Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Musil Sinagl ruze 3.3.2021Where would we be if persons with their noses and mouths uncovered were corseting our cemeteries !


Another example of the "activities" of these obvious psychopaths. On 3.3.2021, as the only representative of the public, I said goodbye to my friend Colonel v.v. Josef Musil. An unbelievable anabasis began, which was concluded only on 31.5.2023. See what all one photograph, without a veil and in the open air without people, i.e. in public without the public, caused - in the PROTOCOL of the insight into the file. How many hours did the officials have to spend on this and how much money did it cost the taxpayers! Already PK Hořovice should have postponed it, when the photo itself is proof of the senselessness of the denunciation and deliberate harassment by the MM Agency.

Already two days after the farewell at the Pardubice Crematorium (5.3.2021), the MM Agency reacted by filing a complaint for violation of the law and endangering the population by not wearing a veil. It was not until 31.5.2023 that I learned from the entire offence file the name of the informer Mgr. Jana Gavlasová in the study room of the KHS Pardubice, i.e. only after more than two years when I was denied the right to study the entire offence file by the KHS Pardubice. Interestingly, the Communication of the Ministry of Health dated 24.1.2023, from the end of which I quote:

... In conclusion, the Ministry states that it has investigated the manner in which the complainant's complaint was dealt with as set out in the KHS letter No. KHSPA 13345/2021/R-Pce, dated 11.8.2021, and for the reasons stated above, it found the complaint to be partially justified. The KHS was required to keep the order of the MoI on file under file No. S-KHSPA 05097/2021 and should have issued an order under Section 38(5) of the Administrative Procedure Code on the denial of inspection of a part of the file, or allowed the complainant to inspect the order of the MoI in such a way that the identity of the whistleblower of the alleged offence was protected at the same time.

Musil Sinagl ruze 3.3.2021Where would we be if persons with their noses and mouths uncovered were corseting our cemeteries !


Another example of the "activities" of these obvious psychopaths. On 3.3.2021, as the only representative of the public, I said goodbye to my friend Colonel v.v. Josef Musil. An unbelievable anabasis began, which was concluded only on 31.5.2023. See what all one photograph, without a veil and in the open air without people, i.e. in public without the public, caused - in the PROTOCOL of the insight into the file. How many hours did the officials have to spend on this and how much money did it cost the taxpayers! Already PK Hořovice should have postponed it, when the photo itself is proof of the senselessness of the denunciation and deliberate harassment by the MM Agency.

Already two days after the farewell at the Pardubice Crematorium (5.3.2021), the MM Agency reacted by filing a complaint for violation of the law and endangering the population by not wearing a veil. It was not until 31.5.2023 that I learned from the entire offence file the name of the informer Mgr. Jana Gavlasová in the study room of the KHS Pardubice, i.e. only after more than two years when I was denied the right to study the entire offence file by the KHS Pardubice. Interestingly, the Communication of the Ministry of Health dated 24.1.2023, from the end of which I quote:

... In conclusion, the Ministry states that it has investigated the manner in which the complainant's complaint was dealt with as set out in the KHS letter No. KHSPA 13345/2021/R-Pce, dated 11.8.2021, and for the reasons stated above, it found the complaint to be partially justified. The KHS was required to keep the order of the MoI on file under file No. S-KHSPA 05097/2021 and should have issued an order under Section 38(5) of the Administrative Procedure Code on the denial of inspection of a part of the file, or allowed the complainant to inspect the order of the MoI in such a way that the identity of the whistleblower of the alleged offence was protected at the same time.

MFF Karlovy Vary logo 2023You can see for yourself in the article Festiva1's ballasts. The non-public "Parties" always reveal the true character of the guests, especially at a later time - not the "gowns, tails and media". These embarrassments and others cannot be compared to those withheld from the public. Czech plebeianism on live TV, trying to show its "worldliness". How we lack real sophistication, refinement and nobility today. We have "liquidated" its bearers ourselves, thanks to the criminal Dr. Edvard Beneš. It was once present in Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), where even kings and world-famous personalities used to go, and when the Sudeten Germans took care of their reputation and standards. The public broadcaster CT and the CT reporters have kept silent about past scandals, and they will keep silent about today's or future scandals until they find the courage to truly serve the public and not the power and interest structures behind the scenes. As far as I know, no criminal charges or lawsuits have been filed to date...

KVH panel Nerudova 19.6.2023KVH verejnost 19.6.2023The Sekyra Foundation held an international conference on the power of parties, money and influence at the KVH (19.6.2023). Danuše Nerudová, who has already launched her campaign to be elected as an MEP, served as the "opening speaker". After the debate, she quickly left. You can listen to the audio recording and make up your own mind. Only "two or three questions" were allowed, I spoke from the front row, I did not get a chance to speak. I would argue the same point on Ms. Neruda's views as below. The event started 75 min late with no one apologizing. The public also had to wait while the organizers said goodbye to Ms. Neruda backstage. Of the scheduled 6 hours, the conference lasted, I estimate, about 3 hours.

KVH Sekyra Foundation 19.6.2023This was followed by the Sekyra Foundation event - an introduction (in English) and a subsequent debate by the participants (three from the public and three from the organizers). The public participants did not respect the moderator's instructions for a structured debate. As soon as they were given the microphone, instead of the required short introduction, they started straight into a lengthy lecture. My warning was silenced, but the "lectures" had already been cut short by the participants themselves. By the end, basically only the organizers were debating, the others had left, the hall was empty. My short contribution (from 1:05:35) was evaluated by the words of the organizer: "Well, I hope you will leave already". I was thus unable to finish my disrupted contribution on the need to change the electoral system, including a demonstration of the functionality of democracy in Switzerland.

Elsberg Daniel

Update 23.6.2023: New EU law was supposed to protect journalists, instead it legalises spying on them - "The law should protect journalists and their sources. The commission's proposal was not perfect, but it has been further degraded after recent negotiations. This is extremely worrying." - But if the current version of the proposal is ratified, the Freedom of the Media Act will "legalise the use of spyware against journalists" - "The Council is taking dangerous steps to legalise unacceptable forms of surveillance of journalists and their sources." - EU Document Pegassus (22.5.2023)


Daniel Ellsberg, described by CNN as the "patron saint of whistleblowers", died last Friday at the age of 92.

"All governments lie and therefore nothing they say can be trusted. Every piece of information they give must always be verified and confronted. Checking power is the most important part of democracy."


In June 1971, Daniel Ellsberg placed truth above lies masquerading as the national interest, throwing away a stellar career as one of the Pentagon's most respected analysts and planners. He gave New York Times reporters eight thousand pages of top-secret documents about the Vietnam War that refuted everything four American presidents had told Congress and their citizens about it. It earned him a number of felony charges and a proposed sentence of 155 years in prison.

His actions are being hailed as the beginning of the road to ending the Vietnam War. One man forced a desperate administration of President Richard Nixon to attack freedom of the press in court. The ensuing litigation produced perhaps the most important ruling in the history of the United States Supreme Court.

Citing the U.S. Constitution, it said, "The press is to serve the citizens, not the rulers. The power of the government to censor the press has been abolished so that the press may forever be free to control the government. The press was protected so that it could reveal the secrets of government and inform the citizens. Only a free and unfettered press can effectively expose fraud in government."

Fiala BlazekPrime Minister Petr Fiala: He has no choice but to give the contract to the crooks, is it according to the law?! Really "plaster prime minister". How many more blows will the "plaster" of the Prime Minister and the government take and endure - and how many more will the citizens take, bear and endure from these crooks who are destroying their lives and their future? The content of Lubomír Zaorálek's ten-minute speech at the SOCDEM congress is a shocking testimony to the times. It is not, of course, the subject of the public media.


In the global index of clientelistic capitalism, the Czech Republic has quietly climbed to second place just behind the most corrupt dictatorship in the world - that of Putin's Russia. There is no worse comparison. And at home, do we still want to pretend that everything is fine and that democracy is only flourishing? Everyone seems to have got used to it, and perhaps even considers it "normal".

Former President Miloš Zeman, with the help of Justice Minister Maria Benešová, demonstrably organised the judicial persecution of his opponents. Zeman's predecessor, Václav Klaus, made it impossible to investigate dozens of corruption scandals involving his loyalists from the 1990s by announcing the most controversial amnesty in Czech history. The alleged "treasurer" of the whole operation and Klaus's friend Peter Kovarcik died when the police started to notice more than six hundred million crowns that appeared in his Swiss bank account at the time of the amnesty, when he allegedly slipped in the bathroom... Even that was not worth noticing for Czech politics. The latest example of the Czech imitation of the rule of law is the continuation of the scandalous saga of the double justice minister Pavel Blažek.

Petrů VN 4.6.2023Hello, sir,

Mapa katastrI'd like to make an appointment. We've been litigating for 14 years over 40cm². No, it's not a mistake. Now we have to remove the building. It's a piece of land that's on our property, where the neighbour has no access. It was all the fault of the building authority. The neighbour first agreed, it was built - and changed the decision. It was the fault of the building authority, who sent us a demolition letter yesterday. This investment would be 550,000 kc, against his 500 kc. Our neighbour also destroyed a 500,000 kc fence on our property. And again, 2 experts with 2 different opinions. The judge said, "What's my point?" "Justice". He said, "There is no justice, and don't look for it in court." I'm already in bad health. Now I've been diagnosed with cancer. Two months of radiation, what happens next is in the stars. I'm so desperate I don't want to live. I'm begging for an appointment. Too much!!! I'll tell you who it is and why the court always sends us crazy. We have exhausted all remedies, but we have not been able to achieve a positive result. Now we have one last option - the European Court of Human Rights.

Married couple Helena and Zdeněk Petrů, 2.6.2023

"The freedom to be inoffensive is no freedom. The law should not aid and abet this new intolerance. Freedom of expression can only suffer if the law prevents us from dealing with its consequences. I offer my wholehearted support to the campaign to reform Section 5. Thank you very much." Rowan Atkinson


My starting point when it comes to considering any issue relating to freedom of expression is my passionate belief that the second most valuable thing in the world is the right to express oneself freely. I think the most valuable thing in life is food in your mouth and the third most valuable thing is a roof over your head. But a firm second place for me is freedom of expression, just below the need to sustain life itself. This is due to the fact that throughout my professional life I have enjoyed freedom of speech in this country and fully expect that to continue to be the case.


"Europe's task is no longer and will never be to rule the world, nor to spread its idea of prosperity and goodness by force, nor to impose its culture on the world, nor even to instruct it. Its only meaningful task in the coming century is to be its best self, that is, to resurrect and project into its own life its own best spiritual traditions, and thus to participate creatively in the creation of a new way of world coexistence."

Václav Havel


SPIEGEL 1 21.1.2023SPIEGEL 2 21.1.2023He who has money has power and ever greater appetites. The risk is losing touch with common sense. He gradually becomes a victim himself, without knowing it. The majority will pay the price, even if the politician may act in good faith. Money and the power associated with it, corrupts, few can resist. Few decent people will penetrate their "bubble", let alone change the established rules. Those who do not cooperate are bought or destroyed. Let us hope that the war in Ukraine will also help to stop this dangerous trend and change policy behaviour for the benefit of Europe and the future of the world. This will not happen without the growth of civic engagement, nor without capable leaders. This important article is not available in the SPIEGEL archive. It is not even listed on the front page. The media has been silent about the corruption and the investigation for almost half a year. Let us hope that the reason is the ongoing investigation, not the interest of those in power to sweep the case into oblivion. JŠ


EUROPA: SPIEGEL was able to view hundreds of pages from investigative files, including interrogation transcripts and conversations recorded by the secret service. They allow a reconstruction of the corruption scandal in the EU Parliament - and give an idea that it could be much bigger than previously known.

That Panzeri's network is the only one of its kind in Brussels hardly seems imaginable to many. "There are a number of countries that have systematically bought influence in the long term," says Green MEP Viola von Cramon. Apart from Qatar and Morocco, these include Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Russia. "This must be fully clarified. Nothing less than the credibility of European democracy is at stake."

Excerpt from an interview with Jana Černochová for Právo (1 June): "When I became a minister, the Military Intelligence informed me about the investigation of several members of the army. It was quite a big corruption case and involved several colonels." Gosh, the reader will think, the army is getting pretty sticky. But it doesn't get information on how many people and what they were involved in. All he knows is that this is the version on which the minister bases her high personnel powers. Does she feel the influence of Russian intelligence? "Yes, I feel it greatly," but "for security reasons I will not be specific."

"They attacked me at the exact moment I went up in the air."