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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

BATA Inspirace avers 2022Zlin noviny 14.7.1932I recommend the documentary Bata the First Globalist - a documentary co-produced by Czech TV and the French-German TV station ARTE in 2019 (only available to watch until 15.7.2023). I have taken an extract of the essential ideas from the documentary. Finally, I recall the important, essential information that is missing and should have been included in the documentary. It is symbolic that the son of a famous father, who participated in the destruction of his work, is watching you in the Czech TV broadcast. Why, even after 91 years, are we afraid to tell the full truth? Even today, we and the world desperately miss the Bata system!


Bata created a universe with the shoe at its centre - The first globalist who gave work to millions of people - Work was not just the security of life, but its true meaning - People think, machines toil - Work is not an injustice - Humane shoemaking - Tomas Bata left a trail where his way of thinking still influences millions of people today - What you can't measure, you can't manage -He didn't use the word "problem", he called it a challenge!


Nash John o Tomasi Batovi"My desire to live physically was just as strong as my resistance to moral death" Bata's words after his bankruptcy - I found more and more charm and inner satisfaction in my work - I was a slave to myself, but I managed to save the company - I managed to pay off all my debts in two years - I was a socialist, preaching a simple and primitive life, and I became an admirer of it. I was a collectivist and something of a communist, but definitely a socialist. I thought capitalist society was only good for bad people, for outcasts and lazy people. I dreamed of the simple life of Tolstoy. I would buy a small homestead and I would and will sow only as much as I need for myself and my family. No, I won't be a hated factory worker. The socialist was driven away from me by my workers. They looked at me with fearful eyes when they heard any doubt that this Bata would keep it up. As if it were not my life, but theirs. Is it possible to abandon these people?  There was no way out, there was no choice but to stay in my place and become a hated factory worker, an outlaw, a slave-owner, in order to serve the people."


Jan Antonín Baťa: Let's build a state for 40 million people

Jan Antonín Bat'a saved thousands of Jews (he was not decorated because he supposedly did not risk his life in doing so). To this day, the property has not been returned to his descendants, nor has any financial compensation. The Benes Decrees are still in force.

Big BrotherWe don't live in an Orwellian world, we live in a Mills world. A 19th century British philosopher predicted the totalitarianism of social networking - Mental and moral powers, like our muscles, are only improved by regular use - Anything that destroys uniqueness is despotism, whatever name it takes on - Smothering millions in the semi-demented repetition of hollowed-out slogans - We end up in crystal clear air, but as unfree monkeys. And nobody here wants that.


"The university is not a club. It's not a political lobby. It's not a religious seminary. It exists to seek and tell the truth, whatever it takes, and whoever it may piss off. Without the freedom to explore controversial or 'offensive' ideas, universities are nothing... Freedom of speech for only one side is no freedom of speech at all."

Groupthink by Mill

Against the tyranny of society - elsewhere he calls it the tyranny of the majority - Mill contrasts the originality of the individual, which he sees as an outgrowth of a sense of freedom. If every person feels free, the whole society will be free. And a free society necessarily produces higher results than an unfree one that does not allow its most promising individuals to excel. Mill is not denying the influence of his mentor Jeremy Bentham, who argued that only those actions that lead the greatest number of individuals to the greatest happiness are moral.

Mill's ethics, however, is much deeper and descends to the psychological level of each individual. For him, the ability to "make choices" is most important for the moral development of each of us. His biggest problem with the mob mentality - Orwell would probably use Irving Janis's term groupthink today - is that it suppresses this very skill in people, making them de facto monkeys imitating each other. To use a gendered label on Instagram just because it is now being done would probably be condemned by Mill primarily on the basis that it has not grown out of the mental development of the individual in question, but has been imprinted on them by the crowd who "think for them".

"I urge you not to support those who promise to solve everything for you. Such people just want you to shut up, listen and keep up."

Václav Havel


EU PegasusPegasus LavrovFrom the Polish TV programme Śledczym okiem (Watching Eye): Some members of the investigative commission have Kremlin connections. Established 10.3.2022 - 58 MEPs, including 3 permanent members of the investigative committee, voted against declaring Russia a "state sponsor of terrorism" on 25.11.2022 - AFD plays a key role in Russian disinformation pages against EU countries - Christine Anderson, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 13.3. "The exclusion of Russian athletes from international competitions is racism" - Italian MEP Andrea Cozzollino, who also sat on the Pegasus investigation committee, also voted against declaring Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. He left the committee after a corruption and espionage scandal broke in the EP involving Eva Kalliova, who allegedly bribed Qatari and Moroccan interests - Belgian investigators who accused him of corruption found that Cozzollino had accepted at least €600,000 from Moroccan intelligence officials.


Korruption auf höchster Ebene der EU: Geheimtreffen in Suite 412

For years, Soviet propaganda had been pounding into the heads of citizens how the Red Army was enthusiastically welcomed everywhere as a liberator. The fact that the soldiers also pillaged and systematically raped women was not mentioned, for obvious reasons.

The doctor, however, made a note in her diary: "There were twenty-five of them. Fifteen nuns were raped and killed outright by the Russians, the other ten were raped repeatedly. Some forty times, others up to fifty."

The story later caught the attention of the French director Anne Fontaine, who based it on the 2016 film The Innocents. "These historical facts may not shed a good light on Soviet soldiers, but it is the truth; a truth that the Russian authorities refuse to publish, even though several historians know about these events," the director pointed out. Full story>


Biden Joe Bily dum 30.6.2023"When you look at the opinion that the judge issued, it's based on our argument that this is essentially one of the most sweeping undertakings in the history of our country by the federal government to restrict the speech of Americans. The things we have uncovered in this case should be shocking, frightening and disturbing to all Americans."

A U.S. federal judge issued a landmark ruling that partially barred Biden administration officials and government agencies such as the Justice Department and the FBI from working with large technology companies to censor social media posts. "The plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits of the case and prove that the government used its power to silence dissent."

"The court granted our motion to PROHIBIT top federal government officials from violating the First Amendment rights of millions of Americans [under the Constitution]. What a great way to celebrate Independence Day."

In a recent opinion piece on The Epoch Times, Landry wrote "This violation of the First Amendment has settled deep into our federal institutions like a cancer, and these government officials do not believe what they did was wrong, nor do they have any remorse if they do it again."

Full story>

Drahe kovy

Update 7.7.2023: China restricts exports of rare materials for chip production


450 percent increase in mineral production will be needed to meet net zero by 2050.

“You simply can’t build minerals-guzzling electric vehicles without massive mines. The average electric vehicle contains over 206 kilograms of copper, lithium, nickel, manganese, cobalt, graphite, and rare earth elements,” Rinehart said in May. “Currently, there is one country that dominates processing for copper, rhenium, nickel, cobalt, lithium, and virtually every other critical mineral and rare earth I could name—and that’s China,” he said.

Original article>


Is it realistic to generate electricity for the whole world in an environmentally friendly way so that the target can be achieved? If only a small part of the world achieves this goal, it will only be at the cost of weakening itself. Changes are needed, but radical ones are a road to hell. JŠ

Amelinova Viktorije"I look like I should be taking pictures of books, art or my little son. But I am documenting Russian war crimes, listening to the sounds of shelling, not verse. Why? Stop Russia." Acclaimed Ukrainian writer Viktoriya Amelina has fallen, her son has lost his mother...

The whole shocking report in Events CT (3.7.2023). This is how Russian murderers behave on the beaches of Turkey - inherited genes from the Mongol conquerors of Russia and "masters of the world". Saakaschvili MichejlEvil can only be defeated by force if it does not destroy itself in time. Once again a brave Ukrainian woman fought fearlessly for her right - we have much to learn from the Ukrainians!

Former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili in court today. This seriously ill man was denied permission to be examined by EU medical experts. Georgia is losing its patriots and dream ... JŠ

Krizova Iveta IjpgKrizova Iveta IIjpgIn this context, one can rightly speak of a reprehensible global manipulation of public health. We fully stand behind MUDr. Iveta Křížová, we appreciate her empathetic attitude towards patients, her courage and professional honesty. For the first time in medical history, a laboratory test (RT-PCR) was used as the sole criterion for diagnosing a disease (COVID-19) and for defining the infectivity of a virus (SARS-CoV-2) without evaluating clinical symptoms - They accused the doctor. She spread lies about vaccinations - Bullying a critic

I quote from the letter(27.6.2023) of the health workers to the District Court for Prague 4, to the file 33 T/50/2022:

1) The PCR test should not be used for infectious diagnostic purposes and further stated that with the PCR test, if done properly, we can find "anything" in "anyone".

7) In the first two months alone, Pfizer's own spreadsheet shows 1223 deaths. Usually, the practice has been that when fewer than 100 people have died, the "drug" subject to approval has been withdrawn from the market.

Pyotr Stolypin, reformer and prime minister under the last Tsar Nicholas II:

"Everything will change in Russia in 10 years. In 200 years, nothing."


Batalion aversBatalion reversI have selected five songs from the CD "Battalion of Women" - judge for yourself how much will, energy, conviction and Faith come from them. Such power can only be created by a real nation that knows the price of freedom and real life.

Russia is unpredictable, only the airmen have stood up for Putin, the rest, including the remaining elite are silent. The capable have left and are leaving Russia, if that is still possible? Both Putin and Pirozhkin tortured, murdered and have their finger on the nuclear weapon? Where is the responsibility of the western politicians who allowed this to happen? We can only hope that in the worst case a reasonable soldier will act again and save the world, as he in the Cuban crisis when he refused to press the "button" did not and saved the world.

I remind you of the article CAROVY VARY: Bloodbath in the Hot Springs Colonnade - about Russia's crimes in Chechnya and which I lent to Carlsbad. JŠ