Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Volodymyr Zelensky

  • „Bůh nepožaduje abychom něco udělali zítra, ale dneska“, prorok Mohamed

    Navalnyj Jeden za vsechny

    Putin nos bombaAktualizováno: Vlevo aktuální odpor ruských karikaturistů. Vzpomínám si na jeden rozhovor s členem královské rodiny ze SAE, kdy se ho novinář zeptal: „Jak budou žít Vaši potomci?“.  Odpověď:  „Můj děda jezdil na velbloudu, můj otec na motorce, já jezdím v mercedesu, můj syn v tryskáči a můj syn bude jezdit opět na velbloudu.“ Ještě je LN ON Role nepritele 28.2.2022čas přeprahat, nechceme-li opět jezdit s povozy taženými koňmi či krávami, pokud i oni přežíjí. J.Š.Rusko valky 2017 2022


    To jsme skutečně takoví zbabělci, že necháme Ukrajinu padnout?

    Praha 25.2.2022: Demonstrace Ukrajinců, narušená komunisty v den výročí „vítězného února 1948“


    Víte, že Ukrajinci bojovali celých 5 let proti Stalinovi po roce 1945 a v koncentračních táborech proti nacistům?


    Putin nos bomba zbrane krevZ Zelenskyj Michal BergZástupkyně USA v OSN Linda Thomas-Greenfieldová k tomu řekla:

    Před hlasováním:

    „Hlasujte ano, pokud se domníváte, že by Rusko mělo nést odpovědnost za své činy. Hlasujte ne nebo se zdržte, pakliže nepodporujete chartu a připojujete se k agresivním a nevyprovokovaným akcím Ruska. Rusko mělo volbu. Máte ji i vy.“

     Po hlasování (na adresu Ruska):

    „Můžete vetovat toto usnesení, ale nemůžete vetovat naše hlasy, nemůžete vetovat pravdu, nemůžete vetovat naše principy, nemůžete vetovat ukrajinský lid.“


    Trump a Stoltenberg se na summitu NATO dostali do napjaté výměny názorů

    Brusel 2018: 2 946 900 zhlédnutí


    Tak mluví budoucí president USA Donald Trump. Bůh ho ochraňuj!

    USA 2016: 14 618 zhlédnutí


  • 20.1.2022: Volodymyr Zelensky: ‘Everyone will lose’ if Russia invades Ukraine

    The embattled president asks why Western allies haven’t already imposed sanctions

    “If we are going to protect ourselves against one of the most powerful armies in the world, then this will be war,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky says in a new interview with The Washington Post. “If this will be war, it’s going to be a very strong war, and everyone will lose. Hundreds of thousands of lives will be lost.

    Q. Do you admire Reagan?

    A. I like him. I didn’t know him personally. I respect very much people who fight and who get the result they desire.

    Whole Article>

  • 20.1.2022: Volodymyr Zelenskyj: "Všichni prohrají", pokud Rusko napadne Ukrajinu

    Bojující prezident se ptá, proč západní spojenci ještě neuvalují sankce

    "Pokud se budeme bránit proti jedné z nejmocnějších armád na světě, pak to bude válka," říká ukrajinský prezident Volodymyr Zelenskyj v novém rozhovoru pro deník The Washington Post. "Pokud to bude válka, bude to velmi silná válka a všichni prohrají. Budou ztraceny statisíce životů."

    WP: Obdivujete Reagana?

    VZ: Mám ho rád. Osobně jsem ho neznal. Velmi si vážím lidí, kteří bojují a dosáhnou kýženého výsledku. Celý článek>

  • 80. výročí vylodění spojenců v Normandii – česká média selhala

    Aktualizováno 13.6.2024: Qatargate, marocký disident Mohamed Dihani: "Tak mě Rabat požádal, abych špehoval v Itálii


    „Temné síly, proti nimž spojenci bojovali před 80 lety, jsou stejné jako ty, jimž čelí dnes.“

    Joe Biden


    „Je mi ctí účastnit se připomínky akce, během níž Spojenci tehdy bojovali za Svobodu Evropy. Podobně jako to Ukrajinci dělají nyní. Tehdy vládla jednota a musí tomu tak být i teď.“

    Volodymyr Zelenskyj


    „Cena za apatii vůči politice je to, že nám vládnou zlí lidé.“



    „Demokracie značně kazí mravy. Zvyká veřejnost na žvanění,

    totiž na chvástavost a pomluvy.“

    Jean Dutourd


    „Svět je nebezpečné místo, ne kvůli těm, kteří dělají zlo,

    ale kvůli těm, kteří to vidí a nedělají nic.“

    Albert Einstein


    Události ČT informovaly druhou zprávou dne 11:10 min (žádný obsah a zarážky pod videem). Na webu ČTK a Seznam.cz nic, resp. možná krátce bylo, ale hned zmizelo z hlavní stránky. Přednost měla srážka vlaků v Pardubicích…

    Na ČT 1 od 20:00 hod. Superdebata a na ČT 2od 20:00 hod. Výborná show Lucie Výborné… … (byť během dne informovaly ČT 2 a ČT 24). Na ČRoPlus od 20:05 hod. o Heydrichovia od 21:10 hod o Stalingradua jak se batolátka plazila po tělech mrtvých maminek…To se dělo i na Švédských šancích u Přerova v době míru. O největším masakru v Postoloprtech na našem území média také mlčí. Vlastní zločiny proti lidskosti trvale zamlčujeme, stejně jako k tomu přispívají politici, kteří se hromadně zúčastňují pietních aktů na místech nacistických zločinů, ale místům českých zločinů proti lidskosti se trvale vyhýbají, jinak by ohrozili svoji politickou kariéru. Připomínejme si stále platné varování a výzvu gymnastky Věry Čáslavské, nechceme-li si opět zopakovat dějiny. VOLEBNÍ KLIPFinska stále aktuální!


    Chtěl bolševiky zaškrtit už v kolébce, za války se Churchill spojil se Stalinem

  • 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy - Czech media failed

    "The dark forces the Allies fought 80 years ago are the same as those they face today."

    Joe Biden


    "I am honored to participate in the reminder of the action during which the Allies fought for the Freedom of Europe back then. Just as the Ukrainians are doing now. There was unity then and there must be unity now."

    Volodymyr Zelensky


    "The price of apathy towards politics is that we are ruled by bad people."



    "Democracy corrupts morals greatly. It habituates the public to blabbering,

    namely, to boastfulness and slander."

    Jean Dutourd


    "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil,

    but because of those who see it and do nothing."

    Albert Einstein


    Events ČT reported the second news of the day from 11:10 min (no content and indents below the video). Nothing on the CTK and Seznam.cz websites, or maybe it was briefly, but it disappeared immediately from the main page. The priority was the train collision in Pardubice...

    On ČT 1 from 20:00. Superdebate and on ČT 2 Lucie Výborná... (although ČT 2 and ČT 24 reported during the day). On ČRoPlus from 20:05 pm about Heydrichand from 21:10 pm about Stalingrad and how toddlers crawled over the bodies of dead mothers... This was also happen at the Swedish Chance at Přerov in peacetime. The media is also silent about the biggest massacre in Postoloprty on our territory. Our own crimes against humanity are permanently silent, as are the politicians who contribute to this by attending commemorations in large numbers at the sites of Nazi crimes, but who consistently avoid the sites of Czech crimes against humanity, lest they jeopardise their political careers. Let us remember the still valid warning and challenge of the gymnast Věra Čáslavská, if we do not want to repeat history again. ELECTION CLIP from Finland still up to date!

    Good choice for the EP, citizens. There are always limited options in today's impossibly unlimited world. JŠ



    "Civilization is being utterly destroyed over vast territories, and the Bolsheviks are there, like bloodthirsty Neanderthals, leaping and crouching in the ruins of cities and on the corpses of their victims."


    Winston Churchill


    A meeting of the fighters of two wars over the shape of Western civilisation in Normandy: "You are the saviour of the people." "No, no, you saved Europe." The meeting of two great men said it all. JŠ


    Corruption at the highest level of the EU: secret meeting in Suite 412


    Full Article in Czech>

  • Prezident Zelenskyj bojuje na několika frontách

    Zelenskij TIME 7.12.2022LN ON Svobodne nebe 18.9.2023Všichni, kteří se kvalifikují do této kategorie, byli vystaveni zvláštním kontrolám a bylo jim zakázáno financovat politické strany. Například, aby se oligarcha Rinat Akhmetov vyhnul tomuto seznamu, vzdal se své mediální licence ve prospěch ukrajinské vlády.

    V boji proti oligarchizaci ukrajinské společnosti si tak Zelenskyj velmi pravděpodobně připíše výrazný zářez a uspokojí tím západní spojence, kteří jej opakovaně tlačí, aby omezil oligarchii a korupci, aby z jeden a půl miliardy dolarů měsíčně, kterými je Ukrajina podporována, neměli příjem právě oligarchové. Díky zákonu o deoligarchizaci a současné válce oligarchové opravdu ztrácejí jak moc, tak majetek. Je to jistě také tím, že oligarchy spočítáte na prstech a je na ně vidět, zatímco korupce je zažitý systém, a boj s ní je tak mnohem obtížnější. Celý článek>


    ČR má také olygarchy – po českém způsobu - jenom na ně není tak vidět, pokud vůbec. JŠ

  • Putin has based his system on personal leadership - there is no Putin there is no Russia. A system of absolute verticals of power

    The Ukrainian army is too strong for Russia to defeat immediately

    Shoigu, a blunt officer, is no longer fit for years to come, not least because the Defense Ministry is totally riddled with corruption, as is everything in Russia. There is no collective Western attitude towards Ukraine. The West is failing in fundamental attitudes; it is correcting the mistakes. The East cannot, and when it errs, it ends in ruin.

    We are unable not to resist, but unable to understand the gravity of the conflict

    It is not a conflict between neighbouring states, and certainly not a civil war. War and territorial expansion is a form of the natural existence of an authoritarian regime. Dictatorships cannot be taught to expand. The EU and NATO have failed to understand Russia. It fails to understand the difference in the positions of Russia and Ukraine. This is a conflict of civilization and civilizations. Are we going to jingle keys for the next 40 years, or are we going to resist it? Democracy is still a better system for humans.

    We have no leaders, where have they gone? Why don't we have them?

    A leader emerges, a society generates a leader figure when it knows what it wants and has a goal. Which political party is capable of that, what goal is it pursuing in the long run? It has a different, existential goal, trying to survive. In such situations, in a struggling nation and society, there is a specific goal and a struggling leader. One is related to the other. The leader becomes the one who takes up the challenge of history. History puts this burden on him and asks him "Can you live up to it?" Either he says, "Sorry, I can't stand it, I'm taking a taxi and going to Paris, or he says, "Yes," in a pouting way. The comedian Zelensky became a leader, the Churchill of his time, because he accepted the challenge and put his whole life on the line. It's not easy to understand the meaning of the moment.

    Full Article in Czech>

  • Russia attacked the Kupyansk blood transfusion centre. "BESTIE", commented Zelensky

    Zelenskij a Kreml"This war crime in itself says everything about Russian aggression. A beast that destroys everything that makes life possible. Defeating terrorists is a matter of honour for all who value life" Volodymyr Zelensky

    I am supplementing the article with a link to the tweet from which I quote: Nuclear bombs in your hands it's like a monkey with a grenade - You independently can't produce anything that anyone would take note of - It doesn't matter in what sphere whether in education, health care - Have you ever seen an American or a European come to Russia to get an education? Or come for medical treatment? Have you ever seen an American or European official send their wives to Russia to give birth and get Russian citizenship? Have you heard such a thing even as a joke? Conversely, where do Russian citizens and officials go to study? Where do they go to give birth and get new citizenship, American or European? How is it possible to explain it so that they understand? Everything will be Ukraine. Let us trust the armed forces of Ukraine. Glory Ukraine!


    Yes, such general things need to be repeated over and over again, lest we forget! JŠ

  • Russia is a member of the murderers club. It's time to recognize it as a sponsor of terrorists

    VN Majdan foto IV. Putin 11.9.2022Ukrajinsky chlapecekThe signing of a partnership agreement between the Russian Federation and North Korea and the deepening of military cooperation between these authoritarian countries should be the final push for the US Congress to recognize Putin's Russia as a state sponsor of global terrorism. Two US Senators, both Democrat and Republican, have stated this.

    "The signed agreement between Putin and Kim Jong-un is deeply frightening and hostile not only to the United States, but to peace, freedom, and justice around the world. Two of the world's most autocratic leaders who commit atrocities stand together and sponsor terrorism... Russia deserves to be in this small, selective club of murderers who commit atrocities,"Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal said, according to Voice of America.

    They explicitly mentioned, for example, the poisoning of Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko in 2004, the poisoning of former Russian FSB officer Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, and the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 350 in the Donetsk region in 2014, support for the aerial bombing of Aleppo, Syria in 2016, the poisoning of former Russian military officer and British double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK in 2018, and the suspicious death of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.


    Let us not forget Anna Politkovskaya, Sergei Magnitsky, Boris Nemtsov, Irina Slavina and many other brave Russians who have refused to remain silent. JŠ

    Full Article in Czech>


  • Russians today behave worse than the Nazis used to - comparing Hitler's Germany with Putin's Russia

    VN Majdan foto IV. Putin 11.9.2022Ukrajinsky chlapecekSee for yourself (Events ČT 30.5.2024 - from 7:24 min) - horror! Quote: "I ran to my son. I couldn't carry him properly. He climbed on top of me. I can still see his hands torn off - I wanted to pour gasoline all over the place and set it on fire. I liked it here. I was building something and I was doing it for the joy of it."

    Adds Aleksandr Mitrofanov in a short gloss: (ČRoPlus 31.5.2024, 12:34 from 12:48) - Comparison of Hitler and Putin's speeches on peace initiatives, defense and not attacking civilians. Ends with quote:

    "Everything around us literally screams that we can finally make our personal dullness a national brand under whose banners the blood of innocent people will be shed for years."

    A pain in the ass, a nuisance, a nuisance... Reality

    Polina 26.2.2022I know of fellow citizens for whom I am a pain in the ass, a nuisance, and a nuisance with my years-long warning that a Russian danger is creeping from the East that compares with the former creep from Hitler's Germany. It is all right. It is a tax on my knowledge and their convenience, stupidity or devotion to the perpetrators of this danger; for the nature of the breeding ground of the new normalisation with its transition to totalitarianism may be different. But the result is the same.

    Churchill said: "Britain and France had a choice between war and disgrace. They chose shame. They will have war."The situation of the late 1930s cannot be repeated to a tee.

    "The Russians are allowed to kill any number of Ukrainians, including civilians, women and children, from their territory, but Ukrainian soldiers must not, under any circumstances, use our weapons against Russian territory."

    The Russian Anti-War Committee in Exile has published an appeal to the governments and people of the US, EU and NATO, saying: 'Europe is in danger of soon facing direct war, of suffering the death of its own soldiers and the destruction of its own cities. The indecision of allies and the illogical policy of sanctions look like an invitation to blackmail by the dictator Putin." There is nothing more to add.

    "The people who die from today will also die because of you - Alliance Leadership Today (4.3. All the people who will die from today onwards will also die because of you, because of your weakness, because of your disunity - All the Alliance could do, was to get 50 tons of oil through its supply system to Ukraine - Perhaps so we could burn the Budapest Memorandum (the 1994 treaty in which Russia, the US and Britain promised Ukraine security in exchange for giving up USSR-era nuclear weapons) - Did we want a NATO like that? - Did you build such an Alliance?" - Don't buy us litres of fuel for litres of our blood, spilled for our common Europe, for our common freedom, for our common future - We have endured nine days of darkness and evil. We are warriors of the light. The history of Europe will always remember that."

    Volodymyr Zelensky

    Full article in Czech>


  • Will those around Putin try to liquidate him, as the Wehrmacht officers tried to liquidate Hitler? Will Alexei Navalny become president?

    Navalnyj Jeden za vsechnyNavalnyj a PutinNavalnyj: One for all, all for one


    He can no longer guarantee the oligarchs their personal inviolability, property and other benefits. Property always takes precedence with this type of people. If it is in danger of being lost, it is impossible to guard everything and everyone, just as the Abwehr did not guard the assassins of morally strong officers in the assassination of Hitler.

    Putin's threat of nuclear weapons shows that he is afraid, his behaviour is criminal to the point of absolute irresponsibility! His plan for a "Blitzkrieg" is failing more and more. He is obviously taken aback by the turn of events, especially the admirable resistance, the unity of Ukrainians across the board, the unity and strength of the democratic world. He may end up in The Hague as a war criminal, just like Milosevic. This, in turn, increases the risk that, as a visibly mentally ill man, he may also cause a nuclear war. We should not forget Putin's earlier words: 'If war is imminent, we must be the first to start it'. On the other hand, this threat to the whole world, which would also destroy Russia, may all the more encourage the activities of the Red Army leadership, honest soldiers, to eliminate it if the situation continues to escalate and get out of control. Their action would only fulfill their oath of service to the country. Support for Putin has its limits, it will not be infinite!

    English - https://lyricstranslate.com/en/ein-bisschen-frieden-little-bit-peace.html