Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Crimes of the Czech justice system

  • 1.2.2024: Wrongly imprisoned for 20 years, he demands 86 million in compensation. "Mentally it will never be good again!", Robert Tempel told the court

    Tempel Robert a PCRI have followed the case for years, often as the only journalist - see links below. More in the article from which I quote:

    "I've been going to psychiatry, taking medication for months. Physically I feel good, mentally it will never be good again. I can't get a good night's sleep. I thought sleep would improve, but it hasn't. It's always in my head and I can't erase it."

    The judge of the Prague Court of Justice, Jiří Lněnička, would have deserved 20 years for his sentence, including the obligation to pay damages with his panel! He has received much more for his criminal convictions in the past, if not life imprisonment for the lives destroyed - see links below! During the trial of American Gilbert McCray, I called him a criminal in the courtroom at the end of the hearing. He left quickly. I met him once in Prague, wanted to approach him, he disappeared like a little boy...

    Strangely enough, the public broadcaster ČT was silent on the evening's Události, as well as on another shocking case at the Zlín CC on the same day (I'll write tomorrow - two young men have been in prison for 11 years for a murder they demonstrably did not commit!). CT even had two teams in Zlín, but again no output in CT Events, just as the whole mainstream is silent so far).

    Where is the Czech justice system and the public media heading? Who has the power to silence them and who has an interest in not informing the general public? You will find out tomorrow. JŠ

    Full Article in Czech>

  • Judicial Complex Brno: "I have decided to leave my life voluntarily."

    Pazour Brno protest 12 2023A man has already burned himself to death in front of the Judicial Complex. Its employee, a bailiff and senior court official, committed suicide by jumping into the Macocha abyss...

    Justice deprived Mr. Pazour first of his business, then of his apartment - although he had the right of first refusal to buy it, he was not offered it, instead he was evicted to the street...


  • MS Prague 19.3.2024: The brave fight of the gardeners "Pod Majerovic" against the criminal developers for 4 ha of lucrative land under the Gallery Nové Butovice near Jinonice continues!

    Pod Majerovic leteckyThe courtroom was full of gardeners. Judge Irena Nosková did not allow photography, but she allowed me to give a "final word" after the verdict. The Senate had no choice but to remain silent. The audio recording of the JUDGMENT and the pronouncement of the JUDGMENT, I recommend!

    Counsel representing the gardeners and counsel for the gardeners spoke and argued brilliantly. No wonder the public media is avoiding the case - that's how much power the criminal developers have. The gardeners have "friends from their studies in Moscow" against them - that is also why they still cannot break through. JŠ

    Full article in Czech>

  • MSp ruled: the anonymised verdict must not be sent to Šinágl?!

    MSp official Mgr. Jacek Morávek needed 8 pages with 41 points to justify it?! The case of Ing. I have been following Petr Vlček for 8 years now, with no end in sight. Material and medical destruction of a decent, capable man and his two sons by the Czech judiciary. In this case, it cannot be called other than criminal. Children are the last thing the courts are interested in. They are destroying their lives and futures, just as they destroyed the future of their father, a former successful director of an international company. There is thus a real danger that instead of capable people contributing to the state budget, they will end up as welfare cases that could end up costing millions of crowns out of taxpayers' pockets.

    The mother cannot handle the children and uses them demonstrably, with the help of the courts and the OSPOD, as a tool for revenge and liquidation of the father. In order to be able to visit his children, Mr Vlček had to be vaccinated against covid. The vaccination had fatal consequences (his joints swelled and he was threatened with a disability pension). He is now in hospital, where he is facing operations on both knees damaged by the vaccination (the first one will be more affected). More details on this completely inhumane case in the links below. There you will also find the verdict I was denied. It can be sent to anyone, just not to me - another symptom of the Czech justice system and its continuing collapse unless those responsible start acting and threatening to take justice into their own hands under the protection of Article 23 of the Czech Constitution, which obliges them to do so. For these crimes against humanity, all judges who knowingly participated and are participating in them should have been stripped of their robes long ago. JS

    Original article in Czech>

  • Murder in Slopne - when will the prosecutor JUDr. Leo Foltýn, the judge JUDr. Jiří Vacek and others be tried and sentenced ?!

    Slopne dva nevinniHow the prosecutor can anticipate the court's decision, it is not clear to the convicted that this is a corrupt, illegal procedure, is beyond doubt.

    [26] This is followed by another letter from JUDr. Šadato JUDr. Foltýndated 8 April 2014 (incorrect: 2024), in which this defence counsel informs prosecutor Foltýn that he withdrew the application of M. Rakaš, as it assumed that the conditions for conditional release after ⅓ of the sentence had been met, but the law does not allow it in this case. Mr Šáda asks that Mr Foltýn assist in the application for a further interruption of the sentence, and, as it says in brackets, "the KSZ in H. Králové can certainly act in this respect". The final greeting, which reads "In anticipation of further cooperation, I remain in perfect esteem", is also curious - if it may be noted somewhat wryly, the cooperation between M. Rakaš and L. Foltýn was undoubtedly close and of great benefit: in return for his false testimony, JUDr. Foltýn provided this witness with a service that other perpetrators of serious crime can only dream of.

    Full article in Czech>

  • OS Ostrava 23.1.2024: Judicial injustice against the innocent, the public and journalists

    OS Ostrava Karas verejnost 23.1.2024It ended with a MOTION to the Minister of Justice Pavel Blažek to initiate disciplinary proceedings against Judge Jana Bochňáková by the association Šalamoun (27.1.2024) and my MOTION (29.1.2024). 

    The judge did not allow me to enter the courtroom either before or after the start of the trial. The subsequent "visit" of the court president Mgr. Tomáš Komradek, accompanied by the judicial guards (on the recommendation of the Czech Police), did not bring, as expected, any result (the judge cowardly hid) and left everything to his secretary. My attempt to visit the judge with the door to his office open was promptly prevented by the judicial guard, who said that "he was not here" - see the audio recording. The secretary did not introduce herself, did not rise from her desk, did not shake my hand, let alone offer me coffee, as is standard in developed countries. The "class enemy" simply showed up - the classic arrogance of power. This is evidenced by the warning, primitively pasted on the entrance to the courtroom, apparently just for this hearing (unsigned). It is an honour for the public and the media to be considered "dangerous criminals" in advance. What is left for dangerous criminals in the Czech justice system?

    Full article in Czech>

  • OS Ostrava 25.10.2023: Judge Bochňáková "blew soot" - she violated the Constitution of the Czech Republic!

    OS Ostrava Justicni straz Kraus 25.10.2023In 20 years of attending hundreds of public court hearings, I have never seen a judge unreasonably ban the media from entering. She did not issue any decision and did not justify why she issued the ban. On the instructions of Judge Jana Bochňáková, the judicial guard blocked access to two journalists - Ivan Smetana from KTV Live and myself. She made us "murderers without a corpse". I am attaching a short audio recording made just before the start of the trial.

    In doing so, she unjustifiably violated the right of the public and the media to participate in and control public court proceedings as guaranteed by the Constitution of the Czech Republic. She committed the crime of abuse of power of a public official and abused the judicial guard to cover her numerous illegal practices. The police didn't deal with the situation, they said they had no competence? The police refused to even ask the judge the reason for her violation of the citizen's constitutional rights. She made no mention of the ban during the hearing. It is clear that she is concerned that the media will not continue to expose her demonstrably illegal practices and procedures. There was no reason for the judicial guards to intervene. She was on our side, but she could not have acted except to obey the illegal order of the judge who abused her. In a private conversation, the judicial guard asked me: "What is the name of your website?" She accepted my card. She was undoubtedly aware of the judge's unjustified order and clear illegal actions. At the hearing, she was silent, failed to factually justify and document in writing her unlawful conduct. Another violation of the law.

    The judge must bear any criticism from the media, much less a true one. If she is of a different opinion, she can file a lawsuit against the journalists after the fact, not punish them in advance for its possible occurrence. She has thus knowingly abused her statutory powers in the interests of her own protection and her own knowing violation of the law, if we exclude the ability to fail to perform the function due to limited intellectual capacity. She elevated illegality to the status of legality and flagrantly violated the Constitution, including the prohibition against censorship.

    Full Article>

  • Regional Court Zlín 30.4.2024 Slopné: A trained car mechanic, prosecutor Leo Foltýn, knowingly helped convict two innocent people of murder. They have been in prison for 11 years...

    Justice neni muj typSlopne dva nevinniDr. Robert Cholensky: "Mr. Witness, how many jobs did you hold before you became a prosecutor?": Retired prosecutor JUDr. Leo Foltýn: Trained as an auto mechanic, then officer's school, followed by the ministry, back to civilian profession, dispatcher for ČSAD, head of transport, then return to the civil service, deputy chairman of the city, completed law studies, left in December 1990, was approached as a lawyer in a company, became deputy, then approached by the judiciary, was to start as a judge in waiting, three prosecutors left for judgeships, there was no vacancy, recommended to the CSA Brno in 1993, then 10 years at the OSZ and then at the KSZ.

    Today the Czech justice system needs such people - he can solve "banal things" only by telephone, today he does not know, he does not remember, only when it is not essential, his memory serves him well! Foltýn, a "poor" pensioner, was not ashamed to ask for reimbursement of expenses as a witness, apparently he had saved little and had a low pension... At the end, David Šimon gave a great speech, telling Foltýn what he deserved. I responded by calling for Foltýn to apologise to both convicts for stealing 11 years of their lives. The judge again reprimanded me and warned me of disqualification from the hearing. Fortunately, my apology was enough. I only said what the horrified public present thought. They had witnessed an injustice reminiscent of the 1950s...

    JUDGE Robert Fremr could not offer similar "qualifications". He was a judge of the International Criminal Court for 20 years. He was unlucky not to have trained as an auto mechanic...

    Full Article in Czech>

  • Supreme Court of the Czech Republic 27.3.2024: After 7 years of "judicial lynching", gave the truth to ing. Mark Gába

    REFLEX Gaba titulek II 21.10.2021REFLEX Gaba titulek I 21.10.2021His criminal prosecution was stopped by the Supreme Court's RESOLUTION and the verdict of the KS Ostrava was cancelled. The resolution was received on 13.6.2024. 4 cases were objected, in two of them the Supreme Court upheld. They wrote it in a "charlatan" way, even if he had been convicted, it would have been a small sentence anyway, which he had already served because of the slander.  They just made it so when the property and non-property damage is recovered it won't be too much. In the current Czech context, that's a success. The appeal against the accused was also filed by the Supreme Court under the leadership of JUDr. Igor Stříž (former member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia). He proposed that the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic reject the appeal of the accused as manifestly unfounded. He agreed that the Supreme Court should decide in closed session.

    It will recover compensation for seven years of delays from KS Ostrava. Psychological and physical harm and damage to health can be claimed. Legal costs should be paid by his ex-wife. He also had to pay 70,000 CZK to her lawyer Rybář. That's for years again. The Ostrava "Judicial Palermo" will hardly repent, including Judge Jana Bochňáková. She convicted ing. Marek Gaba to 5 months! She should be immediately stripped of her judicial robe as one of the greatest disgraces in the history of Czech justice.

    Full article in Czech>


    District Court Ostrava 9.6.2022: Case ing. Marek Gába - a performance worthy of the mental hospital in Bohnice - welcome to the rule of law!!!

  • The court banned the book Crimes Without Weapons II because of the Pavel Burán case. His wife was allegedly shot dead over the weekend

    Buran Pavel IIRosak Jan JUDr. kauza Buran Pavel"The defendant is ordered to refrain from publishing and distributing the book Crimes Without Weapons 2," - Judge Ondřej Sekvard

    A source told The Epoch Times that the wife of businessman Pavel Burán, whose court case was included in a book called Crimes Without Guns II (suicide is being considered), died over the weekend "as a result of a gunshot wound." This book was to be presented last week at an expert seminar on the state of Czech justice in the Chamber of Deputies. However, before the start of the seminar, the book was banned by a preliminary injunction (pdf) by the judicial panel of the Municipal Court in Brno, headed by Judge Ondřej Sekvard, Ph.D.

    This is the first ban on the publication of the book since the fall of the communist regime in the former Czechoslovakia. The last book banned was Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, which is now publicly available (source). According to the organizers of the seminar, the reason for the banning of Crimes Without Weapons II was the chapter devoted to the case of Pavel Burán. Full article>