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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Prelovsek Damjan IIUpdated June 4, 2021:Opposition ambassadors change criticism as gambling or irresponsibility

… Among other things, the ambassador to Slovakia and former police president Tomáš Tuhý will move to the post of ambassador to Slovenia. "We need responsible and experienced ambassadors who have earned the post for their work, not loyalty to Miloš Zeman and his surroundings. will it belong to the people from Miloš Zeman's team? ". According to MP Černochová,Those who dislike will end, on the contrary, those who have been faithfully serving the Castle for a long time will be rewarded. It confirms that the current government is the government of President Miloš Zeman. In addition, the cabinet step pointed out that the diplomatic career rules are meaningless. Czech foreign policy is already unreadable to the Allies because of the president, prime minister and deputy prime minister. This exchange will only deepen this illegibility and may cause irreversible damage to Czech interests. "


… Regarding the answer provided to you by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Interior of the Czech Republic, I must say that it is partly untrue. I am a direct participant in some events in Morocco and I can confirm that I have never received internal information from the Deputy Ambassador and Consul of the Czech Embassy in Rabat, but I passed on the data so that she could use it for the quality of the visa agenda. in favor of the defense of the security of the Czech Republic, and thus of the entire Schengen group. As a citizen of a Member State of the European Union, I am interested in the correct implementation of the Schengen visa agenda, as it is linked to the protection of the EU's external border and thus security for all of us, in a spirit of European cooperation and belonging.

At the same time, I must protest against the wording in your answer, which damages my reputation and honor. All my life I have been cooperating with a number of Czech institutions on cultural projects and even my villa, the work of Jože Plečnik, has always been open to Czech visitors and the Czech Embassy in Ljubljana for organizing activities. I also cannot accept the accusation that I am acting under pressure from the consul, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is trying to disseminate manipulated information in order to cover up the mistake of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. Personally, I would welcome the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic to stop attacking me and to pay more attention to the correct investigation of practices at the embassy in Morocco, not only visas but also security. I am concerned that the Czech side is not interested in saving anything. The police are constantly relocating the matter, now for the fifth time, in a year and a half they have not even interrogated the main actors. …

Letter dated 23.5.2021



Mr. Damjan Prelovšek is part of the project My Jože Plečnik - https://www.hravyarchitekt.cz/muj-joze-plecnik. There will be an exhibition at Prague Castle to mark the 150th anniversary of Jože Plečnik's birth - https://www.architectureweek.cz/category/2021/joze-plecnik-v-praze/

Chaloupkova Jana 3.11.2020Former consul dr. Jana Chaloupková is currently threatened with dismissal after 28 years of successful diplomatic career and service to the country. Do we have a surplus of such experienced diplomats? Will peopleLorenc Viktor like Viktor Lorenc, the current ambassador of the Czech Republic to Morocco, take their place? Will Prague Castle determine Czech politics and new ambassadors with the help of the Kremlin as in the days of the totalitarian regime and how is it happening today?

I informed all responsible chairmen of the committees of the Senate and the Parliament of the Czech Republic. Pavel Fischer, chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security, has already responded (25.5.2021) to my letter (20.5.2021). I also informed the embassies of eight countries in Prague. I've already dealt with one of them. I also offered a personal meeting of the Security Information Service (BIS) and Transparency International in the Czech Republic. They promised to come up with a proposal for dates. I've been waiting for weeks to suggest dates.

My offer of cooperation in the investigation was rejected by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Police in Brno, where this shameful case, with an international reach, was handed over from Prague for further "investigation".

It cannot be ruled out at all that the case concerns trafficking in human beings, drugs, terrorism and the arms trade.

Let us believe that the responsible EU institutions will not stand idly by as before. The lives of not only EU citizens but also other countries are at stake. Quite possibly already fraudulently issued visas at the Czech Embassy in Morocco to the Schengen area are to blame for human lives.


Jan Šinágl,  31.5.2021


Letter of former Ambassador of Slovenia to he Czech Republic in the matter of unacceptable situation at Czech Embassy in Morocco - visa business

Schengen Member States Have Different Visa-Issuing Practices Despite Common Regulatory Framework, Report Highlights

Ostrava's judicial Palermo in full force: The incredible trampling of law and justice on the example of a fraudulent forensic expert MUDr. Igor Dvořáček!


Euro Praha toaletni papir CR 2020Euro 100 MAGNET 3 PAGEN toaletni papir 2021Over-the-counter toilet paper with euro banknotes and EU symbols also speaks volumes about our relationship with the EU. The MAGNET 3 PAGEN mail order store in Pardubice has been offering it to many thousands of its customers for years. In this respect, we are again "premiants" in the European Union, if not in the world. My criminal complaint has been postponed. Nobody wants to deal with it because there is no "law" for it. I also informed all Czech MEPs, they are silent and do not act. Yes, unwritten moral laws no longer exist in our country. If toilet paper with Czech banknotes and symbols appeared on the Czech market, it would be a shout and how fast the relevant institutions would act. Especially when we receive hundreds of billions of euros - and we steal a large part of them!

The culture of the country is also recognizable by the toilet paper - in the Czech Republic! J.Š.

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