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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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European Union

  • “M118”: l’espion marocain qui a joué un rôle central dans le scandale de corruption au Parlement européen

    Marocky spion M118Selon nos confrères du Soir et de La Repubblica, un espion marocain portant le nom de code “M118” a joué un rôle central dans le scandale de corruption entre le Qatar et le Maroc au Parlement européen. Ce dernier serait associé avec l’ex-député européen Pier Antonio Panzeri, autre personnage clé de l’affaire.

    “M118” était connu des services de renseignement européens depuis un certain temps. Son nom avait déjà été cité dans une affaire de corruption lorsqu’en 2016, des documents “sensibles” contenant des informations sur des individus radicalisés avaient été volés par un policier à l’aéroport parisien d’Orly pour être livrés au Maroc. Le vol de ces documents était accompagné de voyages tous frais payés ainsi que des pots-de-vin allant jusqu'à 17.000 euros.


    Selon Le Soir et La Repubblica, le nom de l’espion apparaît désormais aussi dans l’enquête sur les tentatives du Qatar d’influencer les prises de décisions économiques et politiques du Parlement européen, en versant de grosses sommes d’argent ou en offrant des cadeaux importants à des personnes occupant des postes politiques et/ou stratégiques. Concrètement, Mohammed B. ou “M118” serait l’un des liens entre l’ex-député européen Pier Antonio Panzeri et les services secrets marocains de la DGED (Direction Générale des Études et de la Documentation, département marocain de renseignements extérieurs et de contre-espionnage). Pier Antonio Panzeri est actuellement emprisonné en Belgique après la saisie de 700.000 euros à son domicile. Sa femme et sa fille ont, elles aussi, été arrêtées pour avoir tenté de dissimuler l’affaire, notamment en cachant l’argent.

  • Controversial New EU Drug Agenda Puts Europe, Morocco At Risk

    A hidden process is underway to radically shift Europe towards a repressive new drug agenda that merges migration, counter-terrorism, and security.

    Rabat – The EU is planning to combine migration, counter-terrorism, and security in its new repressive anti-drug agenda that could have far-reaching consequences for Morocco. 

    The European Commission has been developing this new strategy far away from public scrutiny. The drastic new drug agenda was only revealed after 29 civil society organizations spoke up in protest of the EU’s shadowy dealings.

    In order to gauge the impact of this draconian new agenda and its potential impacts in the Maghreb, Morocco World News spoke to Tom Blickman. 

  • DYSTOPIA: Still an excellent election clip from Finland about common sense!

    Nothing against other cultures, we should get to know them through travel, enrich and respect each other. If different peoples, ethnicities and cultures mix, without a unifying religion, it cannot be good. We see this today in Sweden and France, for example. The ideology of multiculturalism goes against human nature. Do its Christian promoters live together with Arabs or Roma, or do they welcome them into their neighbourhoods? Every culture is an image of a nation or ethnicity. That is why they are so different - different birth rates, different hymns, customs, mentality. Let's visit each other, let's enrich each other, but it is not feasible to live together, permanently, in harmony on the same territory. It would be contrary to common sense, nature and human nature. Where this leads, this clip shows perfectly. JŠ


  • E. Macron cherche à réduire le poids de « l’islam consulaire »

    Le président français Emmanuel Macron a cité le Maroc et l’Algérie, parmi une liste de pays qui financent l’Islam en France et annoncé la fin de l’Islam consulaire d’ici 4 ans. La France commencera à ce stade, à former les imams et les psalmodieurs sur l’Hexagone.

    Dans un discours de près d’une heure suivi d’une conférence de presse, le chef d’Etat français a annoncé la nouvelle trajectoire que prendra la formation des imams en France qui désormais, afin de « libérer l’islam en France des influences étrangères« , jugeant que certaines se font d’une manière visible et assumée, l’autre parfois plus profonde et plus dangereuse, et moins visible.

    La première influence « qu’on a décidé de réduire« , c’est l’organisation de « l’islam consulaire », a déclaré E. Macron.

  • EP press conference 2018: Global Migration Pact ?!

    Robinson TommyThe Migration Pact is the legalization of mass migration, which states that migration is a human right - Countries that accept people from the third world become the third world - In third world countries dictate the events of a multinational society - Mass migration brings deterioration of Western prosperity, rape, murder - Timing of this global pact significantly affects the direction of next year's EP elections - EP elections will be rigged - Only the US, Australia and Hungary have chosen not to sign the treaty.

    Tommy Robinson 

  • Europe is exhausted, it is sinking to the bottom. It will bounce back while there is still time ?!

    EU totalitaUpdated 17.2.2024: Ansichten von Hans-Georg Maaßen, ehemaliger Präsident des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz, Rechtsanwalt und Vorsitzender der WerteUnion

    Updated 14.2.2024: 


    Europe is in a very bad state, the debt is enormously high. In this case, to use the words of Thomas Schäfer, the CEO of Volkswagen, „Europe has become lazy and stupid.“

    Tomas Bata: "We do not want money, we do not want subsidies, we do not ask for donations from the government!"


    The text of the interview is an edited version of a live interview and therefore may not fully reflect Mr. Bat'a's statements in the full context of the ideas that were expressed. The FULL VERSION of the interview is presented in the podcast session. 


    From an interview with entrepreneur Ivan Batka: Bata will be missed in times that won't be easy - Czechs have a tendency to celebrate those who have gone, instead of those who are with us, they can teach us something and move us forward. Listen to them more during their lifetime than after their death - Most of our economists and their claims are wrong - "3Ps": Understand - Adapt - Seize the opportunity - Europe as a whole is sick.

    There has been a transformation of society, the world economy and the world order

    Germany is an exporter, the engine of Europe, if this engine stalls, what place will we have in it? How will we and our companies react to these changes? - Who is a mere supplier will crash - Let us look for answers in the perfect nature: "No tree grows to the sky!". One day we need to start planting new trees. Every civilization has been made up of cheap inputs of production. If resources are exhausted, civilization ceases to exist. European civilization is exhausting itself in its way of thinking and existing. Logically, Europe itself will disappear and its position will change. This must be seen positively - the 'trees' are going and new ones must be planted. Either to replenish the existing ones or to plant completely new ones. In every end there is a beginning, in every beginning there is something new.

  • Europe must strengthen its borders after attacks, says Macron

    PARIS (Reuters) - Europe must rethink its open-border Schengen area, including a more robust protection of the zone’s external frontiers, President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday, after a spate of Islamist attacks in France and Austria. The tighter controls were needed to curb clandestine immigration, said Macron, adding that the criminal gangs illegally trafficking migrants into Europe were often linked to terror networks.

    “I am in favour of a deep overhaul of Schengen to re-think its organisation and to strengthen our common border security with a proper border force,”Macron said on a visit to the Franco-Spanish border.

  • Former Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic Mr. Damjan Prelovšek, responds to the response of Prime Minister Andrej Babiš to MP Jana Černochová on her interpellation in the case of Morocco

    Prelovsek Damjan IIUpdated June 4, 2021:Opposition ambassadors change criticism as gambling or irresponsibility

    … Among other things, the ambassador to Slovakia and former police president Tomáš Tuhý will move to the post of ambassador to Slovenia. "We need responsible and experienced ambassadors who have earned the post for their work, not loyalty to Miloš Zeman and his surroundings. will it belong to the people from Miloš Zeman's team? ".According to MP Černochová,Those who dislike will end, on the contrary, those who have been faithfully serving the Castle for a long time will be rewarded. It confirms that the current government is the government of President Miloš Zeman. In addition, the cabinet step pointed out that the diplomatic career rules are meaningless. Czech foreign policy is already unreadable to the Allies because of the president, prime minister and deputy prime minister. This exchange will only deepen this illegibility and may cause irreversible damage to Czech interests. "


    … Regarding the answer provided to you by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Interior of the Czech Republic, I must say that it is partly untrue. I am a direct participant in some events in Morocco and I can confirm that I have never received internal information from the Deputy Ambassador and Consul of the Czech Embassy in Rabat, but I passed on the data so that she could use it for the quality of the visa agenda. in favor of the defense of the security of the Czech Republic, and thus of the entire Schengen group. As a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, I am interested in the correct implementation of the Schengen visa agenda, as it is linked to the protection of the EU's external border and thus security for all of us, in a spirit of European cooperation and belonging.

    At the same time, I must protest against the wording in your answer, which damages my reputation and honor. All my life I have been cooperating with a number of Czech institutions on cultural projects and even my villa, the work of Jože Plečnik, has always been open to Czech visitors and the Czech Embassy in Ljubljana for organizing activities. I also cannot accept the accusation that I am acting under pressure from the consul, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is trying to disseminate manipulated information in order to cover up the mistake of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. Personally, I would welcome the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic to stop attacking me and to pay more attention to the correct investigation of practices at the embassy in Morocco, not only visas but also security. I am concerned that the Czech side is not interested in saving anything. The police are constantly relocating the matter, now for the fifth time, in a year and a half they have not even interrogated the main actors. …

  • How can the Czech Republic and the EU contribute to solving the crisis in Tibet?

    Kunchok Jinpa citatZa protest zavrazdeni ve vazbe"Even if they attack me, I am not afraid, even if they kill me, I do not regret it. But from now on, I will not report."

    Kunchok Jinpa, April 2013, date of death 6 February 2021


    I attended this international conference international conference by invitation. The absence of the public Czech TV was not surprising. I was surprised by the absence of Senate President Miloš Vystrčil, who did not find time to greet the participants of the day-long conference, at least by video. I was surprised by the absence of the flag of Tibet, next to the flag of the Czech Republic and the EU. I urged the organizers - it was installed and 2 ½ hours after the conference started...

    Analyza 35 veznuTenpa Iarphel Jan Sinagl Thinlay ChukkiChina is thinking 30-40 years ahead. Tibet and Hong Kong are in the same threat and situation. The West is still unaware of the danger. 157 Tibetans have been burned to death since 2009! It was an honor to meet Tibetans and Hong Kong people. I managed to make personal contacts with almost all the foreign guests, including young diplomats from the MFA of Czech Republic. I attach the Program - Biographies of the Tibetan participants- List of 50 environmentalists - Press release of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile and a small FHOTOGALLERY. You can view the Senate one HERE. I couldn't find the Senate video?

    I exclaimed at the end: "Where is the Czech TV? That is the point!"

  • Legault on same page as Macron, suggests Trudeau giving in to terror ‘blackmail’

    The current terrorist attacks in France and Austria prove Consul Jana Chaloupková right. The explosive topic of issuing visas in Rabat remains an absolute taboo for the Czech media and Czech politicians. J.Š.

    * * *

    France’s President called Quebec Premier François Legault to thank him for his defence of free speech, Legault said Tuesday.

    The Quebec premier then criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the issue by suggesting he was giving into blackmail.

    Legault said he and Emmanuel Macron spoke during a phone call Tuesday morning that touched on the recent terrorist attacks in France, which authorities have attributed to Islamic extremists. In one of the recent attacks, a French teacher was beheaded after showing students caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

    The Quebec premier said Macron called to thank him for the “clear position” he took in defending freedom of expression “without any hesitation.” Legault made the comments at a Monday news conference, during which he said, “I do not agree with Justin Trudeau; I agree with Emmanuel Macron … we need to protect freedom of expression.”

  • Personnel policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is collapsing more and more visibly and frighteningly

    MZV CR logo EUpdated 8.8.2023: 


    ... A diplomat with decades of experience and an excellent evaluation of her work not only did not return to her post in Morocco, but despite her participation in hundreds of competitions, the Foreign Ministry says no other placement was found and her service was terminated for that reason....

    Above all, Dr. Chaloupková acted in accordance with the law, did not follow the illegal instructions of Ambassador Lorence, worked in accordance with the regulations of the Czech Republic and the EU. For this she lost her job, is now without income. The MFA should support such people, not destroy them. This is absurd!

  • Qatargate: Corruption scandal widens with more EU lawmakers in frame

    Panzeri AntonioArena Maria Moretti AlessandraMaria Arena and Alessandra Moretti are mentioned in arrest warrant for another MEP, Andrea Cozzolino.

    Belgium’s probe into alleged corruption and influence-buying by Qatar and Morocco in the European Parliament has widened, an international arrest warrant obtained by POLITICO shows. MEPs Maria Arena and Alessandra Moretti are connected to the investigation being undertaken by Belgian prosecutors, according to the warrant for Italian MEP Andrea Cozzolino, who was arrested last week on charges of corruption, money-laundering and participation in a criminal organization. The warrant was issued on February 10 by Belgian investigative judge Michel ClaiseFull Article>


    Letter of former Ambassador of Slovenia to he Czech Republic in the matter of unacceptable situation at Czech Embassy in Morocco - visa business 

    Qatargate, Panzeri also accuses Forza Italia MP Lara Comi



  • Schengen Member States Have Different Visa-Issuing Practices Despite Common Regulatory Framework, Report Highlights

    Despite the existing regulatory framework for visa issuance that lays out all the procedures for a visa, including required documents, the period of processing and more, the Member States’ visa-issuing practices still diverge in several aspects the quinquennial report on the Functioning of the Schengen Evaluation and Monitoring Mechanism has found.

    The report, which was published last week, consists of the findings of evaluations carried out in the last five years within the Schengen Area Member States in several policy areas, including the common visa policy.

    According to the report, upon 29 evaluations that were carried out in relation to common visa policy throughout the last five years, the Commission has concluded that while the Member States adequately implement the policy to a large extent, serious deficiencies exist.

  • Why are voters so unhappy

    EU totalitaThe EU, its economic policies and subsidies are destroying free competition, sound business principles and increasingly exhibit elements of totalitarianism. It encourages fraud, criminal behaviour and practices. It is impossible to disagree with the arguments of MEP Christine Anderson! JŠ


    Last Friday, the 54th session of the World Economic Forum ended in Davos, where some 2 800 leaders from 120 countries discussed the issues that supposedly concern humanity most - namely climate change, artificial intelligence, pandemics and wars. The head of Germany's Allianz, one of the world's largest insurers, also came to the "Woodstock of the rich". Oliver Bäte (58) has been managing this financial giant for ten years (last year he had a salary of 8.5 million euros) and is one of the most influential businessmen in Germany. Whether you like it or not, his opinion carries a lot of weight.