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Karel Havlíček Borovský
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KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Stasek Miroslav velvyslanec CR v USA 2022Lorenc Viktor

Updated 13.8.2022: 12 Easiest Countries To Get A Schengen Visa


Obedient diplomats rewarded with diplomatic posts for indecent service!


Diplomats are the showcase of every country - the Czech one is a disgrace. The citizens are not informed, the media and politicians are obediently silent, although they have been informed by me for years. When will the media taboo, reminiscent of the totalitarian era, end? You can see for yourself below. For starters, I recommend this article and the interview with the former Slovenian Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Damjan Prelovšek. Below I supplement it with the shocking facts of the current events at the MFA of the Czech Republic.

Letter of former Ambassador of Slovenia to he Czech Republic in the matter of unacceptable situation at Czech Embassy in Morocco - visa business

1) Link to the biography of diplomat ing. Pavel Pitl. Link to his appointment as Czech Ambassador to Thailand.

2) Link to the Consul General of the Czech Republic in Lviv Mgr. David Nový, former Director of the Visa Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic.

3) Link to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ghana, where Ing. Marcela Payard, a former housekeeper in Morocco, a clerk in the finance department.

4) Link to the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in New York, where Anna Kocurkova is listed as Consular Officer.

5) Reference to the Consulate General in New York, where Ing. Arnošt Kareš.

6) Structure of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Washington

7) The Consul General in Los Angeles is Jaroslav Olša jn.


To complete the context:

The consular officer, Anna Kocurkova, was transferred from Morocco to the Consulate General in New York for a fee. As a visa officer, she certainly encountered strange visa applicants; she couldn't help but encounter them by virtue of her position. She didn't report anything or things would have been different. Highly placed sources at the MFA note that this is related to the close relationship between her father and the former ambassador to Morocco, Viktor Lorenc. The US has always been a destination for the "chosen few". Kocourkova's nomination to New York and her direct transfer to the US, without an intermediate stay in the Czech Republic, as usual, speaks for itself.

Marcela Payard, a former housekeeper in Rabat, works in the finance section of the embassy in Ghana. She has also been directly transferred, although her CV (sent to me by the MFA) shows that she has no foreign mission experience. So Viktor Lorenc has obviously taken care of "his loyalists".

The director of the visa department, David Nový, who also made no contribution to the investigation, is the consul general in Lviv. His brother works for the BIS, which may be the reason why the BIS (Security Information Service, subordinated to the Government of the Czech Republic) requested my information and to date has not responded to my warning about visa fraud related to Schengen Area security.

Interestingly, the Consul General in New York, Arnošt Kareš, is also linked to the new Ambassador to the US, Miroslav Stasek - he was the Director of his Secretary of State's office.

Svetlana Dobiszova, the Deputy Ambassador of the Czech Republic in Washington for Internal Affairs, was also employed in the office of Secretary of State Stasek. She previously served as Deputy Ambassador. Now, after the arrival of the "new guard" from the new government, she has been transferred to a lower post. Thus, Stasek moved his people there, subordinating the selection process to his interests and the interests of others, not the interests of the country and its citizens, who do not pay for such "work".

The Consul General in Los Angeles, Jaroslav Olša jn., was the Deputy Director of the Personnel Department in 2019, so he should have been involved in the investigation and resolution of the Lorence visa fraud in Morocco. Apparently he acted rather the opposite and was rewarded like the others - all towards the USA.


More details:

Iveta Chmielová, then Director of the Human Resources Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, was replaced by Helena Bambasová. After her death, her position was taken over by Jana Hybášková.

Hybášková and Olša jn. are classmates. Hybášková helped Hynek Kmoníček (the current Czech ambassador to the USA) at the MFA in the 1990s. Viktor Lorenc worked with him, according to journalist Klíma, in the KPR (Office of the President of the Republic).

Hybášková was driving drunk and crashed near the MFA after the ambassadors' meeting. Hladik, director of the Arabic Department, was in the car. According to an employee of the diplomatic protocol, the "reception" at the Czernin Palace was somewhat prolonged. So, in fact, Hybášková suffered a "work accident" while "serving" her country...

In May, during the "Freedom Celebration" in Pilsen, I had the opportunity to speak personally with Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky. I informed him about the scandal in Morocco, he told me that he knew nothing about it and promised to look into it. I handed him my business card, saying that I had already published over 100 articles in Czech, English, German and French on the subject of Morocco and Dr. Jana Chaloupková.  Even after 3 months, I have not noticed any of his activity in the matter of Morocco, his objections to the filling of ambassadorial posts with demonstrably unscrupulous persons or his support for the great diplomat Dr. Jana Chaloupková. If he was telling the truth, it would be even worse than if he did not want to tell it. If he were the real, independent master and ruler of the ministry, he would have had to act long ago. In this way he is acting as another servant of power and the real power in the country...

It remains to state that in the selection procedure at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the diplomatic posts of the above-mentioned persons, the condition for a prestigious and lucrative appointment is active or passive cooperation in the cover-up of the scandal in Morocco, or personal ties or kinship relations that are comparable to the practices of the communists of the totalitarian era.

Audit, control and the fight against corruption reads well on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic - unfortunately, the reality is quite different. Even thousands of laws will not solve corruption unless there are capable and characterful people in positions of responsibility. They do not need written laws, they have them in them and use common sense.

This offers a new explanation for the MFA - Ministry of Foreign Affairs..., with all due respect to those diplomats who actually serve the country and its interests.

The danger of Czech plebeianism, petty bourgeoisie and provincialism, warned already K. H. Borovský, F. Palacký, TGM, A. Švehla and others. Even the MFA of the Czech Republic is an image of the moral decay and disintegration of society, which it is helping to bring about, instead of helping it to move towards advanced democratic countries. We will be paying for the loss of elites at all levels of the country's life for a long time to come - even longer if we just wait for it to change on its own or for others to do the work for us.

Freedom, slavery and obedience have their price. We still have a choice - it won't last forever !

Full Article in Czech>


Jan Šinágl, 4.8.2022

Internationally renowned independent journalist, columnist, political analyst, i.e. punished in the EU country (for freedom of speech and the public's right to information) on property and health. A committed citizen, for twenty years defending truth, justice and the preservation of democratic values. Citizen of the Czech Republic and the Swiss Confederation, respected by the democratic citizens of Europe. 30 years of life in totalitarianism, 20 years in democracy, 20 years in post-totalitarianism.


The diplomat violated good manners, the state paid an extra 420.000,-Kč, all right? How many such examples of misuse of public money remain hidden from the public? The communist parties' descendants still control the MFA of the Czech Republic

Prag 29.7.2022: Nationalfeiertag der Schweiz - Rede von Botschafter Philippe Guex


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