Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Spain Marocco Jihad 2013 2017A large majority of Jihadists in Spain are either Moroccans or descendants of Moroccans. But it is more likely for someone of Moroccan origin to become involved in terrorist activities if living in Spain than if living in Morocco.

Whole article from 27.6.2018

EU-Afrika-Strategie: Die EU setzt auf eine stärkere Partnerschaft


Spanish Govt. Gives Go-ahead To Agreement with Morocco on Security and Fight against Crime

* * *

Controversial New EU Drug Agenda Puts Europe, Morocco At Risk

Young Belarusians Caught Smuggling Moroccans Near Semič

Morocco’s Royal Navy Arrests 168 Irregular Migrants in Mediterranean


Does the Czech Republic trade in visas or protect our Schengen borders and our security?

Letter of former Ambassador of Slovenia to he Czech Republic in the matter of unacceptable situation at Czech Embassy in Morocco - visa business

J.Š. 23.9.2020

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Rating 4.92 (13 Votes)


+12 #1 Jan Šinagl 2020-09-23 19:20
Kristine lost a year of her life hoping to work at the embassy in the
consular section. The embassy could gain a qualified assistant with
strength and interest to work, it would not face criticism for not
answering e-mails, not answering phones and not responding to request as
it is criticized now. It could also get a representative person.
Instead, Lorenc with Marcel Payard accepted as an consular assistant for
the embassy a cleaning woman !!! Although she is a good person, she is
not very capable according to people's complaints. This is the proof of
a completely incapable personnel management of the Embassy in Rabat and
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Prague, or perhaps even an intention
- the fraud is better hidden in the chaos. The embassy is now making
excuses in connection with COVID, but they are still taking big
salaries. At the same time, Kocurková lives at the embassy and she need
just a minute to move to the office. She has a bulletproof window in the
consulate, so the virus does not endanger her and she can work at full
speed. Everything is just an excuse. According to information from the
Moroccan side, someone from Dubai is supposed to come as the new consul?
So again from the Arab region? Apparently, it could be to make
everything to continue and stay the same, according to the motto, the
mess wishes fraud.

Kristine didn't even get a euro from the embassy and she always did
everything for free. Embarrassing - an African strategy just for someone.

Dr. Chaloupkova tried to improve everything in Morocco. She cared about
the good name of Czechia and the embassy towards the Moroccans - even
the refused visas were always explained so that the Czech Republic had
the best possible image. She worked on visas until late and even at
night. But the whole year' s work seems to be in vain. They removed her
and the others "reign" in Rabat. They have a negative relationship with
Morocco and they do not serve the country and the citizens at all -
neither Czech nor Moroccan - as they should according to various
documents and declarations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is once again something of the
world's "top"…

The problem is Kocurková, she does not advise, do not want or does not
know how to assist the applicants, so she doesn' t help either. She is a
bad hearted person who does more harm than good. After the departure of
dr. Chaloupková she received more power, supported by her friend the
ambassador and Prague.

Senate President Vystrčil refused to communicate, even though he was
requested for appointment to submit the evidence in the case. He is
putting it aside, "ad acta" ?! He checked all with the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs? In essence, he called the complainant a liar. It is
clear that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will never admit a mistake
voluntarily. To me he replied that if Lorenc's return back to Czechia
was not approved by Zeman, there was nothing he could do ?! He showed
more courage on his way to Taiwan. Under these circumstances, his words
about human rights in connection with the trip to Taiwan sound somewhat
false. Similarly, the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Radek Vondráček
gives his hands away…

On the sidelines, I note that the MP' s Alexandr Vondra, Jan Zahradil,
Member of Parliament Václav Klaus Jr. are still silent too as wellas the
Pirates officials. Tthey all didn't know and showed interest.

Is the media still silent? As one lawyer said, "Everything is just
like." We have laws, institutions, but we do not have people who act in
their spirit for the benefit of the country. On the other hand, we have
enough of those who use them mainly for their personal benefit -
especially not to incite anyone!

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