Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Stefanik Milan Rostislav"We were used to living in a post-war world, but now we live in a pre-war world. It's a change and it happened in people's heads." "der Spiegel 17.3.2022)


Stefanik predicted absolutely accurately what the world would face if the Bolsheviks came to power. His words have literally come true - to this day. History is a given, but it is not for nothing that it is said that the hardest thing of all is to predict the past. 

Aware of the gravity of the situation, he set out for Russia, where, as commander of the legionaries, he intended to eliminate the Bolsheviks with the support and assistance of former Tsarist officers, such as Gen. Kolchak and soldiers. The Bolsheviks did not yet have enough weapons or officers and were easily defeated. TGM Gen. Stefanik withdrew, saying that he trusted the Bolsheviks and did not intend to interfere in their affairs. Later he understood and acknowledged his mistake. In the meantime, the Bolsheviks grew stronger and began to behave brutally and ruthlessly like the Islamic State does today, not only towards their enemies but also towards the civilian population, with thousands of innocents dying. The Legionnaires issued Gen. Kolchak to the Bolsheviks - his last words before his execution: „Czech dogs!“

It is known that TGM and Edvard Benes did not have Gen. Štefánik's directness and firm character, which was the opposite of their policy of often insidious intrigues. They were certainly not among those who would not have welcomed his tragic death. Gen. Štefánik knew too much about the background of their political activities, which contradicted his principles and convictions.

Full Article in Czech>

Slavnosti Svobody Plzen 2024Yesterday, the Freedom Celebration 2024 ended in Pilsen with a commemoration at the Thanks America monument.

Hess Alexander Jiří Railich 2018The highest representative of the Czech Republic was the President of the Senate (compare with the participation of high representatives of the Czech Republic in front of Czech Radio in Prague or in Lidice). The representative of the Castle was not named, as well as the Bishop of Plzeň. There were considerably fewer flags on the streets (they are diminishing every year). Only Belgian flags were distributed (US flags apparently ran out, but were not visible). Airplanes did not arrive because of bad weather at the Airport base in Čáslav (?). Not even a mention in the Czech Television Events (but a report on the Nazi flag provocation).

For the first time no veterans arrived (they are no longer with us or have health problems). Their relatives were no longer sitting at the podium, but at the Thanks America monument. It was more dignified than sitting at the bleachers and doing "staph" for the politicians.

I left early. The same, mindless, formal, long, tedious, uninviting "blathering" of Czech politicians was no longer listenable compared to how well and brilliantly the veterans had spoken for years - with few words they said it all!

Let us hope that the 80th anniversary celebrations of the end of World War II in Europe and Africa (the Allies were still fighting in the Pacific until September) will be more dignified, directed by the real right, real personalities and professionals, when modern military fighters will not be deterred by bad weather, as our RAF pilots were not deterred by the Battle of Britain!

Russia has "liberated" us into unfreedom and imposed its "customs" on us. The US brought us freedom and left it up to us how we dispose of it. Again, we let the communists take it without a fight in 1948 and their gravediggers after 1989. Let us not be surprised when the Czechoslovakia army has never defended its territory against aggressors in the last 100 years. Even today it is afraid to take off when it rains a little, even in honour of the real soldiers and commanders who gave their lives for the freedom of our country and other countries! JŠ



General Alexander Hess speaks to us today

Hess Alexander Jiří Railich 2018Czechoslovakia. The army was determined to make extreme sacrifices in the event of war, but the politicians decided otherwise. The airmen were not given the opportunity to engage the enemy in direct combat and, like all Czechoslovak soldiers, had to submit to the Munich decision. To fight the decision the airmen could only resort to helpless rage.

To the most difficult order of his life, Maj. Hess, as a disciplined soldier, submitted with great self-denial, but as a Czech patriot he took a completely irreconcilable position towards the occupation. It was not a reason for him to break his oath of office, since its fulfilment could not be enforced in any way at that time: ,, ...March 1939... We boarded in the corridor of the barracks building for the last time," recalls one of his subordinates, who, like Hess, soon found his way into the foreign resistance.

"We were standing like stone statues when the squadron commander, Maj. Hess took over the reports. He stepped forward and his words faded into the distance, and we all came to life as he said with a stir: " ...and I believe, knowing you as I do and seeing you here before me, that we will all soon come together again to fight our enemy - as we swore to do. I believe that, we, the airmen, have not yet lost our fight... '"

"The participation of Czechoslovak airmen in the battle for England... will one day be a most precious boast for England and for us, which we shall carry confidently in our memory and of which we can be ever and justly proud," Hess himself would later write.

Full Article in Czech>


Rostlina zachranujeThere is 100% scientific consensus in the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic on the physically and ecologically flawed Expert Opinion on Climate Change.

As of October 2020, the website of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic hosts the Expert Opinion AVex 4/2020 on climate change, whose expert guarantor is the Institute of Climate Change Research (ÚVGZ, CzechGlobe). However, this opinion, which is intended for the government and parliament as expert guidance for the implementation of practical climate policy in the Czech Republic, is based on a physically false basis, claiming that "About one third of this energy comes in the form of solar radiation and the remaining two thirds in the form of radiation (radiation) of the atmosphere towards the surface of the Earth, i.e. the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere" (AVex 4/2020, p. 2). By making this physically false claim, the experts of the IWGZ are trying to convince the government and parliament that the increasing atmospheric concentration of CO2 and its amplifying greenhouse effect are the main cause of global warming on Earth.

We have been trying to generate expert debate on this crucial topic for a number of years. That is why we chose the form of an open letter in the autumn of 2022, repeatedly wrote to the leadership of the CAS, and spoke at seminars in Parliament. The arguments we have presented are published. No response. Our society is decarbonising, calling it climate neutrality and does not know what it is. We are letting our forests dry out, we are losing 10 hectares of farmland a day, which ends up partly under concrete and sheds. Young people blame themselves for breathing because they are increasing CO2 concentrations and endangering the planet.

The solution is simple in principle: offer solar energy over as large an area as possible to water and life, which starts with primary production - plants.

Full article in Czech>


Sex bez souhlasuJosef Škvorecký's text on a topic that is more topical today than ever. When you read it, you think: they would have driven him away today too, but where to? To Madagascar? Editor's note...

In the new ideology of lesbian feminism, coitus may very well be a crime even in marriage.

This description of sex play is already known from the oldest literature and from very contemporary practice, but before the advent of the new sexual ideology it was called "seduction", and from the point of view of that ideology it has the disadvantage that women have the initiative in that interesting sport as often, if not more often, than men: but according to feminist dogmatism this is never the case, and the initiator is always the man.

The key issue here is the semantic dispute over whether the partner's " No!" isn't really a "No..." if you understand me, which you probably do; that is, whether the famous "No..." doesn't actually mean "Yes!" .

To copulate in such difficult circumstances means, as Norman Podhoretz writes, " to request from the partner, regardless of previous copulations, each time again, a written consent bearing a notarized signature." This is not as far-fetched as it may seem to naive Czech readers/readers: it is the only tangible evidence that this was not rape.

It is very dangerous to live sexually in North America today, and not only because of the AIDS epidemic, so it is not surprising that more and more young men here in America are going out for beer rather than on dates, and that the male bonding known from classic American literature is flourishing (probably "male bonding": Pym and Dirk Peters in Poe, Ishmael and Queeqeg in Melville, Huck and Negro Jim in Twain, etc.). No wonder the sigh is heard more and more often among us girls, "Why is it that all the men I come in contact with are either wimps or wives or hosers?"

"Tomas Bata introduced an almost revolutionary new way of organising work, introduced a groundbreaking school system and, last but not least, developed the spirit and culture of his employees."

Zdeněk Pokluda


"People will never handle with caution things for which they are not also materially responsible." - "One feels satisfied in life when one is aware of one's own worth, can rely on oneself, knows one's strengths, can face one's fears and can work on them." - "The most precious thing any individual has is time and life energy."

Tomas Bata


Let's just not divide society with counterproductive actions and attacks on others. Let's bring it together through quality, positive work and personal example. Let us not judge others, that is what the judge and God are for. Truth on earth is necessarily relative, determined by the imperfection of man. All will be accounted for in the end - "to give is to give". Bata shows us the way. JŠ


Slavnosti Svobody Plzen 2024Diky Ameriko 2.5.2024I am a jeep owner. And I have white stars on it, not red, as Zbyněk Petráček asks, because he says that most of the territory of the Czechoslovakia was liberated by the Red Army. Any stars on Jeep MB vehicles were absolutely taboo before 1989. After the Velvet Revolution, Jeep owners could finally spray paint stars on their vehicles. And no one could order them to paint them. One hundred percent of owners opted for white and none for red.

The reasons are clear: there is no "liberator" like a liberator. The ones with white stars came, liberated and left. And they still prevented the excesses of the RG (looting guards) against their German-speaking fellow citizens, claiming that they did not come to liberate us from the Nazis so that we would start behaving like Nazis. Those with the red stars came to replace one totalitarian dictatorship (Nazi) with another totalitarian dictatorship (Communist). To loot, rape, steal watches and watch the excesses of the worst human scum against their German-speaking fellow citizens. Any more questions about the color of the stars on the jeeps?

Milan Březina

Prague LN, Letters to the Editor 4.5.2024 (Ad LN 29.4.: How about a jeep with a red star)



Vola Moskva aversThe magic of the book is in the up-close and behind-the-scenes view of the political theatre. Many of us remember, for example, that the likes of Gorbachev replaced the Supreme Soviet with a kind of parliament that reduced the power of the Communist Party, but it is certainly entertaining to read how he did it. Roxburgh recounts that the loudest speakers at the 1988 party conference were opponents of any reforms.

Just when the 5,000 apparatchiks thought the long meeting was over and they could finally head to the special Moscow shops designed just for them, Gorbachev whipped out a small piece of paper and read that elections for a new parliament would be held in the spring. Immediately thereafter, without giving the comrades a second to think about it, he put the proposal to a vote. And all those present, accustomed to raising their hands on command, raised them without realising what this would mean for their warm seats.


Vladimír Putin is incapable of feeling, of empathy. A classic sociopath who is able to subordinate everything to power. Sociopaths have it easy in an undeveloped society. Unfortunately, there are plenty of them in the West too. Putin creates destruction by the force of his personality and personal power, those in the West by combined forces. The question is, how much is a sociopath born and how much is he created and created by his environment? If they begin to rule the world and "common sense" does not step in, nature will. It will always make it clear who is the real master on earth. JŠ 

Full Article in Czech>

Justice neni muj typSlopne dva nevinniDr. Robert Cholensky: "Mr. Witness, how many jobs did you hold before you became a prosecutor?": Retired prosecutor JUDr. Leo Foltýn: Trained as an auto mechanic, then officer's school, followed by the ministry, back to civilian profession, dispatcher for ČSAD, head of transport, then return to the civil service, deputy chairman of the city, completed law studies, left in December 1990, was approached as a lawyer in a company, became deputy, then approached by the judiciary, was to start as a judge in waiting, three prosecutors left for judgeships, there was no vacancy, recommended to the CSA Brno in 1993, then 10 years at the OSZ and then at the KSZ.

Today the Czech justice system needs such people - he can solve "banal things" only by telephone, today he does not know, he does not remember, only when it is not essential, his memory serves him well! Foltýn, a "poor" pensioner, was not ashamed to ask for reimbursement of expenses as a witness, apparently he had saved little and had a low pension... At the end, David Šimon gave a great speech, telling Foltýn what he deserved. I responded by calling for Foltýn to apologise to both convicts for stealing 11 years of their lives. The judge again reprimanded me and warned me of disqualification from the hearing. Fortunately, my apology was enough. I only said what the horrified public present thought. They had witnessed an injustice reminiscent of the 1950s...

JUDGE Robert Fremr could not offer similar "qualifications". He was a judge of the International Criminal Court for 20 years. He was unlucky not to have trained as an auto mechanic...

Full Article in Czech>

Justice neni muj typThe ruling of the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic II. 2672/07, which states, among other things: It is therefore not possible to exclude partial components resulting from the principle of publicity of court proceedings just because they are not expressly regulated by law. It can be concluded that the presence of the public, whether in person or through visual or audio transmission or recording, cannot simply or automatically be denied or excluded without there being a relevant reason for doing so, otherwise it is arbitrary. Read more - Why do courts prevent video recording and transmission? - Because they are afraid.

Full article in Czech>