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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Chaloupkova Kocurkova Lorencova

Completely left Jana Chaloupkova, in the middle red hair Anna Kocurkova (left her mother), right wife of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. It is visible that they know ea ch other well and "as family" they stick togerher, the others do not interest them - National Day of the Czech Republic 2018 -  twitter of Czech Embassy in Rabat, right Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. We can just hope that they are not relatives of former chief of Communist Secret Service General Alojz Lorenc. His relics are for sure present here. J.Š.

Lorenc Viktor

* * *

I would like to add my experience with Czech Embassy in Rabat. I am a professional sportsman and I played with several teams in the past-incl. Czechia and Morocco. Although I am second league I was the best shooter and I am moving to first league. Football is part of international sport diplomacy and sportamen are supported and welcome all over the world.

Only Miss Anna at Czech embassy in Rabat doesn' t understand it. She behaves just like a simple clerk, not embassy stuff.

I was lucky to be treated directly by the Consul Miss Jana. My coach and my city reoresentatives called the embassy too since we had a busy season last year. The problem is embassy never replies emails or very very late. My last application was for long visa since I had to play on permanent basis. I came to Czechia on short Schengen visa and  coronavirus stopped me here. There was exeption from Czech authorities in such case and me and my club we tried to search for result of my long visa application. Suddenly ministry in Prague said it was refused and I would get a letter here in the Czech Reoublic since I was stucked here because of pandemy. I sent many emails to embassy in Rabat, never got any answer. I have never got any letter in Czechia either. This whole process took 7 months!!!

Finally when my coach called Rabat a man said the letter was sent to my city in Morocco. But they knew I was in Czechia and I sent them so many emails. They just ignored it. They received letter from Prague ministry and....??? My colleague in my city in Morocco where I stayed last year checked my mailbox. No letter! So what happened with my application? My Czech club spent money on my visa application,legalisation of documents, translations, I had to search for criminal record from my own country too which was not easy by distance. I am from Centra lAfrica,  I was just host player in Morocco.

All expenses in vain, all efforts too. Why my visa was refused? No information, no letter. I do not know what Miss Anna did.

This is not professional!

Finally I decided to take an offer from Italy and I will play here! They are more welcoming. I am waiting for my ID and no need to go to Morocco and that unwelcoming embassy.

I heard many complaints about that embassy in Morocco.

Chaloupkova Jana VI will miss my club in Czech, but I want to be treated with respect and honor. The only good person was Miss Jana. She always did a perfect consular job because she is diplomat by nature. And I enjoyed her cultural events too. So Icould get inspiration for my future stay in Czechia and enrich my knowledge. One time after Fashionshow in Rabat I couldnt find accomodation since there was a music festival. She helped me wirh a friend to find overnight. I am thankful to both of them. They have human spirit.

I hope coronavieus will pass so we could play properly again. This time in Italy!


Good luck to Miss Jana

Yours  Gregory

* * *


Moroccans and the second generation among Jihadists in Spain

J.Š. 3.9.2020


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