Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

We were surprised by the news that foreign police detained Yevgeny Gerasimenko, who was the subject of an international arrest warrant issued by the Russian Federation, at Prague's Václav Havel Airport on Sunday, January 7. Gerasimenko was travelling from the Latvian capital Riga via Prague to Paris. In France, he intended to apply for political asylum. While Latvia allowed him to travel without any problems, he was arrested and imprisoned in Prague.

In his own words, Yevgeny Gerasimenko is being persecuted in Russia for his views and opposition to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. The Russian Federation has issued an international arrest warrant for him for alleged serious economic offences. It is a well-known fact that Moscow abuses the institution of arrest warrants to persecute opponents of its views. To put it bluntly, in many cases, Russian international arrest warrants are falsified so that Russia can get back at opponents of the Putin regime and try them for fabricated acts. This is a common Kremlin tactic.

A Ukrainian veterinarian applied for permanent residence in the Czech Republic. In the end, he preferred to leave the country.

Roma also have a great relationship with music, tradition and family. We have deprived them of their freedom, forcibly domesticated them, they have stopped "stealing chickens" and are now collecting social benefits. Everything has its causes and consequences. "Whites" steal from the common invisibly and much more.

Maintaining sanity in our country is becoming increasingly difficult. It's no wonder when 46% of drug users take them to escape reality - the country can go crazy too. JŠ


Plecnik NovorocenkaPrelovsek DamjanDr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, specialized in the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer. On the right New Year's card of Jože Plečnik.


 "The ongoing discrimination lawsuit is so disappointing and such a shame to put you through that": an excerpt from a foreign diplomat's Christmas wish to Dr. Jana Chaloupková, I fully identify with it.


 "You will die like a dog" was the response of a Czech politician to Dr. Chaloupková's question about what will happen if she does not stop fighting for her job and for justice. The various warnings and threats began slowly in 2020. Today, I am giving space to one of the other witnesses to describe a phone call he himself heard in the spring of 2021:


"It was March 2021 and we were just getting dressed in the hallway of a friend's house in Prague. Miss Jana was trying to reach a colleague from the personnel department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs because she needed to email a document. He didn't answer the phone, it was already approaching five o'clock, so we decided to go home. Suddenly the phone rang and sl. Jana put it on the microphone so that she could put on her boots at the same time. A pleasant voice came on the other side. I paid no attention to it, but soon I had to turn a deaf ear. The usual communication about a paper was followed by some shocking words:

"Do you have any money? And any work to do?´ Miss Jana did not react, and stared in surprise. "Well, I told you when I called you in Morocco. The Secretary of State is behind everything. There are meetings between him and the Ministry's close leadership. It was decided then that you would never get a job. I mean well. Anyway, you can be glad you're still alive. You stepped on somebody's business with the visa. And that's unforgivable.''

The MFA does not work according to moral criteria and not only it. What works according to them, or is governed by them, in today's world? That is why the world is inevitably plunging into another deep economic crisis. Without the foundations of morality, sooner or later, everything will inevitably collapse, and in the end it will lawfully collapse. J. A. Comenius: "It is such an animal that embraces the whole world and does what it wants with it."

Full article in Czech>

U Barosu paneliste 1 5.1.2024U Barosu media 5.1.2024On 5 January 2024, the Oživení (Revival Society) invited us to a "breakfast with journalists" at the "Kavárna na Boršové" in Prague on the topic of the Whistleblowing Act. Moderated by chairwoman Šárka Zvěřina Trunkátová. The guests were Pavel Kodym (whistleblower, Office for Access to Transport Structure) and Jiří Kapras (Director of the MSp Conflict of Interest and Anti-Corruption Department - my entry from 26:45 min.). I took a PHOTOGALLERY and audio recordings (see names). About 6 journalists were present (CTK, probably also CRo, Seznam.cz and Transparency International). Basically no output. The public broadcaster CT was, of course, absent. The testimony of Pavel Kodyma was great and the whole country should listen to it! Below is an extract of the essentials from his speech.

Ten billion in subsidies, challenged by 3 billion that would last at the Authority's expense for 33 years. Czech Railways has increased its debt by 20 billion for the years 2020-2022. The misuse of subsidies is a distortion of the free market, illegal subsidies and not time-barred, according to the latest case law of the EU Court of Justice of December 2023. It also opens up the unauthorised subsidy of 12bn from 2008. 10 min after Minister Kupka learned of Pavel Kodyma's letter to the EU, he cancelled his appointment.

Holandsko a mlynyOne of the main topics of this year's European Parliament elections will certainly be the issue of migration. The fact that immigrants cannot be automatically lumped together is demonstrated by a study entitled MIGRATION AND THE SOCIAL NETWORK, which examines the economic impact of this phenomenon on public budgets in the Netherlands.

A team of experts led by Jan van de Beek, who holds a PhD in the economics of migration, analysed statistical data over 25 years, more precisely from 1995 to 2019. The study shows that public spending related to migration averaged €17 billion per year, or €400 billion over 25 years, which is roughly 10 trillion kronor (the Netherlands' GDP in 2021 will exceed $1,000 billion for the first time). The last time the country examined the problem was twenty years ago, because in 2003 such calculations were labelled racist.

Petr Pavel Novorocni projev 1.1.2024Steinmeier Weihnachten 2023The speeches of the Prime Minister and the President of the Czech Republic did not surprise or impress. They were more or less official, hypocritical, without emotion, spirit, sincerity, profane, unmotivating, unstirring at a time of an inevitable emerging economic and moral crisis. They will inevitably gather increasing pace and strength, which will challenge us all. It is not surprising that the topic of executions, corruption threatening the whole country, the Czech judiciary, the police, the all-pervasive clientelism, the scandals at the MFA in Moscow, in Morocco, the death of a diplomat in the UAE (the public media are still silent), or the failing education system were not mentioned. They don't keep their promises, they are informed, they don't act. They too are obedient servants called "deep state".

For comparison, you can watch the truly statesmanlike speeches of the Federal President of Germany, Frank Walter Steinmeier, and Prime Minister Olaf Scholz. Even without knowledge of German, you can see the difference in the "body language" and the completely different, positive effect on the audience. In this respect, we have a lot to learn, although only a strong, unmanipulated personality can deliver a real, impressive speech. Frank Walter Steinmeier: "We can only go forward together, let us believe in ourselves!" However, even top German politicians cannot afford to admit the crumbling foundations of the EU, where thousands of useless laws and regulations are destroying capable individuals, common sense and facilitating the path to the unjust enrichment of the all-powerful. Over 20 000 lobbyists in the EU says it all! This is precisely what Ivan Baťka describes in the article below. JŠ


Ivan Bat'ka: Sparrow cannot fly with with Eagles!

Elektrokolo a snyAn unsurpassed children's hero who has educated children better than many education systems for generations. It is a shame that Czech children have lost him and are still losing him. Modern "heroes" are not even close to Mickey's heels. He is an undying example of a positive approach to life, relying primarily on oneself and one's abilities. JŠ


 "If you break a legal norm, something happens to you; if you break a moral norm, something happens in you."

Theodor Geiger


The last "Bata" warning and CALL TO THE WORLD against the impending economic collapse, chaos, disintegration of morals and common sense. Honest businessmen and citizens will surely add their approval.    

Modern subsidy socialism is coming to an end, someone has to produce bread too! We cannot live forever on debt from printed money. Eventually everyone will figure it out, like the communists. We're finishing so we can start again. Our lives must be led and managed by the most capable minds, not by organizations, laws and regulations without personal responsibility. A lived moral order that does not need to feed and live off the work of others. JŠ

Original article in Czech>

Prazska kavarnaI don't follow it. Below is her text, sent to me by friends. The "paper democrats" will not, of course, attend my trials, nor will they support me significantly in the media. Will the MM Agency file another criminal complaint ? I'm afraid not. JŠ


It is unfortunately even "a lot" worse than many naively imagine - whistleblowers and investigators are kept in existential terror by the mafia and its judicial mafia at bay - those who dare to squeal democratically are simply economically liquidated - with the absolute disinterest and IGNORANCE of all, including the media.

Original article in Czech>

KRPCR vedeni 26.12.2023No one in this country has yet publicly called on the leadership of the FF UK to resign in its entirety IMMEDIATELY - failing to guarantee the safety of those entrusted to its care! The kindergarten teachers would have been in custody long ago.... Carrying an arsenal of weapons into a university without any problems can only happen in a banana republic, or in the Czech Republic... 


Karel Tichy, former investigator: The intervention of the police on the spot was fine. But he does not understand how it was coordinated and why the Prague police were not better prepared for such an event at a time when they were intensively searching for the double murderer from Klánovice Forest for a week. Why, in the two hours between the discovery of the shooter's father's corpse and the shooting itself, the police did not alert the management of Charles University, which would have had the university buildings, including the main seat of the Faculty of Arts, cleared out.

The police are thus complicit in the deaths of innocent people by their incredible slowness. The excuse that there were many suspects cannot be accepted. For a properly applied technique, the number of suspects plays no role, especially with so many clues. Claiming after the killings in Klánovice that there was no danger only reassured the perpetrators and allowed them to continue killing without fear. Paradoxically, the police were far more effective in finding the disinformers than they were in finding the murderer. The self-aggrandisement of the Austrian Interior Minister does not save the situation, it only makes it worse.

A separate chapter is the appearance of top police officers in the media: out of uniform, without caps, even protruding bellies can be found. Often they sit during press conferences, when it is beer that is missing... The chief investigator (a brigadier general of police) boasted that he has been working in the police for 40 years, i.e. he served 10 years under the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia... It shows in his thinking and manners. It's not his fault. He has never known anything else in his life. When you watch the refined demeanor of top police officials from developed countries, you see the unprecedented difference in appearance and manners. Let's not be surprised at the results or the consequences...