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Karel Havlíček Borovský
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KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Prelovsek Damjan IILeft Damjan Prelovšek, right Opening ceremony of photo exhibition The Castles of Czech Presidents - Morocco 16 April 2019Maroko vystava fotografii Sidla ceskych prezidentu 160419

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Dear Mr. Sinagl,

I am sending my sincere greetings from Ljubljana. I noticed on your website videos from my exhibition "Pearls of Architecture of Visegrad Group” which took place in December 2019 in the Gallery of the Ministry of Culture of Morocco. It's a nice memory. I organized this exhibition with the embassies of the Visegrad states in Rabat under the Czech presidency and I tried to select some nice representative images of traditional, older and modern architecture, for example in the Czech Republic I chose Villa Tugendhat, which is also inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Františkovy lázně as a symbol of Czech spas, castles Blatná and Červená Lhota representing popular tourist destinations - castles and chateaux, places used for wedding ceremonies and filming or the beautiful palace Troja in Prague with a garden, in Poland - the traditional wooden churches of Malopolska also listed on UNESCO heritage list, the birthplace of Copernicus or houses with beautiful facades in Gdansk. Slovakia was represented by romantic castles and chateaux, from recent history by Štefánik's monument and Hungary by the majestic parliament in Budapest, majestic building in this capital and a Romanesque church in the village of Jak.

Moroccans have little idea about the concept of Visegrad. It is necessary to spread awareness about this group and promote it more. I am also enthousiastic about the V4 + cooperation, in which my country Slovenia is also involved. As said in the video from the opening ceremony of the exhibition - operational, voluntary and flexible cooperation between the V4 states can be a great inspiration for the Maghreb region and overcoming of local differences in a spirit of cooperation.

I regret that Air Arabia has terminated the direct flight on Casablanca - Prague route, which the Moroccans highly praised as it provided a direct connection for traders, tourists and it offered affordable prices. Prague thus became the gateway to the V4 Group and for the European continent in general. The coronavirus has mixed things up uncomfortably, but I hope that the line will be restored in the future.

I have had the opportunity to visit the Kingdom of Morocco many times last year. I worked not only on the above-mentioned V4 exhibition, but also on the exhibition of photographs of Prague Castle and Chateau in Lány. Moroccans liked my job, I am also probably appreciated for my life experience in diplomacy (I was posted as Slovenian ambassador to the Czech Republic for 4 years), I worked in the field of monument protection (I was the Director General for monument care at the Slovenian Ministry of Culture) and Moroccans appreciated my relatively large writing activity too. I am the author of many books and scientific articles, especially about the work of Slovenian architect Jože Plečnik and his work at Prague Castle; I was also involved in the nomination of the Church of the Sacred Heart on George of Podebrady Square in Prague on the UNESCO heritage list.

Slovenia inherited in Rabat the property which used to be in ownership of Yugoslavia, now it isunused. Moroccans have expressed interest in the opening our embassy in Morocco in the future. Our country is small and the embassies consume a relatively large budget - for the building, staff, activities. The opening a new representation is not an easy task. Thanks to the interest of the Moroccans in my country and in the former socialist states in general, as I soon noticed, I gained good contacts with many local institutions. During the year I was able to use well these ties - for example for the Czech Embassy in Rabat I received support for the preparation of a book for the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Czech Republic and Morocco, the assistance from various associations and journalists with shooting photos in Morocco etc. I also received an award for my life's work during the Documentary films festival on human rights in Rabat.

I love the Czech Republic and I like to promote it. I do not expect any awards, on the contrary, I am always happy to provide my pictures, knowledge and skills without fees. I was very pleased with your comment on our book Two Faces of Happiness – Czech Republic, Marocco. I'm glad you like it. It is not only an inspiration for travel and vacation, but it should also bring the pleasure of photography at the time of coronavirus, when it is more complicated to travel, it symbolizes the friendship of two countries, which have many differencies and also a lot in common. We have dedicated our book to the victims of coronavirus among medical, police and military forces in Morocco. So many young lives were lost and our appreciation of their work and sacrifies is symbolized in our book.

Morocco is an important partner of the EU in many ways, including in the fight against illegal migration, smuggling of persons, drugs and the fight against terrorism. These topics are very important for today and also Czech Minister of the Interior, Jan Hamáček, mentioned as priorities for his ministry - "addressing migration issues in close cooperation with neighboring countries and security issues". These issues are concern all of us, all Member States of the EU, and we must work well together and support each other. Morocco is a popular holiday and vacation destination, an important partner for political negotiations and trade, but at the same time a source country of illegal migration and unfortunatelly people with Moroccan element have been involved in terrorist attacks in Western Europe not long time ago. Therefore the effective cooperation in this field is very important.

During meeting with local security forces I was informed that Morocco had alerted its European partners of some suspicious elements before the attacks took place. The kingdom guards its internal security very closely and also monitors Moroccans abroad. The slightest signs of preparations for terrorist attacks are being combated very successfully. Media and internet networks inform about the bigger cases. Even today July 7, 2020 the media broadcasted the information that Moroccan authorities dismantled a terrorist cell of 4 members in Nador in the northeast of Morroco. It is a succesfull operation of DGST (General Directorate of Teritorial Surveillance) and BCIJ (Centrsl Bureau of Juridical Investitation). According to preliminary investigation the cell contained members of ISIS. Extremist militants from the Middle East returne to Morocco and make connections with like-minded people in the preparation of offensive plans. A big appreciation goes to local security forces which always intervene on time to protect their domestic population and foreign visitors.

Morocco is also a country of great differences. The state is working on improvement of educational system, health care and on poverty reduction. Everything is the matter of time and for many Moroccan Europe is still a great attraction, a dream, where many expect better economic conditions for their lives or the reunion with relatives who often live in France, Germany, Italy or Spain. The conditions for obtaining Schengen visas are strict and people who do not have good financial conditions, jobs, bank accounts etc. do not have much hope of success in their visa application. That is why hey are willing to pay relatively high sums for their "ticket" to the dream of Europe, often several thousand euros. Intermediaries feed themselves on these exorbitant sums, and all participants in such Schengen visa process get their share.

My heart was sad when I learned from several people in Rabat that the Czech Ambassador Viktor Lorenc was involved in such activities. Gradually, this became a public secret and the leaves of the trees in this Moroccan capital started to talk about it. Normal people complain that the embassy does not reply to their emails, they do not get a date for the interview to apply for a visa for months, noone answers questions over the phone. A decent person who wants to visit friends, saves money for a long time for his vacations, who just wants to see Prague - the city of love, as Moroccans say, this person has often no chance to get an appointment. Then there are others who pay a huge amount and get a visa without a credible documentation.

I asked Moroccan police why they tolerate this when they know everything. They smiled: "it is an internal matter of the other state, diplomatic immunity plays a role too, as long as it does not endanger our security, we do not interfere." They also mentioned that sometimes the same thing happens at other consulates, but then the headquarters withdraw the corrupt consul after a while and send him back home. However they called the Czech embassy as the worst one in Rabat.

I realized that we in Slovenia also have a problem with Moroccans. After Pakistanis, they are the second most problematic group of illegal imigrants. They usually reach us via the Balkan road, but it can be in anther way too. However, those who were supposed to flow through the Czech embassy in Rabat headed to France. On the other hand, one never knows where they will really end and what is their true aim. A Schengen visa for stay up to 90 days allows the holder to stay in the country of issuance of visa, depending on the length of stay and due to the absence of internal borders the person concerned can easily move elsewhere. Although the coronavirus pandemic is terrible, it have made the conditions for illegal migration more difficult, at least for a while.

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Dr. Adila from Fes, Morocco, is a pharmacist - right, 8/16/2020

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Chaloupková Jana IIIOverall, I am very surprised that Mr Viktor Lorenc remains in his office until today. At the same time, the consul, who refused to participate in the above-mentioned activities of abusing Czech Schengen visas, wasDr Adila Fez Maroko 160820 recalled back home. This is not a good image for the Czech Republic, neither for the Czech embassy in Rabat and the highest representatives of the country. Moroccans are now laughing: “What did she gain? She could have also asked her share, she would be fine and she would still be in Morocco. Now she has her honor, but she is almost jobless and she has gained nothing."

I would correct their statement - she has one things that cannot be bought - good name and honor, a gift that we give to ourselves and we cannot buy anywhere. That is the most valuable thing in our life.

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I have received the above mentioned informations from several Moroccan sources. I cannot confirm their 100% truthfulness, but there is a lot of talk about it in Morocco.

Damjan Prelovšek

Former Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic



The letter has been sent to President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman, Prime Minister Andrej Babiš, President of the Senate Miloš Vystrčil, President of The lower house of parliament  Radek Vondráček, Foreign Minister Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Interior Jan Hamáček, Chairman of Constitutional Court Pavel Rychetský. It was received by main medias, regional newspapers, journalists, ČTK news agency, Czech Television - via email and TV also by phone. No reaction in medias.


Jan Šinágl 9/7/2020

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Controversial New EU Drug Agenda Puts Europe, Morocco At Risk

Young Belarusians Caught Smuggling Moroccans Near Semič

Morocco’s Royal Navy Arrests 168 Irregular Migrants in Mediterranean


Does the Czech Republic trade in visas or protect our Schengen borders and our security?

Moroccans and the second generation among Jihadists in Spain

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First thing necessary for a nation is spiritual order and acceptance that wrong is wrong. Undiscovered, unexplained, pardoned wrongdoing can create another wrong. It is more than a punishment for those who are guilty, it is the matter of the nation having clear idea what is not correct. It is the fight for the spirit of the nation.

Ferdinand Peroutka

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"Don't try to be a successful person, but rather a human who has a value".

Albert Einstein

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"Every creation, especially the creation of a state, needs longterm goals and 100% activity in the present.

The only basis for longterm goals and 100% acitivity of citizens is the legal security. This basis creates the feelings of citizens and the willingness to work for the state.

There are some natural rules valid over the laws because they are based on people´s character. One of them is the experience, more of laws, less of legal order and security. More of speed in laws establishment, shorter their life, longer chaos. The most problematic ones are emergency laws and regulations. New law about...

The unemployment rate in a state is connected to the legal security or unsecurity. Unemployment, poorness, bancrupcy,  these are the penalties payed by modern society for breaking the legal security which means not only orderly tribunals but also  mainly the security from political demagogy, confiscations, sabotages etc.

The only motor of economical conjuncture is the legal security, the possibility to be sure of valiity of laws and the unchangebility of legal security according to the time changes of  different political pressures.".


Jan Antonin  Bata - We are building the state for 40 000 000 persons. Zlin 1938

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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 1.00 (1 Vote)


+34 #8 Jan Šinagl 2020-08-24 13:01
Regards from Zambia.
I used to work as financi attache at Zambian Embassy in Seoul and I met Miss Jana during many events.
I think her works speak volumes of her character and hard work she has done. The fabrications are just signs of jealousy.
Miss Jana is very intelligent, hardworking diplomat. She did a great job and perfect representation of Czech Republic. Considering her ingenuity and personal effort put in her diplomatic career I wish her the best and success.
I was inspired by her and did my Ph.D. study in Belgium. She was always ready to help and check on my tesis and give support.
Besides Czech-Korean relations she was developping programs on multilateral basis including African countries in business, human rights and cultural field.
I hope she will get promotion she deserves.

Elias Champemba
Foreign Ministry Zambia
+47 #7 Jan Šinagl 2020-08-13 16:29
Life is full of happiness and some times need some people to lead you to find your happiness way. So Jana is like Bee to lead you where the have to get the honey. So for me she is more than great and she is so sensitive and that way she worries about all the people around her to take care of them and to help all. And she love to give her smile from the morning to all around her to distribute it for all. This is the real Jana i know.

Moez from Khartoum, Sudan

+50 #6 Jan Šinagl 2020-08-06 12:05
I am writing from Gambia, sunshine country in Africa i met miss Jana a about a year ago. I support her success in her career since i can see that she diligent, hardworking, smart perfact represntion of her country. Before i did't know much about Czech republic because of her, i became to learn and know more about Czech. In reality am more interested in your country Czech to learn more, thank to Jana. She is a natural ambassador of czechia. We miss her in the Gambia and hope to see her after corona virus goes away.

Momodou Sanyang
+54 #5 Jan Šinagl 2020-08-04 16:17
Letter of Support for Jana Chaloupkova
Hello to Czech Republic,

We are writing from Ragara Resort in Philippines. First of all good health in coronatime! We hope our life will get back to normal soon.

We would like to support Miss Jana. She did a great job in Manila 2000-2004 as Consul, cultural diplomat, expanding political and human ties between Czech and Philippines.

She did a nice book novel about our country too. We could feel she was interested in our homeland, its culture, people, history and bilateral ties through Santo Nino de Praga, Jose Rizal and his friendship with prof Blumentrit and business and tourisme. We miss her! Few years ago there was news a lady who is expert in Asia will be Czech ambassador to Manila. We and other friends were hoping it was Miss Jana but it was another lady.
Anyway we hope to have her here again.

Good luck!

Jocelyn Guinsad
Ragara Beach Resort - Guinsad family
+54 #4 Jan Šinagl 2020-08-02 09:21
Dear sir, please, receive my sincere regards. I came here to write about Mrs. Jana Chaloupkova... during her stay at brazilian embassy in Brasilia,2006-2 010. I can say she did good representation of Czech Republic and she speaks many languages incl. portugues, she is most intelligent woman I ever met! I knew she did many activities in Brasil and published a wonderful book about Brazil. I can say she is perfectly honest! Hope she can back to work here in my country, we all would be glad.

Luiz Silva

(21)98403-8634 (whatsapp)-oi
(21)99240-3656 (claro)

+56 #3 Jan Šinagl 2020-07-28 21:52
Jsem velmi překvapen, že paní Chaloupková má takové problémy s činností konzula českého velvyslanectví v Rabatu / Maroko. Znám ji dobře z doby, kdy byla konzulem v Soulu / Jižní Koreji. V roce 2012/13 jsme několikrát
spolupracovali. Svého času jsem byl přeřazen svým zaměstnavatelem (Solvay, Belgie) jako výkonný viceprezident pro marketing v Koreji.
Několikrát jsem byl přijat velvyslanectvím , kde jsem potkal paní Chaloupkovou. Všiml jsem si jak se silně angažuje o šíření české kultury v Koreji a k tomu organizuje veškeré výstavy a přednášky. Byla uznávaná různými korejskými institucemi a jmenovaná jako velvyslanec kultury.
Navíc dokázala komunikovat se zástupci země v korejštině! Kdo to dokáže!
V oblasti udělování víz pro schengenský prostor, jak jsem slyšel např. z německých ambasádních kruhů, vždy pracovala velmi korektně a platila mezi kolegy za velmi spolehlivou.
Nemohu si vůbec představit, že by v Maroku, kde naposledy pracovala jako konzul, tomu mělo být jinak. Proč je tato žena pomlouvaná? Protože pomohla české turistce v absolutní nouzi? Protože měla tvrdit nepravdy? Pokud jde o mě, mohu o této ženu hovořit jen pozitivně a doufat, že tyto pomluvy proti ní skončí.

Horst Kröger
(překlad J.Š.)
I am very surprised that Mrs. Chaloupkova has such problems in connection with her work as Consul at Czech Embassy in Rabat/Morocco.
I know her well from time when she was Consul in Seoul/South Korea. We had several joint activities 2012/2013.
At that time I served in Korea as Executive Vice President for Marketing for Solvay Company, Belgium.
I participated several times at embassies events where I met Mrs. Chaloupkova. I felt that she engaged herself strongly in the promotion of Czech culture in Korea and organised many exhibitions and events.
She also became the title Culture Ambassador by some Korean institutions. Finally she could comunicate with the reoresentatives if the country in Korean language. Who is able to do that!
She was always correct in her visa job - issuance of Schengen visas, as I heard f.e.from German Embassy circles and she was accepted by colleagues groups as responsible and professional. So I cannot understand at all that it should be different in Morocco, where she was lately stationed. Why is this woman defamed? Because she helped a Czech tourist in the emergency situation? Because she should say something not true?
I myself can say only positive about this lady and I hope that this Defamation against her stops.

Horst Kröger
+58 #2 Jan Šinagl 2020-07-28 21:21
I am very surprised that Mrs. Chaloupkova has such problems in connection with her work as Consul at Czech Embassy in Rabat/Morocco.
I know her well from time when she was Consul in Seoul/South Korea. We had several joint activities 2012/2013.
At that time I served in Korea as Executive Vice President for Marketing for Solvay Company, Belgium.
I participated several times at embassies events where I met Mrs. Chaloupkova. I felt that she engaged herself strongly in the promotion of Czech culture in Korea and organised many exhibitions and events.
She also became the title Culture Ambassador by some Korean institutions. Finally she could comunicate with the reoresentatives if the country in Korean language. Who is able to do that!
She was always correct in her visa job - issuance of Schengen visas, as I heard f.e.from German Embassy circles and she was accepted by colleagues groups as responsible and professional. So I cannot understand at all that it should be different in Morocco, where she was lately stationed. Why is this woman defamed? Because she helped a Czech tourist in the emergency situation? Because she should say something not true?
I myself can say only positive about this lady and I hope that this Defamation against her stops.

Horst Kröger
+58 #1 Jan Šinagl 2020-07-28 19:50
Ich bin sehr überrascht, daß Frau Chaloupkova derartige Probleme mit ihrer Tätigkeit als Konsul der tschechischen Botschaft in Rabat/
Marokko hat. Ich kenne sie gut aus der Zeit, als sie Konsul in Seoul/Südkorea war, in den Jahren 2012/13 hatten wir mehrere Male
miteinander zu tun. Ich war seinerzeit für meinen Arbeitgeber (Firma Solvay, Belgien) als Executive Vice President Marketing nach Korea versetzt worden. Ich ging mehrmals zu Botschaftsempfä ngen, wo ich Frau Chaloupkova traf. Mir fiel auf, daß sie sich sehr stark für die Verbreitung der tschechischen Kultur in Korea engagiert und dazu etliche Austellungen und Vorträge organisiert hat. Sie wurde auch von verschiedenen koreanischen Institutionen zur Kulturbotschaft erin ernannt. Letztlich konnte sie sich mit Repräsentanten des Landes in koreanischer Sprache verständigen! Wer kann das schon!
Sie hat wohl im Bereich der Erteilung von Visa für den Schengen-Raum, so wie ich es gehört habe z.B. aus deutschen Botschaftskreis en, immer sehr korrekt gearbeitet und galt in Kollegenkreisen als sehr zuverlässig. Ich kann mir also überhaupt nicht vorstellen, daß das in Marokko, wo sie zuletzt als Konsul gearbeitet hat, anders gewesen sein soll. Warum wird diese Frau also diffamiert? Weil sie einer tschechischen Touristin in einer absoluten Notlage geholfen hat? Weil sie die Unwahrheit gesagt haben soll? Ich für meinen Teil kann nur positiv für diese Frau sprechen und hoffen, daß diese Diffamierungen gegen sie ein Ende finden.

Horst Kröger

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