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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Fiala BlazekPrime Minister Petr Fiala: He has no choice but to give the contract to the crooks, is it according to the law?! Really "plaster prime minister". How many more blows will the "plaster" of the Prime Minister and the government take and endure - and how many more will the citizens take, bear and endure from these crooks who are destroying their lives and their future? The content of Lubomír Zaorálek's ten-minute speech at the SOCDEM congress is a shocking testimony to the times. It is not, of course, the subject of the public media.


In the global index of clientelistic capitalism, the Czech Republic has quietly climbed to second place just behind the most corrupt dictatorship in the world - that of Putin's Russia. There is no worse comparison. And at home, do we still want to pretend that everything is fine and that democracy is only flourishing? Everyone seems to have got used to it, and perhaps even considers it "normal".

Former President Miloš Zeman, with the help of Justice Minister Maria Benešová, demonstrably organised the judicial persecution of his opponents. Zeman's predecessor, Václav Klaus, made it impossible to investigate dozens of corruption scandals involving his loyalists from the 1990s by announcing the most controversial amnesty in Czech history. The alleged "treasurer" of the whole operation and Klaus's friend Peter Kovarcik died when the police started to notice more than six hundred million crowns that appeared in his Swiss bank account at the time of the amnesty, when he allegedly slipped in the bathroom... Even that was not worth noticing for Czech politics. The latest example of the Czech imitation of the rule of law is the continuation of the scandalous saga of the double justice minister Pavel Blažek.

As if it were not enough that twenty years ago he was convicted by evidence of the crimes of submitting a falsified expert report and threatening criminal sanctions, and at least suspected of involvement in the preparation of a hundred-million-dollar fraud in the Diag Human case.

Twenty years later, the Czech state is facing international embarrassment and more than 16 billion dollars in damages thanks to his fraud in foreign courts. This is only because the corruption of politicians has not been prosecuted for over thirty years and is not even discussed between political parties.

In the eyes of Petro Fiala, however, Blažek still seems to have an unshakeable position despite all his lies and missteps. Despite the known facts, the Prime Minister keeps repeating that Blažek "never broke the law". He is mistaken - and he cannot not know it.

An indecisive and inactive Prime Minister

In 2019, MP Blažek received "under his arm" from a fellow MP a part of the criminal file in the case of machinations with Brno city flats, in which his close associates and, namely, he himself were involved.

According to the law, he should have immediately handed it over to the law enforcement authorities, i.e. to the competent prosecutor's office or the police. However, he did not, of course, immediately hand it over to the Minister of the Interior. He in turn to the President of the Police - and there the trail conveniently disappears...

Before that, however, he had met in the Chamber of Deputies with the other persons named in the file under investigation over the information he had obtained. They were mainly interested in whether more "information" could be obtained.

Blažek's statements today about not being able to reveal the source, about having parliamentary immunity, or his lies about never having been asked about these things by law enforcement authorities are ridiculous.

An incompetent minister who took the entire government and the Prime Minister hostage in a moment of danger. However, in a situation in which the Olomouc Chief State Prosecutor Marek Daňhel has also declared his loyalty to the compromised minister, Petr Fiala's silence is incomprehensible. The indecisive and inactive Prime Minister is thus sinking the entire governing coalition.

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