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Karel Havlíček Borovský
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KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Bahdou Ahmed 2A series of articles and comments on what is happening at the Czech Embassy in Morocco raises a number of questions to think about. Especially where the taxpayers' money goes and how Hladik Janit actually (doesn't) works in the state administration and the protection of our security, our nation, our culture, our state and whole EU.

I only spent a short time in Morocco, but it was enough to create a certain image. Although I came because of culture, I am a technician and a businessman by profession, so I was also interested in business opportunities. There is a lot of cheap labor in Morocco, which can be put to good use in combination with our quality. However, I was struck by the approach of Ambassador Lorenc, who was more smiling at the activities of us - small and medium-sized enterprises. A special type of "support" that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promises so much to us entrepreneurs.

When I think about articles on websites and about what is happening at Czech embassy in Morocco, I think everything must have a broader context. It is clear that there is a chaos at this embassy. The State Department, for some reason, is covering it. It's not just two people doing the visa business. Someone must have something from it on both sides - Czech and Moroccan and maybe even French, since those people were supposed to stay in France. In general, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, big black money is probably being rotated. See the articles in the newspaper E15 Mafia deals with visas .... Ukraine, Vietnam, Russia, Iran .... Is it possible to do it without engagement of the people at embassies? Without the knowledge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? It is a practice called a visa factory.

The Moroccans mentioned to me that Ambassador Lorenc was building a villa. It is a challenging ambition before retirement. And a big investment. He certainly doesn't have a bad salary, I don't know how much, I would estimate 8000 euros. He could save it, but the Moroccans suggested something else. I felt it almost suited them. As if Theky wanted to turn their Islamic struggle into reality. To stir up strife between us and themselves to come out victorious and some of our responsible people cough it up .... They succeeded in Rabat. The Czechs were divided, they were fighting each other, and the locals are the winners - they are the masters. We just lost.

A capable diplomat has left office, we are destroying each other and Muslims are laughing behind our backs. Doesn't that remind you of the Indians of America? The individual tribes killed each other and the Europeans won.

If any trade between the Czech Republic and Morocco through Ahmed Bahdou (top left) flowed or is flowing, it should not be carried out at the cost of smuggling people. The ambassador and the commercial diplomat must be professional enough and able to handle all without bribery, fraud or breaking the law. We do not need to fund incompetent diplomats. I assume that only their salary, accommodation, air tickets and other expenses will cost 8,000 -10,000 euros per month. Much more for the ambassador. And we pay for all this. And we still have to receive uneducated Arab or Berber Muslims here, they do not have the finances and they can also endanger our safety and health. Today, the hygienic side also comes to the fore with coronavirus. Different culture, different morals ....

Visa trade is practically human trafficking. And it Leeds to be given a red light! Diplomats must abide the laws of their own and the recipient country, international law and ethics. Even if they are protected by diplomatic immunity, it does not mean that they can do whatever they want and cheat. If they steal at home, the police will intervene immediately. This cannot be an exception at an embassy.

Lorenc ViktorViktor Lorenc /left/ and Jan Hladík /top right/, economic diplomat at Czech Embassy/ are not able to secure business without fraud? Or are Bahdou's byznyses not kosher? I was looking for information who Ahmed Bahdou was. He presents himself on the Internet as a sociologist and artist, he likes to sing, he loves opera.

Not a word about any business. But Moroccan friends warn - beware, he has strange contacts with North Moroccan companies that launder dirty money. The Moroccan "North" is known for the production of hashish with the goal of going to Europe, especially across Spain. Even at the time of the greatest closure of the Kingdom due to coronavirus, the Spaniards captured more than one ship with a contraband.

A former royal officer now living in the EU has given detailed testimony to hashish smuggling. It is a bit like the functioning of the Czech embassy in Rabat. Drug barons were transporting drugs at certain hours when Moroccan police did not inspect the roads.

When this officer tried to adjust the inspection plan so that there were no gaps, he was sent to the south of Morocco to the inhospitable Sahara. Doesn't that remind you of the removal of Consul Chaloupková? DecentChaloupkova Jana Vpeople complying with regulations must be put out of the way. The Moroccan encountered narcotics everywhere. His boss was receiving sums for closing the eyes, and when he was to take his place because of illness, he was surprised to see what the drug baron offered him. All people automatically took part in the "traffic", like the mafia and the "decent" was blocked. The tentacles of the octopus reached as far as the Royal Palace to a princess. It was then the time of the father of the current king, and the mentioned princess has already passed aways. But Modus operandi remains, Mr. Lorenc inspired by it.

But the The Czech Republic should be at a higher level as an EU Member State promoting the rule of law, human rights and democracy.

The diplomats must also correspond to these values! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs should clean the embassy in Rabat and rehabilitate Miss Jana Chaloupkova if it doesn' t want to figure as part of this unmoral business which has signs of criminal grouping.


P.S. Legal State


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J.Š. 12.9.2020

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