Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Praha VN Zeman socha 12.4.2022I'm unpunished, I'm over 40 and I have Jewish roots. I have never committed a crime or offence that could smack of Nazi sympathies. There's not a shred of evidence for that. Yet I have been convicted quite harshly for it, even without a trial.

The criminal investigator himself even asked me repeatedly outside the office who I had stepped on, that he did not understand what was going on on the part of the prosecutor's office and that he had not experienced this during his career. He even said that he absolutely did not understand how the prosecutor could so incomprehensibly change my charge and extend it to the offence of Nazi sympathies without any basis from the police!

The public prosecutor supervises the legality of the pre-trial criminal proceedings BUT FEW PEOPLE KNOW THAT in addition to the case file - the criminal file, which you have the right to see, the public prosecutor's office also keeps a so-called supervisory file, where there are other documents relating to the investigation and your person. You will not be allowed to see this file, you have no right to look at it, or to know what its contents are, and in exceptional cases the same prosecutor who supervises your case decides whether you can look at it. Are you clear what this means for your rights?

I have been hospitalized 4 times in connection with the investigation and "trial". My severe diagnosis has been well known to the court from the beginning, and despite my constantly pointing this out, the court has never taken my condition into consideration. It just doesn't fit. If he hadn't overlooked it, he certainly wouldn't have gotten a comma for convicting a "Nazi".

It has cost my loved ones 300.000,- CZK to defend my innocence despite the fabrications of prosecutors Galkova and Lelko since the beginning of this witch hunt. It's far from over. Not a single court hearing has taken place yet. In addition, the court literally at the last minute assigned me a lawyer without the right to a free defence, so I will have to pay the state for her services as well.


Jaromír Petr, tel.: +420 721 900 000

Full Article in Czech>


Czech society has no unifying theme or authority. Instead, problems are piling up

Central Europe has never learned to rely on its own civil society and is still wandering between the desire for a leader and the need for an enemy. In fact, a real democracy of dialogue has never even been able to get off the ground here, and a mere three decades of freedom have not been enough to create a self-conscious civil society that can set the boundaries of political culture.

Democratic dialogue, involving all social groups, including those outside political parties, is a social asset, along with social reconciliation. It is high time to reach out and listen to society.

At the moment, all the problems are still covered by the holiday season, the war in Ukraine and the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Both the holidays and the Presidency will be over, and Czech society will need real dialogue in the face of war more than at any time in the past.

Add to this an untrustworthy judiciary and prosecution system, too often pandering to political power and post-Communist sporting buffoons.  Full Article in Czech>

Civilization catches up

Once again, it just plunders to its repeated beginning. The nature of man is unchangeable. We want to live "richly" but only exist prosperously. We have ceased to live and we no longer know what it is. We are all about life! In the difficult times of humanity, the times have always generated their true, capable leaders and representatives. Capable people will have their chance again. A pack of criminals cannot forever steal, go unpunished and destroy those who threaten it. The current system is no longer working, it is collapsing. The impulse for self-preservation will inevitably generate the best of us to lead again. The period of prosperity and misery will inevitably repeat itself. Nature and her immutable laws never fail. "Citizens, you must saddle up!", Thomas Bata would say even today.

Full Article in Czech>


Jan Šinágl, 20.7.2022

International anerkannter unabhängiger Journalist, Kolumnist, politischer Analyst, d.h. in der EU bestraft (für das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung und das Recht der Öffentlichkeit auf Information) auf Eigentum und Gesundheit. Ein engagierter Bürger, der seit zwanzig Jahren für Wahrheit, Gerechtigkeit und die Bewahrung demokratischer Werte eintritt. Bürger der Tschechischen Republik und der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft, geachtet von den demokratischen Bürgern Europas. 30 Jahre Leben im Totalitarismus, 20 Jahre in der Demokratie, 20 Jahre im Post-Totalitarismus.

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