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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Ambassador Viktor Lorenc

  • Ambassador of the Czech Republic to Morocco Viktor Lorenc, disappeared from the website of the embassy ?!

    Lorenc ViktorI found out on the website of the embassy in Morocco that V. Lorenc is no longer there. Apparently, the package includes 21 names of ambassadors returning to the Czech Republic. In his case, I would say at last, because the shame about his visas is outrageous, isn't it? When you look at the embassy's website, the position of the ambassador is empty in the Czech version.

    Who will be next? That the diplomat Jaroslav Škeřík, whom the media had previously announced? After the disgrace around his posting to Switzerland, he again got a "good" stunt. Will it continue visa fraud? If he was doing something at the Diplomatic Service, he might be willing to do it elsewhere. Or how it was.....

    I also happened to hear from a friend that the brother of the director of the Visa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, David Nový, works for the BIS (Security Information Service). I would almost call it a conflict of interest. Then it may be clear why no one admitted you to the BIS and visa fraud is not spared. The same people have it everywhere.

  • Czech Republic: Diplomatic posts are also a form of corruption

    Stasek Miroslav a diplomateThe destructive cocktail of vested interests and widespread corruption is the misfortune and pain of our state. Every year, billions from the budget end up in the private accounts of individuals. Corruption has a powerful influence on the decision-making of government and local politicians and lowers the standard of living of everyone. It affects all branches of government, from road and motorway construction to health care.

    It is not just about financial donations; the forms of corruption are varied, from cash to paid trips, luxury gifts, lucrative contracts or grants to lucrative positions on supervisory boards or in the civil service, where ambassadorial posts are among the most popular.

    But it doesn't stop there. Every newly appointed deputy, chief director and sometimes even "mere" director chooses an office and a secretariat, gets new equipment, brings in assistants. And, especially in the case of the State Department, they start travelling. The number of inspection, control and other missions increases by leaps and bounds. Towards the end of the term, these staff usually become ambassadors.

  • Diplomat - drunkard Moravec quit, diplomat Hybášková - promoted for drunkenness, great diplomat Chaloupková - fired for honesty...

    Moravec LudekHavel Kongres USA bystaRead more in the article Czech Republic had to withdraw a diplomat from the USA, he was threatened with criminal prosecution.

    In the matter with Dr. Jana Chaloupková, I personally informed both Senator Pavel Fischer, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, as well as Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský and the Pirates. They know, they do not act, although they could and should. The one who covered up this immorality, former State Secretary at the Czech Foreign Ministry Miroslav Stašek, was appointed as the new Czech Ambassador to the USA for a "reward". Who has so much power that he has silenced the media and the opposition, which is obediently silent? Is President Miloš Zeman the obedient executor of the will of the arms industry? Let the citizen make up his own mind.

    There is a statue of Václav Havel in the US Congress as an example to the world and a reminder of his legacy. Is it in the Czech Parliament? There was once a statue of Karel Kryl there, but it has been removed. JŠ


    Original article updated to include communication with the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs>

  • He described how fraudulently a career in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is being made. The dismissal of an honest man, threatening the interests of the corrupt structures, reaching in the EU and security of the Schengen area

    MZV CR logo EThe MFA Czech Republic needs a total reform and purge! Career diplomats are the type of people who cover their backs for the sake of profit, and the interests of the country come second. The higher the position of responsibility, the less freedom the person has to solve the problem or challenge. He needs ten times more knowledge and expertise than is actually needed. Honour the exceptions! JŠ


    Jan Čapek produced an audit, the contents of which were unpleasant for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He found that the office was not transparently selecting people for highly desirable positions in embassies. A swift sacking followed.

    According to the immediate account of Čapek's boss, Hybášková (the personnel chief) was told by Čapek's boss (as heard on the recording) that if journalists learned that the selections were not transparent, "it would be such a headline." Also that the audit report should be classified so that journalists can't get to it through the information law.

    Did an article disappear from the front page of Seznam.cz unusually quickly? One of the diplomat's first posts about her experience was no longer found in the discussion of the article. I'm adding more relevant information:

  • I. PART: Czech-Maroccogate series continued - Czech diplomat in Moscow as a "porn actor" !!!

    Cistecky Jiri uprava 12.1.2024Updated 12.1.2024:I originally wanted to retouch the photo of Jiří Čistecký right away. After consultation, I kept it, since the MFA did not respond at all for years. It was not a violation of journalistic ethics, but a justifiable action given the gravity of the situation. Today, I retouched the photo because the reason has missed its effect and is becoming counterproductive. A decent diplomat does not take such pictures and send them to other diplomats or other persons. Such a person has no business in the diplomacy of a developed country, just as those who are informed of the situation do not act and slander those who have been drawing attention to the shameful situation for years. Jiří Čistecký is still the highest representative of the Czech embassy in Moscow. JŠ


    1.Low level of Czech civil service and diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

    MZV CR logo EThe portal iDNESreported on the firing of auditor Jan Čapek after he prepared a truthful audit about the non-transparent work of the Foreign Ministry's personnel section. As Čapek correctly states, Minister Jan Lipavský is not telling the truth and, contrary to his statement, he is actually covering for the previous government of A. Babiš. Why? We will try to answer this in our series, where we will reveal the evidence of the Czech version of the Maroccogate scandal, which was investigated in the European Parliament earlier this year and the investigation is still not over.


    Dr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, specialist on the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts.


    Prelovsek DamjanChaloupková Jana IIII like the Czech Republic very much and it is hard to write these lines. In the last 4 years I have contacted many Czech politicians, diplomats, civil servants, also MPs and senators. Nobody wanted to deal with the Schengen visa fraud at the Czech embassy in Morocco. Some remained silent, others pleaded that they were not the competent ones. Others openly admitted that they were afraid because they had children and did not want anything to happen to them. The warnings and threats did not go unheeded by me or by Mrs Jana Chaloupková, who refused to issue visas to suspicious persons and investigated the strange people around the visas. Over the years, I have received a lot of evidence from non-corrupt persons interested in justice and truth from Morocco and other African and European countries. All of this material is stored in various places and countries and should anything happen to me or Mrs Chaloupka it will all be made public immediately.

    Original article>


    Slow progress of the investigation of the Qatargate Scandal in European Parliament


    PART II: Czech-Maroccogate series continued - Prime Minister Petr Fiala allegedly has no competence?

    PART III: The Czech-Maroccogate series continues - Ambassador Michaela Froňková and her visa "for pretty eyes"

  • Jaká je (ne)profesionalita vízových referentů na českých ambasádách? Komentář k mým otázkám vzneseným k MZV ČR v souvislosti s kauzou velvyslance Viktora Lorence v Maroku

    Petricek Tomas vlajka EU a SRNNa můj Otevřený dopis ministru zahraničí ČR Tomáši Petříčkovi ze dne 27.1.2021, nebylo dosud reagováno. Na pravdu nelze reagovat, pokud musí být před veřejností utajena a odpovědní odmítají  převzít vlastní,Lorenc Viktor osobní odpovědnost za spáchané a stále páchané bezpráví. Bezdůvodné odmítání udělení víz, ničí lidské životy a osudy. I na mne se postižení obracejí. Ze strachu, aby neztratili naději na udělení víza do ČR, nechtějí svůj příběh zveřejnit. Věřme, že budou jednou vyslechnuti jako svědci PČR.

  • Kingdom of Morocco - Kingdom of Anna from Kocourkov

    Chaloupkova Kocurkova Lorencova

    Completely left Jana Chaloupkova, in the middle red hair Anna Kocurkova (left her mother), right wife of Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. It is visible that they know ea ch other well and "as family" they stick togerher, the others do not interest them - National Day of the Czech Republic 2018 -  twitter of Czech Embassy in Rabat, right Ambassador Viktor Lorenc. We can just hope that they are not relatives of former chief of Communist Secret Service General Alojz Lorenc. His relics are for sure present here. J.Š.

    Lorenc Viktor

    * * *

    I would like to add my experience with Czech Embassy in Rabat. I am a professional sportsman and I played with several teams in the past-incl. Czechia and Morocco. Although I am second league I was the best shooter and I am moving to first league. Football is part of international sport diplomacy and sportamen are supported and welcome all over the world.

    Only Miss Anna at Czech embassy in Rabat doesn' t understand it. She behaves just like a simple clerk, not embassy stuff.

  • Lamia Essaadi - Fédération royale marocaine de tennis - supports the former consul in Morocco, Mrs. Jana Chaloupková

    Lamia AssaadiCasablanca, 21 February 2020

    Ref: Miss Jana Chaloupkova

    Miss Jana is a great diplomat and I am so happy to know her. I have written my statement in October 2019 for the MOFAs inspection and I am ready to give my testimony any time, any place. Currently I am workingChaloupkova Jana V in Al Ain in Emirates as tennis trainer but you can contact me via my mobile phone on whatsup.

    Miss Jana is the best diplomat I have ever met. She is very friendly and she gives positive image of her country. She supported my championships in the Czech Republic not only by granting me the visa, but with her spirit and smile and putting news on the internet. I was lucky to win there and I am pleased that we have an active exchange of sportsmen between Czechia and Morocco, so many championships – also in the area of handicap sportsmen. My colleagues from handicap tennis players group talk about Miss Jana too. She supported some sport events with her gracious presence, she gave them motivation, especially she inspires us – women, because in Muslim Morocco it is not always easy. We represent the new modern style and some radicals do not like it. Our best handicap tennis player got even threatening messages on her facebook and Instagram after a very successful TV interview. There is also sometimes jealousy and envy playing its role, our society is a male society and we slowly start to gain our place in the life.

    * * *

    Najwa is a modern Moroccan girl - European style thinking and dressing. She likes fashion, she enjoys music and dancing. She has a positive spirit. She appeared at many TV programs thankx to her success as handicaped tennis player. She won many tournaments all over the world including Czechia. She has courage and strong will. In comments to her internet appearances she got even harassed by radically thinking people f.e. "pay that dog has bitten your face too". Very unhuman comments. Najwa is training with her trainer who lives in Spain. She represents the new modern lifestyle, new Morocco. She needs our support! We wish luck and succes, not only in tennis but all her life.


  • Legault on same page as Macron, suggests Trudeau giving in to terror ‘blackmail’

    The current terrorist attacks in France and Austria prove Consul Jana Chaloupková right. The explosive topic of issuing visas in Rabat remains an absolute taboo for the Czech media and Czech politicians. J.Š.

    * * *

    France’s President called Quebec Premier François Legault to thank him for his defence of free speech, Legault said Tuesday.

    The Quebec premier then criticized Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on the issue by suggesting he was giving into blackmail.

    Legault said he and Emmanuel Macron spoke during a phone call Tuesday morning that touched on the recent terrorist attacks in France, which authorities have attributed to Islamic extremists. In one of the recent attacks, a French teacher was beheaded after showing students caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad.

    The Quebec premier said Macron called to thank him for the “clear position” he took in defending freedom of expression “without any hesitation.” Legault made the comments at a Monday news conference, during which he said, “I do not agree with Justin Trudeau; I agree with Emmanuel Macron … we need to protect freedom of expression.”

  • MFA Czech Republic: Too many Sir Humphreys - and crime!

    MZV CR logo EJournalist Jaroslav Spurný responds to my criticism about the silence of the weekly RESPEKT (2021): I have to get used to the fact that "What is good for the public is fortunately not decided by Šinágl" (I can no longer find the text on FB). JŠ


    About a case from the State Department, or the de facto decision-making power remains in the hands of technocrats elected by no one. Overwhelming bureaucracy just one of the problems that is capable of stifling any effort at change.

    The main method is to manipulate their minister, primarily by keeping him busy with time-consuming tasks whose sole purpose is to keep the minister busy and out of his way. However, he does not shy away from using his own mistakes against the Minister.

    "This is a tragedy, the entire state and public apparatus is riddled with it. They don't decide ability but who is whose friend, who is kissing up to whom and can be useful in return, by passing on contracts to friends who helped him into office. You can change the whole government, but this is here to stay. You have to change the whole system and that is a Sisyphean job and I'm afraid it's just not feasible without a total screw-up of the whole society."

    Systemic change will have to include at least three aspects:

  • MFA of the Czech Republic: the Communist regime's descendants fully control the MFA of the Czech Republic

    Stasek Miroslav velvyslanec CR v USA 2022Lorenc Viktor

    Updated 13.8.2022: 12 Easiest Countries To Get A Schengen Visa


    Obedient diplomats rewarded with diplomatic posts for indecent service!


    Diplomats are the showcase of every country - the Czech one is a disgrace. The citizens are not informed, the media and politicians are obediently silent, although they have been informed by me for years. When will the media taboo, reminiscent of the totalitarian era, end? You can see for yourself below. For starters, I recommend this article and the interview with the former Slovenian Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Damjan Prelovšek. Below I supplement it with the shocking facts of the current events at the MFA of the Czech Republic.

    Letter of former Ambassador of Slovenia to he Czech Republic in the matter of unacceptable situation at Czech Embassy in Morocco - visa business

  • MFA: Scary disciplinary committee. "Porn actor" Čistecký as Czech Ambassador to Germany ?!

    Prelovsek DamjanLorenc ViktorI would like to remind you of the audio recording of the interrogation of the witness Damjan Prelovšek (1.4.2022). Was the investigating official also so "impartial" in questioning the corrupt ambassador Viktor Lorenc, if he was questioned at all, and other accomplices? Of course, I would also publish the audio recording, if it was made at all, including the transcript?

    Unlike the former brilliant diplomat and Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic , Damjan Prelovšek, Viktor Lorenc has something to hide. In a developed country, he could never become an ambassador, or he would be immediately indicted and convicted.

    Cistecky Jiri uprava 12.1.2024The"porn actor" Jiří Čistecký (who ended up as chargé de faire at the Czech embassy in Moscow) will be ambassador to Germany from autumn. Is he said to have a reputation as a good diplomat? He may be, but if he spreads his photo "as God created him" of his own volition, he is no longer one. Nor can he be excused if he has been on a "high", alcoholic or otherwise. Nor can he be excused for the fact that being a diplomat in Moscow endangers everyone's state of mind, especially if he is not a strong personality who is able to resist various pressures and offers. I have already informed the top officials of Germany and will do so if the proposal to appoint Chistyetsky as ambassador is not cancelled. JŠ

    Full Article in Czech>


    XIV. PART XIV of Czech-Marocco Gate - how to conduct disciplinary proceedings at the MFA and how to discredit whistleblowers


    Bahdou Ahmed 2A series of articles and comments on what is happening at the Czech Embassy in Morocco raises a number of questions to think about. Especially where the taxpayers' money goes and how Hladik Janit actually (doesn't) works in the state administration and the protection of our security, our nation, our culture, our state and whole EU.

    I only spent a short time in Morocco, but it was enough to create a certain image. Although I came because of culture, I am a technician and a businessman by profession, so I was also interested in business opportunities. There is a lot of cheap labor in Morocco, which can be put to good use in combination with our quality. However, I was struck by the approach of Ambassador Lorenc, who was more smiling at the activities of us - small and medium-sized enterprises. A special type of "support" that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs promises so much to us entrepreneurs.

    When I think about articles on websites and about what is happening at Czech embassy in Morocco, I think everything must have a broader context. It is clear that there is a chaos at this embassy. The State Department, for some reason, is covering it. It's not just two people doing the visa business. Someone must have something from it on both sides - Czech and Moroccan and maybe even French, since those people were supposed to stay in France. In general, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, big black money is probably being rotated. See the articles in the newspaper E15 Mafia deals with visas.... Ukraine, Vietnam, Russia, Iran.... Is it possible to do it without engagement of the people at embassies? Without the knowledge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs? It is a practice called a visa factory.

  • Other media, years later, starting to write about Marocco-Gate: the Whistleblower in Czernin Palace. When she exposed visa fraud, she got fired

    Chaloupková Jana III"Don't try to be a successful person, but rather a person of value."

    Albert Einstein

    * * *

    A former diplomat was wrongfully removed from the service. This follows from the verdict obtained by Aktuálně.cz. The former consul in Morocco pointed to corruption suspicions surrounding the issuance of visas. The Foreign Ministry sent her back to the Czech Republic, after which the administration removed her from all work. However, according to the court, she is entitled to seek protection as a possible whistleblower. This is the first such case in Czech diplomacy.


    Further information from the judgment of the MS Prague of 14 February 2024 - No. 14 Ad 1/2023- 99 - Senate of JUDr. Štěpán Výborný, PhD.

    12. In contravention of the above-mentioned statutory provisions, the service authority referred to the applicant as mentally ill and questioned her credibility in its letters to the National Security Office (NSA). In doing so, the applicant was merely asserting her rights. Moreover, the psychologist's report, from which the service authority inferred the applicant's mental problems, lacked the essential attributes of an official document. Moreover, the expert report of the NSA's experts refuted that she suffered from a mental disorder.

    It is as if the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic did not notice the year 1989 - its manners today are in many ways reminiscent of StB methods that even the Gestapo did not dare. Jana Chaloupková has long since become, for decent citizens, the Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic! Too bad the judge did not order the MFA to employ her immediately?! JŠ

    Full article in Czech>


  • Personnel policy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic is collapsing more and more visibly and frighteningly

    MZV CR logo EUpdated 8.8.2023: 


    ... A diplomat with decades of experience and an excellent evaluation of her work not only did not return to her post in Morocco, but despite her participation in hundreds of competitions, the Foreign Ministry says no other placement was found and her service was terminated for that reason....

    Above all, Dr. Chaloupková acted in accordance with the law, did not follow the illegal instructions of Ambassador Lorence, worked in accordance with the regulations of the Czech Republic and the EU. For this she lost her job, is now without income. The MFA should support such people, not destroy them. This is absurd!

  • Qatargate: Corruption scandal widens with more EU lawmakers in frame

    Panzeri AntonioArena Maria Moretti AlessandraMaria Arena and Alessandra Moretti are mentioned in arrest warrant for another MEP, Andrea Cozzolino.

    Belgium’s probe into alleged corruption and influence-buying by Qatar and Morocco in the European Parliament has widened, an international arrest warrant obtained by POLITICO shows. MEPs Maria Arena and Alessandra Moretti are connected to the investigation being undertaken by Belgian prosecutors, according to the warrant for Italian MEP Andrea Cozzolino, who was arrested last week on charges of corruption, money-laundering and participation in a criminal organization. The warrant was issued on February 10 by Belgian investigative judge Michel ClaiseFull Article>


    Letter of former Ambassador of Slovenia to he Czech Republic in the matter of unacceptable situation at Czech Embassy in Morocco - visa business 

    Qatargate, Panzeri also accuses Forza Italia MP Lara Comi



  • The diplomat violated good manners, the state paid an extra 420.000,-Kč, all right? How many such examples of misuse of public money remain hidden from the public? The communist parties' descendants still control the MFA of the Czech Republic

    Havrlikova PavlaStasek Miroslav velvyslanec CR v USA 2022The results of the audit were handed over to the police in the past. In the end, criminal investigators assessed that the purchase of overpriced tickets was not a criminal offence and returned the matter to the Ministry to investigate whether there had been a breach of internal regulations.

    "The MFA's investigation did not prove that such a violation had occurred," the ministry said. The ministry did not specify the reason for which the office eventually shelved the case, saying that "the MFA does not publish the results of internal controls." Pay I the state  hundreds of thousands of crowns in fines for freedom of speech, only to have its employees "squander it" in this way, going unpunished when no one is personally responsible for anything? That's how it was under the communists...

    In this context, I would like to remind you of the letterof Jan Lipavský, MP for the Pirates, today's Foreign Minister, to Prime Minister Andrej Babiš regarding the appointment of Adam Vojtěch as Czech Ambassador to Finland, dated 18 February 2021. It is a custom in other countries that diplomatic "trafikas" are also given to former politicians or soldiers. The problem is if their character and professional abilities are not a priority (remember, for example, the Czech ambassador to Slovakia, Livia Klausová, daughter of the war criminal during the Slovak state, Stefan Miština).   

  • Three deaths of Zeman's favourites in five months...

    MZV CR logo 1"Find the limit of work", writes Minister Lipavsky to diplomats...

    In five months, the Foreign Ministry has been rocked by three sudden and untimely deaths of high-ranking Czech diplomats - "on duty" and in high-profile destinations. The office is considering a new regulation of working conditions under the Foreign Service Act. Access to psychological care for diplomats and their families is also to be improved.

    The Czernin Palace has faced unprecedented pressure, especially from President Miloš Zeman and his entourage, which has accompanied the Castle's efforts to reverse the focus of foreign policy - from the West to the East and towards authoritarian regimes. Full article>

    As a side note, the diplomat Jana Hybášková was caught drunk driving - and promoted. The brilliant diplomat Dr. Jana Chaloupková, who refused to behave in a way that was not in accordance with the rules, was literally thrown out of the MFA on the street. All this after many years of successful diplomatic work for our country (knowledge of 12 foreign languages).

  • WHISTLEBLOWER NETWORK NEWS: Prague Fog: Czech Officials Mum on Whistleblower Retaliation Case

    Prague Fog Czech Officials Mum on Whistleblower Retaliation Case 1140x570By Mark Worth June 29, 2021 in Global Whistleblowers

    The victimization of a long-serving public employee who reported evidence of corruption has solidified the Czech Republic’s reputation as one of Europe’s poorest-performing countries when it comes to whistleblower protection.

    The employee was disciplined, recalled from an overseas post, threatened with dismissal, and subjected to psychological testing in retaliation for reporting suspicions of bribery. (The employee’s name and identifying information is being withheld.)

    The employee, who has worked for the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs for more than 20 years, was disciplined under highly suspicious circumstances within days after reporting the alleged bribery. The reason involved a petty bureaucratic snafu and not actual wrongdoing by the employee, a review of the case by the European Center for Whistleblower Rights has found.

    The employee was retaliated against in apparent violation of Czech Regulation 145/2015, which was enacted in June 2015 to comply with the OECD’s Anti-Bribery Convention. The regulation on “Whistleblowing in the Public Sector” states that “a civil servant who reports suspicion of unlawful conduct…shall not be, in relation to this activity, harmed, disadvantaged or otherwise oppressed.”

    The European Center has directly alerted key members of Czech Parliament and Foreign Affairs Minister Jakub Kulhánek about the situation. A letter of protest was sent to Kulhánek this month by the European Center, based in Berlin, and the National Whistleblower Center, based in Washington, DC.