Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


  • 26.06.2024 08:18
    Tragikomedie justice, kdy oceněné reportérky u soudu letos ...


  • 23.06.2024 15:13
    Dotaz na soudkyni Bochňákovou: Jelikož vim, že čte tyto články ...


  • 21.06.2024 17:45
    Česká společnost Dvakrát zažila totalitu. Šest let nacistickou ...


  • 21.06.2024 11:13
    Od dob působení Otakara Motejla se mnoho na tomto úřadu změnilo ...


  • 18.06.2024 10:48
    Nejlepší policie na světě? Aktuálně je v médiích, že Karlova ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Czech Justize

  • Coincidence or hidden censorship? Šinágl "persona non grata" and more...

    Justice neni muj typKorupce grafFor years I have been applying to events organised by the Institute for Politics and Society. If I am interested in an event, I sign up immediately after receiving an invitation. I did so for today's event in the House of Commons on the topic: Freedom of Speech and Combating Disinformation. The day before the event, I received the email below. This is the first time this has happened to me. Perhaps the event was filled with registrants immediately. However, with a large hall filling to capacity, within minutes, it seems pretty unlikely to me, even though the topic is very topical.

    I can't help feeling that for certain organisations and their representatives I am becoming "persona non grata", in all modesty. It started in Vienna, where Foreign Minister Jan Lipavsky (7.11.2023) sent the Austrian police after me without my having committed any unacceptable behaviour. It continued in Prague (15.4.2024), when a "hidden censor" intervened and prevented public discussion, threatening "dangerous questions" - see links to articles below.

    Full Article in Czech>

  • District Court Ostrava 9.6.2022: Case ing. Marek Gába - a performance worthy of the mental hospital in Bohnice - welcome to the rule of law!!!

    REFLEX Gaba titulek II 21.10.2021Mgr. Straka: "Even if perhaps the court still thought that the defendant had actually done something to the victim, it could not be battery within the meaning of the Criminal Code. At most, it might be a misdemeanor of some sort, but not one that could be resolved in a criminal court...."


    Today was the 14th main hearing in my criminal case of "bodily harm". Mr. Jan Šinágl was again not allowed into the courtroom.

    For an act I did not commit, I was sentenced today after 4 years and 8 days to a total of 15 months' imprisonment suspended for a probationary period of 30 months.

    Full story>  https://www.deepl.com/translator

  • Former chief prosecutor Grygárek sued former police officer Šlachta. He didn't dare to attack Šinágl, he just "enjoyed" him...

    Grygarek Slachta 2024Grygarek Janousek Mysak Galery"I won't apologize to the devil who wants to be an angel." Ex-plaintiff Grygárek won against Šlachta, he wants to appeal. Šárka Malíková Petříková, President of the Trial Chamber. She also mentioned that "the defendant's statements were false and there is no need to prove their truth, as they are generally prejudicial." Therefore, Šlachta must apologize to Grygárek in his letter and partially compensate him financially. Grygárek's family bought an apartment in Prague's Myšák gallery, where controversial political businessman Roman Janoušek also lived.


    I recommend listening to my INTERVIEW with Grygárek, respectively „self-talk“ (16.7.2019). Below is a selection of my articles on the topic from 2012 to 2023. JŠ

    Full article in Czech>

  • I won't give in! What happened? Is the Czech Republic a state governed by the rule of law? How can the prosecutors from Prague 1, including their leader, legally destroy your life and make you a Nazi once and for all.

    Praha VN Zeman socha 12.4.2022I'm unpunished, I'm over 40 and I have Jewish roots. I have never committed a crime or offence that could smack of Nazi sympathies. There's not a shred of evidence for that. Yet I have been convicted quite harshly for it, even without a trial.

    The criminal investigator himself even asked me repeatedly outside the office who I had stepped on, that he did not understand what was going on on the part of the prosecutor's office and that he had not experienced this during his career. He even said that he absolutely did not understand how the prosecutor could so incomprehensibly change my charge and extend it to the offence of Nazi sympathies without any basis from the police!

    The public prosecutor supervises the legality of the pre-trial criminal proceedings BUT FEW PEOPLE KNOW THAT in addition to the case file - the criminal file, which you have the right to see, the public prosecutor's office also keeps a so-called supervisory file, where there are other documents relating to the investigation and your person. You will not be allowed to see this file, you have no right to look at it, or to know what its contents are, and in exceptional cases the same prosecutor who supervises your case decides whether you can look at it. Are you clear what this means for your rights?

  • Judge Dvorský fines Šinágl 3000 CZK - for good manners

    Slopne dva nevinniJUDGMENTRegional Court Zlín (31.5.2024) - JUDGMENT of Jan Šinágl (5.6.2024)

    The District Court in Ostrava (JUDr. Jana Bochňáková) repeatedly refuses to allow me to attend public hearings as a precaution - I might behave indecently. The Municipal Court in Prague (JUDr. Jan Šott) excludes me from public hearings in the Čapí hnízdo case - for a polite statement and despite a subsequent apology. Regional Court Brno, Zlín branch (Mgr. Pavel Dvorský) - for stating the truth. Instead of banning him from the courtroom, the judge opts for a financial penalty. I slowly feel like a modern "class enemy" of the Czech justice system...

    On June 24, the trial in Zlín continues. Proven innocent young men, convicted of murder, ask for a retrial. There is enough evidence (the dark background is still showing its strength). It takes a lot of self-control just to stand by in silence when the judge denies the defense attorney, Dr. Robert Cholensky, access to the supervising file. I imagine the court is more bothered by what I write about him than by how I behave in the courtroom.

  • Judge JUDr. Ivana Hovorková scolded "cows and fools" in 2014, she is still judging...

    Hovorkova sprostarny 2014Even after 10 years at District Court Sokolov she is still on the list of judges (if the list reflects the current status)?! JŠ

    The recording incriminates the judge. She called cows and idiots to witnesses!

    The case of the dirty judge has an absurd continuation


    Recently dismissed bailiff is dead, court says he abused debtors' money


    "Men do not differ altogether in what they regard as evil; they differ very much, however, in what they regard as pardonable"


  • Let me know when it makes sense - the judicial absurdity continues !

    REFLEX dite 10 2024In the final scene of the Coen brothers' black comedy "Burn After Reading", the astonished head of the CIA responds to the whirlwind of absurd situations, confusion and chaos unleashed by "amateur spies" by instructing his subordinate: "Report back to me when it makes sense."


    We have already reported on this website about the ruling of the Prague-East Court of Justice of 15 March 2024, by which Judge Lucie Řezáčová deprived a caring and loving mother of the possibility to raise her two young children (4.5 and 6.5 years old), by de facto entrusting them to the exclusive care of their father. He will have custody of them for 26 days in a 35-day cycle, while the mother will only have custody for 9 days, i.e. 3 extended weekends.

    The social worker (OSPOD Brandýs n. L.) also found this verdict insufficient and initially proposed exemplary punishment for the mother (who left a toxic environment with the children due to domestic violence). Namely - the mother would be allowed to have contact with her children once every 14 days from Thursday to Sunday and the following week 1-2 hours on a single weekday. The court softened the verdict somewhat, calling it, in a charming way, "alternating asymmetrical custody".

    Full Article in Czech>


    An asymmetrical judgment totally against common sense and against children !

  • OS Ostrava 5.3.2024: Journalists again not allowed to attend public hearings - judge threatens journalists with criminal charges - Ministry of Justice is "intensively dealing with the matter"

    Blažek Bochnakova 28.2.2024Judge JUDr. Jana Bochňáková has once again banned two journalists from attending a public court hearing, mediating a verbal message by a judicial guard. Again, no factual, legal justification, with a ban on entering the courtroom - before the court session began and after it ended. The judge is flagrantly violating the Constitution of the Czech Republic, the right of the public to participate in public court proceedings, to exercise control over them, including attacking freedom of speech, the press and encouraging censorship.

    The next meeting is scheduled for April 25, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. In the matter of defamation by Bogdalík, convicted 3 times, on 2.4.2024 at 11:00 a.m. Let's hope that his "partner" from the NCOZ (National Centre for the Fight against Organized Crime) Ostrava, Colonel Jaromír Šigut, will also appear.

    Full article in Czech>

  • Prag, 11. August 2022: - Das Justizministerium hat einer Frau, deren Vater 1949 von tschechoslowakischen Grenzsoldaten brutal ermordet wurde, eine Entschädigung zugesprochen - der heutige Preis für ein Menschenleben in der Tschechischen Republik beträgt 1

    Uprchlik v dratech... Stauber rannte weiter. Vosáhlo befahl daher Slavik, ebenfalls zu schießen. Slavik gab zwei kurze Schüsse aus seinem Maschinengewehr ab, woraufhin Stauber zu Boden ging, aber auch danach stieß er sich mit den Beinen ab und bewegte sich in den Wald. Die Patrouille lief auf Stauber zu, Vosáhlo zog seine Dienstpistole und feuerte aus weniger als 2 Metern Entfernung ein ganzes Magazin auf den am Boden liegenden Stauber ab - insgesamt 8 Schüsse. Stauber war auf der Stelle tot....

    Am 22. Oktober 1949 arbeitete Franz Stauber (geb. 1919), ein westdeutscher Staatsbürger, mit anderen Waldarbeitern auf der bayerischen Seite der Staatsgrenze. Nach Angaben der Grenzwacht war Stauber jedoch in die Tschechoslowakei eingereist.

    Deshalb hielt ihn die Streife etwa 2 Meter von der Staatsgrenze entfernt fest und wollte ihn auf die Wache in Maxovo bringen. Stauber trug ein paar kleine Scheine bei sich, war aber nicht bewaffnet.

  • The MM agency does not relent in its bullying of Šinágl. What's next ?

    Musil Sinagl ruze 3.3.2021Where would we be if persons with their noses and mouths uncovered were corseting our cemeteries !


    Another example of the "activities" of these obvious psychopaths. On 3.3.2021, as the only representative of the public, I said goodbye to my friend Colonel v.v. Josef Musil. An unbelievable anabasis began, which was concluded only on 31.5.2023. See what all one photograph, without a veil and in the open air without people, i.e. in public without the public, caused - in the PROTOCOL of the insight into the file. How many hours did the officials have to spend on this and how much money did it cost the taxpayers! Already PK Hořovice should have postponed it, when the photo itself is proof of the senselessness of the denunciation and deliberate harassment by the MM Agency.

    Already two days after the farewell at the Pardubice Crematorium (5.3.2021), the MM Agency reacted by filing a complaint for violation of the law and endangering the population by not wearing a veil. It was not until 31.5.2023 that I learned from the entire offence file the name of the informer Mgr. Jana Gavlasová in the study room of the KHS Pardubice, i.e. only after more than two years when I was denied the right to study the entire offence file by the KHS Pardubice. Interestingly, the Communication of the Ministry of Health dated 24.1.2023, from the end of which I quote:

    ... In conclusion, the Ministry states that it has investigated the manner in which the complainant's complaint was dealt with as set out in the KHS letter No. KHSPA 13345/2021/R-Pce, dated 11.8.2021, and for the reasons stated above, it found the complaint to be partially justified. The KHS was required to keep the order of the MoI on file under file No. S-KHSPA 05097/2021 and should have issued an order under Section 38(5) of the Administrative Procedure Code on the denial of inspection of a part of the file, or allowed the complainant to inspect the order of the MoI in such a way that the identity of the whistleblower of the alleged offence was protected at the same time.

  • We've been litigating over 40cm² for 14 years. Now we have to remove the building for half a million crowns - the Constitutional Court of the Czech Republic CONFIRMED this rape of law and common sense !!!

    Petrů VN 4.6.2023Hello, sir,

    Mapa katastrI'd like to make an appointment. We've been litigating for 14 years over 40cm². No, it's not a mistake. Now we have to remove the building. It's a piece of land that's on our property, where the neighbour has no access. It was all the fault of the building authority. The neighbour first agreed, it was built - and changed the decision. It was the fault of the building authority, who sent us a demolition letter yesterday. This investment would be 550,000 kc, against his 500 kc. Our neighbour also destroyed a 500,000 kc fence on our property. And again, 2 experts with 2 different opinions. The judge said, "What's my point?" "Justice". He said, "There is no justice, and don't look for it in court." I'm already in bad health. Now I've been diagnosed with cancer. Two months of radiation, what happens next is in the stars. I'm so desperate I don't want to live. I'm begging for an appointment. Too much!!! I'll tell you who it is and why the court always sends us crazy. We have exhausted all remedies, but we have not been able to achieve a positive result. Now we have one last option - the European Court of Human Rights.

    Married couple Helena and Zdeněk Petrů, 2.6.2023

  • Zlín Regional Court 1.2.2024: The massacre of law and justice is slowly and surely surfacing!

    KS Zlin verejnost chodba 1.2.2024It is a pity that the article on Seznam.cz: Murder in Slopney was only short time on the front page? It was not mentioned in court that the victim was alleged to have modified weapons for the Slovak mafia, specifically adding silencers, also for Czech policemen?! I wonder who is interested in keeping the innocent in prison? Slovak Maroš Straňák and Czech David Šimon, with sentences of 24.5 and 20.5 years respectively, have been in prison for 11 years. Czech TV had two teams on the scene (supposedly important, editors told me) - no mention in the evening's CT Events ?! I wonder who has the power to arrange or order it!

    The investigation into the murder of Miroslav Sedlář in 2011, also greatly complicated the actions of the descendants of the murdered man. First they reported that he fell down the stairs, then they cleaned up the house and the footprints... It cannot be ruled out that he modified the weapon used to murder journalist Ján Kuciak and his girlfriend for the Slovak mafia. The judge of the KS Zlín, Radomír Koudela, first acquitted the convicts in 2013, and in 2014 he gave them exceptional sentences. Milan Rakaš - the prosecution's crown witness - appeared in 2014 and claimed that Straňák had confessed to the murder to him while in custody... Jakub Řezníček - originally a suspect, then a witness - claimed that on the day of Sedlář's murder he had sat in the car with Šimon and Straňák and that he had sat there wearing a balaclava and gloves. It was there that police dogs identified his scent traces. The convicts refused his testimony, as did the fourth passenger. Pavel Kucik, the lead investigator of the murder, told reporters that Reznicek's statement was purposeful. But he never told the court. Tomáš Botek - told reporters that he did not meet Šimon and Straňák until about a month after the murder in Slopný - in October. His words are consistent with the telecommunications data.

    Full article in Czech>