reasons as to how it found that the information in question was capable of significantly endangering the victim's respectability among his fellow citizens or at work. In the case under review, the court did not state any factual findings or arguments that would lead to the conclusion that the said element of the offence of defamation was fulfilled, and therefore the elements of the offence of defamation under Section 184(1) of the Criminal Code cannot be found in the act established so far. The information communicated by the accused about the victim was not capable of significantly jeopardising the victim's esteem among her fellow citizens and at work.

The defendant argues that the contents of the case file do not establish, both objectively and in terms of the elements of the offence of defamation. It is sufficient that the objective aspect is not proved at all, then there is no need to deal with the subjective aspect. Therefore, it is appropriate to discontinue the prosecution, as it is not even appropriate to refer the case for a misdemeanour hearing. The defendant can only be found guilty if all the elements of the offence of defamation as set out in the Criminal Code are proven. This is not the case here.

Pavel Fischer


All of these principles were flagrantly violated in my case and the MM Agency's lawsuits over the years. The plaintiffs could not prove their legal obligation that the truthful information published by me, known by a large part of the general public, especially from the tabloid press, was not based on the truth. The court did not require them to do so. I have paid approx. 2 million crowns to the plaintiffs, with repeated max. fines of 100.000,-Kč to the state by the bailiff, the loss of data from my PC for approx. 30 years of my work, the loss of my family home and two heart surgeries, as a price for endangering the "reputation" of the plaintiffs. It couldn't be worse among decent people. They brought it on themselves. The executions and fines continue unabated, even though the requirements of the final judgments, in complete violation of the Constitution and the LPS, have been met. Where does that leave the proportionality of punishment that could never be given in a developed society, not to mention the flagrant trampling of the right to a fair trial? The media, which disseminated the same or similar information for years among hundreds of thousands of readers, was not so draconianly sanctioned, if at all. Instead, my person has been sanctioned for years for virtually the same information when the traffic to articles on this site has been negligible for most. I am afraid that this is not "slander", but the revenge of criminal structures in the background, whose metastasis has its origins in the criminal communist regime. They operate and permeate our society to this day. Thus, I am continuing the struggle that political prisoners began in the 1950s - in the name of their lasting, ever-present legacy and memory.

Jan Šinágl, 29.4.2022


Internationally renowned independent journalist, columnist, political analyst, i.e. punished in the EU country (for freedom of speech and the public's right to information) on property and health. A committed citizen, for twenty years defending truth, justice and the preservation of democratic values. Citizen of the Czech Republic and the Swiss Confederation, respected by the democratic citizens of Europe.

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