Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Abrams WilliamsAbrams Williams pametni deskaFrom massacres and unnecessary loss of life in the last days of the Second World War, a part of the Příbram region was probably saved by a man after whom a battle tank - Abrams - is named.

In those moments Colonel Creighton Williams Abrams played an important role, for which he has only now, many years after the war, earned recognition and a memorial plaque in Kamýk nad Vltavou (is it sad that it is not bilingual?! JŠ).

For liberating our country, Abrams was awarded the Czechoslovak War Cross after the war by President Edvard Beneš. However, these facts soon fell into oblivion for many decades.

"One of the most difficult situations at the end of the war"

"These dramatic events brought Colonel Abrams to Kamýk nad Vltavou, where he dealt with one of the most complex situations at the end of the war in the future Soviet zone: the surrender of a group of many thousands of the enemy from the SS-Truppenübungsplatz Böhmen training area in the Benesov and Sedlčany regions," the historian explained.

The presence of Abrams, who was promoted to the rank of general after the war, became Chief of Staff of the US Army and had an M1 Abrams tank named after him, is evidenced by an entry in the school chronicle dated 9 May 1945 and period photographs.

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The Ukrainian army is too strong for Russia to defeat immediately

Shoigu, a blunt officer, is no longer fit for years to come, not least because the Defense Ministry is totally riddled with corruption, as is everything in Russia. There is no collective Western attitude towards Ukraine. The West is failing in fundamental attitudes; it is correcting the mistakes. The East cannot, and when it errs, it ends in ruin.

We are unable not to resist, but unable to understand the gravity of the conflict

It is not a conflict between neighbouring states, and certainly not a civil war. War and territorial expansion is a form of the natural existence of an authoritarian regime. Dictatorships cannot be taught to expand. The EU and NATO have failed to understand Russia. It fails to understand the difference in the positions of Russia and Ukraine. This is a conflict of civilization and civilizations. Are we going to jingle keys for the next 40 years, or are we going to resist it? Democracy is still a better system for humans.

We have no leaders, where have they gone? Why don't we have them?

A leader emerges, a society generates a leader figure when it knows what it wants and has a goal. Which political party is capable of that, what goal is it pursuing in the long run? It has a different, existential goal, trying to survive. In such situations, in a struggling nation and society, there is a specific goal and a struggling leader. One is related to the other. The leader becomes the one who takes up the challenge of history. History puts this burden on him and asks him "Can you live up to it?" Either he says, "Sorry, I can't stand it, I'm taking a taxi and going to Paris, or he says, "Yes," in a pouting way. The comedian Zelensky became a leader, the Churchill of his time, because he accepted the challenge and put his whole life on the line. It's not easy to understand the meaning of the moment.

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Sonko OusmanBellinzona, Switzerland 15.5.2024: A Swiss court yesterday sent former Gambian Interior Minister Ousmane Sonko to prison for 20 years for crimes against humanity and involvement in repression in the West African country. The AP reported. The trial took place in Bellinzona in southern Switzerland under the so-called universal jurisdiction, which allows perpetrators of serious crimes to be prosecuted and tried abroad regardless of where they happened.  Sonko, who was Gambian interior minister from 2006 to 2016, applied for asylum but was arrested two months later. He has now become the highest-ranking former government official ever tried under universal jurisdiction in Europe. (LN, 16.5.2024)


That's how independent justice works - equality of all citizens before the law. Czech justice has a lot to learn! The article appeared today in the press edition of LN, Czech TV (Události ČT) was silent. JŠ 

Cintula JurajNikdy nezapomeneme Martinka a Janko KuciakThe most basic lesson from the history of democracy: "If you create nothing but conflict, conflict is all you will achieve."


Writer, poet, assassin Juraj Cintula: "I disagree with the government's policy, the mass media are being liquidated, why is RTV being attacked, why are people being thrown out of their posts?"

He certainly acted in the name of Jan Kuciak. Robert Fico was not directly involved in his death, but he helped build the criminal structures that led to the journalist's death through his politics. Poets are often able, with a single act, to reach out and awaken the public to necessary action when society is in great danger and paralysed. Fico actively spread and promoted hatred in order to become himself a victim of what he sowed. Slovakia has to go through its catharsis, and so does the Czech Republic. Society needs real leaders, not shills.

Valko ErnestLet us wish the Prime Minister a speedy recovery, as well as the whole of Slovak society. Putin certainly welcomes the assassination. Let us leave no room for emotions, instincts and hatred. They stifle common sense and allow a significant part of the political scene to manipulate people against their interests and the interests of the country. They always favour their own - the hate speeches by SMER party representatives at a time when the Prime Minister is fighting for his life have reminded us of this once again. Another test of the maturity of Slovak society, including how will the motivation to act and the work of the security forces be judged? They have completely failed and have an inalienable role in the Prime Minister's serious injuries. Will journalists also need security? 

In Memoriam Jan PalachJán Kuciak and JUDr. Ernest Valko. Juraj Cintula sacrificed the rest of his life for his beloved country and today's sick world. Were his actions worthy of them? Will Juraj Cintula be the next Slovak martyr in the Janosik tradition? JŠ 


You can watch the removed video HERE


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Blazek a FialaSinagl VictoryHis ANSWER of 2.5.2024 to the interpellation of MP. I am afraid that he did not listen to the audio recordings of my entry into the public court hearings, which led to the "lifetime" ban on my attendance at the public court hearings of the single judge JUDGE Jana Bochňáková. I am thus the first citizen of the Czech Republic with an unstoppable execution and also the first with a ban on entering courtrooms for public hearings. She excluded me as in the case of the innocent Ing. Marek Gaba, where she behaved in the same repulsive manner. Quite a tribute to my work!

I enclose my PETITION to the hands of the President of the Ostrava Regional Court Mgr. Tomáš Komradek (26.4.2024) - RESPONSE of the Vice-Chairman of the Court Mgr. David Blaheta (6.5.2024) and my RESPONSE (8.5.2024).

What was the specific reason for the ban the Minister does not mention? Has he even listened to the incriminating audio recordings? Are my statements even recorded on the audio recordings made by the court? Why doesn't the judge exclude the public present in the courtroom before the hearing begins with a personal statement and justification, recorded on the record? Why doesn't she warn, fine, and outright punish in advance for what might happen? Nothing against the independence of the judge, but if he allows him to commit crimes against innocent people with impunity and the public is punished by him for pointing them out, then it has nothing to do with justice at all. 

Řehka KarelLike country, like morals, they say. But isn't that a mistake? Isn't it rather the case that it is our morality that determines what conditions we live in, who we work for and how we feel? What I really can't do is cheat on my wife, make excuses for my problems and secretly see someone else.

There would be absolutely nothing to comment on about the whole Chief of Staff separation affair if it wasn't made public. If the tabloids had come up with it, it would still be unworthy of comment, but since the head of the army, which provides our security, has come up with it, we are naturally interested. Let me just make two comments.

One. To say that dysfunctional family relationships don't affect the job is, to put it very mildly, chutzpah. On the contrary, dysfunctional and dysfunctional relationships in marriage and family have the greatest impact on work performance. Simply because life is not a piece of meat to be easily cut up and separated. In real life, everything is connected.

Second. Was the General unfaithful to his wife or not? I apologize for the somewhat antisocial question, but in the case of leaders, it's probably out of place in any society. Because there's only one moral integrity. There is no other.

TitulvědecVodička JaroslavPrime Minister Fiala's son seeks title by publishing articles about James Bond. TOP 09 would have to prioritize the general interests of the Czech Republic over the personal interests of its Ferds. It's a good thing we don't have the navy and the possibility to get admirals. By the way, Switzerland has no generals, it only appoints them in case of war. Great Britain, with an army five times larger, has three times fewer generals than we do. Can you imagine how so many generals would command armies in the form of troops (if they didn't defect in time)? No wonder our army has never defended its territory against an external enemy in the last 100 years. We are ruled by a rabble, unfortunately including the Army, that is suicidal.

We've always had plenty of traficants, just not experts. We are plunging into the abyss, only when we reach the bottom can we bounce back, not with those who bear personal responsibility for the present state of affairs, if the country still has the manpower to do so. There is always blathering on, especially about not dealing with anything effectively, when ever more serious problems are mounting everywhere. The country is "hurtling uncontrollably" into disaster. Politics is absolutely hollowed out - form prevails over content and function prevails over sense!

Full Article in Czech>

Vyhnanci akce kulakUpdated 13.5.2024: We can't see into a person. I can understand that he may no longer trust anyone and is determined to rely on himself. Nevertheless, I have reached out to Mr. Toman. So far, he hasn't responded. JŠ


The single judge of the District Court of Sokolov Mgr. Martina Barachovičová (former member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia), the participants in the court proceedings were for her "cows and fools"


... May I write to you? I don't know how much longer my mother and I can take it. We are witnessing not only total lawlessness, but crime and the cover-up of it. As a result, we are facing further abuses in the form of further attacks by the state power that is devastating our health, property, rights and other values. For a long time, that is why I put "persecution" in the subject line, perhaps it cannot be expressed more succinctly. I don't know if you (including the Sodales Solonis Society) can be of any help here, but by all means get in touch. ...

I have opposed lawlessness for over 50 years, with unacknowledged PTSD, at the expense of this illness and its neglect in the toddler years of the last regime, and now face persecution lasting 33 years. I was deprived of my health when I resisted (under the protection of Article 23 of the Constitution) in 1997, received a soldatte from the guards, had my hair cut (against human dignity) and found myself in the hole at Bory, among other things for being wrongly convicted. The result? - permanent consequences and restrictions on movement. The loss of billions in profits. Deprived of my ancestors (through medical neglect, both grandparents were caused to die in hospital). And now they are depriving me (our family) of the roof over my head and the home they built - the property and farm (worth approx. 12 million?) for a wrongfully enforced debt from the VZP (in the amount of 300k) and auctioned off the "family property" based on a rigged procedure and now a speculator buyer is throwing us out of our home. Eviction notice. 

Justice neni muj typThank you, it is sometimes horrible to read what is still happening here today. I (case of JUDr. Pavel Pikola and Judge Svobodová - Bankruptcy) stolen 17 million.


Hello Mr. Šinágl,

These were manipulated bankruptcies and their subsequent sale far below the price. It was even broadcast on TV at the time with Jana ŠKOPKOVÁ. I borrowed 2.400.000,-Kč repaid 1.460.000,-Kč and then I asked the bank in Kolín for approval to sell, my daughter was diagnosed with lymphatic leukemia and I devoted myself to her and visits in Motol.

Then it went from strength to strength, the same appraiser from the bank arrived and was very satisfied with the reconstruction and before I knew it, Judge Svobodová declared bankruptcy and appointed JUDr. Pavel Pikola as administrator and he had already arranged everything reliably, that even though the appraisal of this property was 12.500.000, - CZK so it was sold for less than 2.500.000, - CZK.

Full Article in Czech>

Volny VladimirNovinky.cz wrote about it only very basically after the verbal announcement of the verdict - The lawyer paid his fees from fictitious claims against his clients. He was put on probation. The District Court Pilsen - city ruled by a single judge Mgr. Boris Valov in the main hearing held on 14.3.2024 in Pilsen. Sentence 1 year, probation 2 years, fine 70 000 CZK. I was also sentenced to 1 year, suspended for 2 years, but paid millions for the truth, freedom of speech and the public's right to information. We live in a criminal state where the majority can only wonder, not act, watch and hope nothing happens to them. It already has, is, and will continue to happen as long as it waits like docile "sheep" for defeat, believing in Godot that everything will correct itself. Then she deserves her fate. To quote from DISSOLUTION:

- However, already during 2014 he was engaged in giving occasional advice to various persons on how to avoid debt (para. 3.), i.e. Mgr. Volný was advising people how to get out of contracts to the detriment of the entities with which these contracts were concluded

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