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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Birth and death are natural. Prolonging dying is a crime against humanity. A conscious person who just exists and is dependent on others wishes to die, not to burden society and his surroundings. The unconscious is only in a "living unconscious". Hundreds of billions "blown up" in the name of "humanity" will be missed for the lives of the young, their future and the future of society. The medical industry does not address this, in the interest of maximizing profits. Nature will let us know how suicidal and inhumane we are if we continue this denial of the meaning of life and its nature. In Japan and South Korea, the elderly are already threatening the future of the country. In this, too, we should learn from the 'primitive' tribes in Africa, Australia and elsewhere. With all due respect to those who retain their vitality and are an asset to society even in old age. Today's society is moving further and further away from maturity. JŠ


I'm sorry, I don't mean to be morbid. But I believe it's not wrong to talk about death sometimes. The fact that we're going to die is, after all, the only real certainty in our lives. Not everyone accepts that - if we all accepted it, there probably wouldn't be religions promising reincarnation, resurrection and eternal life of the soul, or companies that will freeze you for a surprisingly folksy fee after death in the hope that when medical science figures out how to do it, they'll revive you.

But Peter and Petra have accepted death. They found each other on the second try, and appreciated theirs all the more for having known other relationships before. At eighty-five, they became afraid. At that age, anyone can die suddenly... and leave the other alone. They decided to prevent it. Scientifically, Peter researched what drugs they needed to "make sure" they wouldn't suffer and look repulsive when they found them. They got ready, wrote a letter explaining everything to their children, swallowed the pills, crawled into bed, held hands and fell asleep for good. They knew that now nothing could separate them.

But they were wrong. A few hours later, Peter's son, himself sixty-five years old, arrived at the apartment and found them. At first he thought they were asleep, unusually quiet. But then he noticed a letter on the bedside table. He read it and was horrified. Why on earth hadn't they confided in him? He would have talked them out of it. He would have taken the medicine away from them! And he immediately called his relatives to tell them what had happened. They all loved Peter and Petra. They were cheerful, kind people who stayed out of the lives of the "young" and thought more of others than themselves.

Within an hour, more relatives appeared at the apartment. Peter's son was sitting on a chair and crying. It was clear that Petra had died. But - was it just a dream, or was Peter still breathing?

"We have to call an ambulance!" Petra's daughter shouted.

Petra's son, who had meanwhile had it all go to his head, waved a letter in front of her eyes. Clearly, they wished to die - both of them, together. And they would have succeeded, if only he hadn't accidentally followed them. Maybe they should leave it as it was... go quietly and come back tomorrow.

Everyone agreed with him, except Petra's daughter. She couldn't imagine that they could let it go. So they called an ambulance and Peter was rescued.

If that's what you're gonna call it. When he came out of the coma, he was no longer compos mentis. He didn't know where he was, who he was or what had happened. He lived two more years after that, spent them in eldership. An angry old man who probably didn't know what was going on around him.

The rules are set up so that all it takes is a single voice, and a man in danger of death must be saved at all times. Where are the days when Americans with advanced AIDS wore bracelets that said DON'T SUSCITATE, and the paramedics usually carried out their wishes.

Surely, a teenager who doesn't know what he's doing should be prevented from committing suicide. But two people over 80 who say they want to die together, maybe we should believe that. And respect their decision.

Source: https://www.lidovky.cz/nazory/pred-posledni-veci-cloveka-prani-starsich-lidi-ze-chteji-umrit-bychom-meli-respektovat.A240404_174437_ln_nazory_rkj?source=piano?source=piano

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