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  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Tomas Bata Foundation

  • 12.7.1932: 91.výročí tragické smrti prvního globalisty Tomáše Bati – pouze smrt jej dokázala porazit …

    Zlin noviny 14.7.1932BATA Inspirace avers 2022

    Události ČT: Památník Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně (odkaz na linkách pod videem uveden není (navazuje na Webbův teleskop, 12tá zpráva cca 90 vteřin). Baťa zaměstnával přes 30 000 spolupracovníků v 54zemích. Nepoužíval slovo "problém", nazýval ho výzvou! JŠ  


    Doporučuji dokumentBaťa první globalista Dokumentární snímek natočený v koprodukcí ČT a francouzko-německé televizní stanice ARTE v roce 2019 (ke shlédnutí pouze do 15.7.2023). Pořídil jsem výtah podstatných myšlenek z dokumentu. Závěrem připomínám, závažné, zásadní  informace, které v dokumentu chybí a zaznít měly. Bata o krizi 1932Je symbolické, že v vysílání ČT se na vás dívá syn slavného otce, který se na zničení jeho díla podílel. Nash John o Tomasi BatoviProč se i po 91. Letech bojíme říci plnou pravdu? I dnes nám i světu zoufale chybí Baťové!


    Baťa vytvořil vesmír, jehož středem byla bota -  První globalista, který dával práci milionům lidí - Práce nebyla jen zabezpečením života, ale jeho skutečným smyslem - Lidem myšlení, strojům dřinu - Práce není křivda – Humánní obuvnictví – Tomáš Baťa po sobě zanechal stopu, kdy jeho způsob myšlení dodnes ovlivňuje miliony lidí – Co nemůžeš změřit, nemůžeš řídit.


    Abychom nezapomínali: diskusní příspěvek Ing. Dr. Jaromíra Vlčka ke konferenci o Janu Antonínu Baťovi ve Zlíně 2. -3. května 2007

    90. výročí tragické smrti Tomáše Bati bez zájmu veřejnoprávních médií?!

    J.A.Komenský: 430. výročí narození – stačí přidat Tomáše Baťu, Jana A. Baťu, metodu Montessori - reforma školství hotova !

  • 12.7.1932: 91st anniversary of the tragic death of the first globalist Tomas Bata - only death could defeat him ...

    BATA Inspirace avers 2022Zlin noviny 14.7.1932I recommend the documentaryBata the First Globalist - a documentary co-produced by Czech TV and the French-German TV station ARTE in 2019 (only available to watch until 15.7.2023). I have taken an extract of the essential ideas from the documentary. Finally, I recall the important, essential information that is missing and should have been included in the documentary. It is symbolic that the son of a famous father, who participated in the destruction of his work, is watching you in the Czech TV broadcast. Why, even after 91 years, are we afraid to tell the full truth? Even today, we and the world desperately miss the Bata system!


    Bata created a universe with the shoe at its centre - The first globalist who gave work to millions of people - Work was not just the security of life, but its true meaning - People think, machines toil - Work is not an injustice - Humane shoemaking - Tomas Bata left a trail where his way of thinking still influences millions of people today - What you can't measure, you can't manage -He didn't use the word "problem", he called it a challenge!


    Nash John o Tomasi Batovi"My desire to live physically was just as strong as my resistance to moral death" Bata's words after his bankruptcy - I found more and more charm and inner satisfaction in my work - I was a slave to myself, but I managed to save the company - I managed to pay off all my debts in two years - I was a socialist, preaching a simple and primitive life, and I became an admirer of it. I was a collectivist and something of a communist, but definitely a socialist. I thought capitalist society was only good for bad people, for outcasts and lazy people. I dreamed of the simple life of Tolstoy. I would buy a small homestead and I would and will sow only as much as I need for myself and my family. No, I won't be a hated factory worker. The socialist was driven away from me by my workers. They looked at me with fearful eyes when they heard any doubt that this Bata would keep it up. As if it were not my life, but theirs. Is it possible to abandon these people?  There was no way out, there was no choice but to stay in my place and become a hated factory worker, an outlaw, a slave-owner, in order to serve the people."


    Jan Antonín Baťa: Let's build a state for 40 million people

    Jan Antonín Bat'a saved thousands of Jews (he was not decorated because he supposedly did not risk his life in doing so). To this day, the property has not been returned to his descendants, nor has any financial compensation. The Benes Decrees are still in force.

  • Finally, a worthy candidate for President of the Czech Republic and a successor to Václav Havel - Karel Diviš

    Divis KarelGhandi jednotlivec

    "The cause of the crisis is moral misery. The turning point of the economic crisis? I don't believe in any turning points per se. What we used to call economic crisis is another name for moral misery. Moral misery is the cause, economic decline is the effect. There are many people in our country who believe that economic decline can be remedied by money. I dread the consequence of this error. In the position we are in, we do not need any ingenious turns and combinations. We need moral positions on people, on work and on public property. Not to support bankrupts, not to run up debts, not to throw away values for nothing, not to extort the workers, to do what has lifted us out of post-war misery, to work and save, and to make work and saving more profitable, more desirable and more honest than idleness and waste. You are right, there is a crisis of confidence to be overcome, but it cannot be overcome by technical interventions, financial and credit interventions; confidence is a personal matter and confidence can only be restored by moral considerations and personal example." Tomáš Baťa

    P.S.The basis of everything is quality upbringing and education. It generates the true elite and pulls the country along if it is represented in the crucial places in the country. Karel Diviš decided to run because he had no one to vote for. JŠ


    I remind you that the president of Slovakia, Zuzana Čaputová, was elected only thanks to a month-long ban on promoting candidates before the election. She was elected by the voters, not by the media, otherwise she would have had no chance.

    How to choose a president - Probably the first question every voter should answer is: "Does the person I choose to vote for live for politics or does he live off politics?" The answer is obvious, because once democratically elected politicians succumb to the desire to make money from politics, either directly or by obtaining subsidies or exceptional status, they threaten its very purpose. A great politician, according to Hegel, is recognized by the fact that he does not promote his own ideas, but grasps ideas that are already in the world in an indistinct form and promotes them. Identifying these people, while not looking for the whitest spotless angel in a marketing quagmire of deceitful lies, gibberish praise and phantasmagorical promises, is exactly what democracy demands of a responsible citizen who goes to the polls.

    Unfortunately, there are still plenty of voters who are affected by the current media election campaign.

  • Jan Pivečka - Little Big Man

    Pivecka JanHynek avers 2021"I don't have any flashy bank account, I don't have any glittering jewels, I don't have any show buildings, I don't have any big assets. But I have friends and people to whom I can give my favour. That's what's important - people you can help to become better. Then you become better too."

    From Bohuslav Hynek's book Diplomat in African Switzerland.


    He introduced himself by phone from the hotel and immediately invited me to lunch. I was not used to accepting such invitations. I stood to receive the Czech shoe expert, as he first said about himself at the embassy, to learn who I was dealing with and what was going on. I offered to send a car to the hotel to pick him up.

    Entered a gray-haired gentleman of tall stature and neat manners, at first sight a retired worldling, but most of all a Wallachian. He had flown to Zimbabwe to help select applicants to study at "The International School oí Modern Shoemaking, in Zlín, which he co-founded after November.

  • Miloš Zeman: The European Union, and now I'm not just talking about the Czech Republic, is almost devoid of prominent business personalities

    Bata Tomas a JanMiloš Zeman: "Small people do not like big projects" - J.A.Bata: "These are not bricks, these are human thoughts" - "We cannot let any hands be idle" - "Thank you, my friends, thank you for your work, for your loyalty, for your trust."

    The J.A. Bata podcast this time on a very important topic, with a very important guest! In 2019, former President of the Czech Republic Miloš Zeman awarded the highest state decoration - the Order of the White Lion - to Jan Antonin Bata in memoriam. And it was with the former president that I talked not only about the reasons for the awarding of this order, who nominated him, where Miloš Zeman still sees the supporting ideas of the Bata company, which are, however, almost a hundred years old, but also about whether there are companies and people today that he perceives with the legacy of Bata. Who would he nominate for the Order of the White Lion this year? How does he perceive the contemporary world and its themes? And what would he say to students and what is his wish for our country? Find out all this in today's exclusive podcast, a pleasant listening wishes Petr Kopčil. For more information, visit www.janantoninbata.cz and www.nfjab.cz

    From the interview: while Tomáš Bata is rightly adored, Jan Antonín Bata lacks this adoration and has even been wronged in his own way. By the way, it was also wronged by some members of the Bata family, so the idea was to correct a historical injustice.

    Instead of an employee, a collaborator is a symbolic expression of the entrepreneur's attitude towards the people who not only report to him, but who share his work. It is one thing to have a theoretical idea and another to put it into practice. Poland has built a motorway network, the Czech Republic has talked about it rather than built it. That is the lack of visionaries, not fantasists.

    Jan Werich: "We have few clowns, but we have many jesters."

    We have few visionaries, but we have a lot of clowns who hate the very word vision, and unfortunately we have a lot of them in important positions. The outstanding economic figures today are more in the USA than in Europe. If a country is led by top businessmen, it can prosper.

  • Of abundance, sufficiency, scarcity, poverty, our nature, a meaningful and fulfilled life

    BATA Inspirace avers 2022BATA 99 postrehu avers 2022"Unfreedom is not only a hideous injury to the will, but to the dignity. Unfreedom is not discipline, it is humiliation." Karel Čapek


    We need to learn to truly live, not just exist and consume idly, to be content in abundance, not excess. Abundance threatens sufficiency and there will inevitably be no sufficiency unless we change the ways of our lives. We cannot live forever in debt and at the expense of future generations. If we cannot do it, nature will do it for us, and the losses will be much greater.

    Let us stop being obedient, fearful and become free citizens

    Let's speak out and actively oppose any form of injustice, law-breaking, bad behaviour, from pointing out a discarded cigarette to the frauds and crimes of Putin's castle-keepers, politicians, policemen, judges and prosecutors.

  • The 90th anniversary of the tragic death of Tomáš Bat'a without public media interest?!

    Bata Tomas a logoTomáš Bat'a: "When I was 20 years old, I thought my father was an idiot. When I was 30, I sometimes thought he was quite right. When I was 40, I thought he was a pretty wise guy. And when I was 50, I thought, if only he were here to give me advice!"

    1918: Eight-hour working hours, Unlimited wages, Gender equality / 1924: Aerial advertising / 1925: Old-age pensions for foreign shoemakers / 1926: Employment of the blind and handicapped / 1927: First belt manufacturing in the Czechoslovakia, Most modern hospital in Europe / 1929: Paper milk cartons, First driving school in Czechoslovakia, First children's school buses / 1929-1939: Highways, 1930: Five-day work week, First marking of hen eggs, Full sick pay, Obligation to pay double social, health and pension insurance 1930-1943: Construction of own towns and residential districts / 1931: Co-ownership of the cost of education -- Equal access to education for girls and boys 1932: First own commercial shipping in the Czechoslovakia / 1933: Experimental rubber cultivation / 1934: First escalator and self-checkout in the Czechoslovakia, Highest number of foreign students in the Czechoslovakia / 1935: Air taxi / 1940: Two-hour lunch break, First in Europe and second in the world in the production of man-made fiber, Corporate screen printing. 

    The national and national importance of the deceased was acknowledged by the Chairman of the Union of Industrialists, the General Director of Živnobanka, Dr. Preis, quoting from his speech entitled Tomáš Bat'a contributed to the nation and the state:

    "The work and life of Tomáš Bata are a living and glorious negation of the forces of levelling, a new confirmation of the old truth of what a man in his place means, a man strong and humane, a man firm and purposeful, and a man who gladly and willingly takes full responsibility for his actions. Against himself and against those who linked their existence to his behaviour. There is no collective responsibility - collective responsibility is the negation of responsibility. And so long as there is human progress, so long will the strong, initiating, morally-infused man be the bearer of it. This was Bata's conviction. And it was this deep consciousness, this will to responsibility and his manly determination, that aroused in him resistance to all subsidy and economic interference and at the same time called him to the great competitive forum of the world, where he contributed so much to the good name of the nation and the state."

  • Tomas Bata: I am not referring to future generations of machines, but to our system

    Klimaticka konference

    Updated 6.3.2024: "Fate fears the brave, crushes the cowardly." Seneca - "Education is the social prosperity of a nation." Entrepreneur Johann Schicht - "A man does not fight to win, but not to surrender!" Jan Werich


    "If you want more from people, you have to give them more." - "There is no better way to inspire than by personal example." - "Working overtime is a poorly planned day." - "Live every day." - "Never give up. He who has developed the character to endure, who can not only invent good ideas but also carry them out, will win."


    The attitudes he espouses are appropriate for about 30% of people. Those 30% are people who want to work on themselves and grow themselves - The Bata's never had a person in a leadership position who didn't fit that character - The only thing the Bata's envied others was their youth - so they could do it again - The Bata philosophy was first and foremost about building yourself - About being responsible to yourself - People don't invent great things when they have to, they invent them when they want to! - Bata awakened this in his employees so that they didn't have to, but wanted to – Baťoviny (Newspaper) are very liberating - Tomáš Bata had a great gift - to approach things with common sense - Bata is not about shoes at all, it is about building yourself - Bata was very relational and formed this relationship with his co-workers - By the way, Bata donated the Zlín Chateau to the city for a crown!



    The story of Bata continues to surprise and inspire. Meet him in Orlice Park


    Zeme lecebnaWhat power comes from the speeches of Tomáš Bata and Jan Antonín Bata - and what nothing from the speeches of Czech politicians! The Czechs are delusional again - the Bata principle inevitably claims the floor again! Economist Lukáš Kovanda descri1bes on ČRoPlus (30.1.2024 13:04) the problems of companies that did not exist at Bata - bad relations between employee and owner, better performance versus stunting. Too bad he didn't speak more positively and cite the Bata principle as a solving example!

    Let's rely on ourselves, our abilities, not on formal paragraphs that do nothing for us, prosperity and personal initiative only hinders or destroys! Prosperity of the individual and the country is built only by the capable, not by politicians corrupted by power and money. Every country should have a standard of living that it creates by honest work, by its own abilities - not by subsidies from the work of others that deny common sense and promote unnaturalness with its legal consequences! JŠ


    1930: Such a letter would be written by Tomas Bata to the Prime Minister even today !

  • Tomáš Baťa: Neodkazuji budoucím generacím stroje, ale náš systém

    Klimaticka konference

    Aktualizováno 6.3.2024: „Osud se odvážných bojí, drtí zbabělce.“ Seneca - „Vzdělání je sociální prosperita národa.“ Továrník Johann Schicht - „Clověk nebojuje, aby vyhrál, ale aby se nedal!“ Jan Werich


    „Pokud chceš od lidí víc, musíš jim dávat mnohem víc.“ - „Neexistuje lepší způsob inspirace než osobní příklad.“ - „Práce přesčas je špatně naplánovaný den.“ - „Žije se každý den.“ -Nikdy se nevzdat. Zvítězí, kdo si vypracoval takovou povahu, že dovede vydržet, umí nejen vynalézat dobré myšlenky, ale také je uskutečnit.“


    Jeho postoje, které uznává jsou vhodné zhruba pro 30% lidí. Těch 30% jsou lidé, kteří chtějí sami na sobě pracovat a sami růst - Na vedoucí pozice u Baťů se nikdy nedostal člověk, který tomu charakterově neodpovídal - Jediné co Baťovci ostatním záviděli bylo mládí - aby si to mohli ještě jednou zopakovat - Baťovská filosofie byla v prvé řadě především o budování sebe sama - O odpovědnosti sám vůči sobě - Velké věci lidé nevymyslejí když musí, ale když chtějí! - Firma Baťa to ve svých zaměstnancích probouzela, aby nemuseli, ale chtěli - Baťoviny jsou velmi osvobozující - Tomáš Baťa měl jen obrovský dar – přistupovat k věcem se selským rozumem - Baťa není vůbec o botách, je o budování sebe sama - Firma Baťa byla velmi vztahová a tento vztah utvářela se svými spolpracovníky - Mimochodem zlínský Zámečekvěnoval Baťa městu za korunu!



    Příběh firmy Baťa stále překvapuje a inspiruje. Seznamte se s ním v Orlice Parku


    Zeme lecebnaJaká síla príští z projevů Tomáše Bati a Jana Antonína Bati - a jaké nic z projevů českých politiků! Čechy jsou bludy opět zmámené - princip Baťa se opět nevyhnutelně hlásí o slovo! Ekonom Lukáš Kovanda popisuje na ČRoPlus(30.1.2024 13:04 hod.) problémy firem, které u firmy Baťa neexistovaly – špatné vztahy mezi zaměstnacem a majitelem, lepší výkony versus zakrnění. Škoda, že nemluvil více pozitivně a neuvedl princip Baťa jako řešící příklad?!

    Spoléhejme na sebe, své schopnosti, ne na formální paragrafy, které za nás nic neudělají, prosperitu a osobní iniciativitu jen brzdí, resp. ničí! Prosperitu jednotlivce a země budují jen schopní, ne mocí a penězi zkorumpovaní politici. Každá země má mít takovou životní úroveň, kterou si vytvoří poctivou prací, svými schopnostmi - ne dotacemi z práce druhých, které popírají zdravý rozum a podporují nepřirozenost se zákonitými následky! JŠ


    1930: Dopis Tomáše Bati premiéru Fialovi a nejen jemu !

  • We are puppets of modern slavery, we just don't know it

    They all go to the same islands on holiday to talk about it. They all take the same pictures. Like puppets. Soulless creatures who won't even know they've left the world. People who serve only the system and objectivity will inevitably become Eichmanns.

    Her ideas have gained momentum in a pandemic. Many of us were looking for a way to cope with the uncertainty. According to philosopher and phenomenologist Anna Hogen, we must learn to live with this form of uncertainty. She is currently most worried about global conflict and says that the catastrophe of "Western" man lies in his inability to live in the present and touch pain. Yet she is an optimist. As she says, at the bottom of the worst pain is pure joy.

    The biggest trouble is that man lives only for being. These are things in space and time, such as cars, handbags, titles, fame, importance and, most importantly, power. Man lacks what we in phenomenology call being. Man today is only capable of wanting and thinking being. That is, to want something in space and time. There is still being, which we can think of as background. From this background, all beings become beings because being shows those beings.

    Why is it that "at home" no prophet is right? Because people are so incredibly close to the truth he shows them that they would rather stone a prophet than give him the truth. Man, when he is gripped or enclosed in a circle, in order to understand the totality of that circle, must step out of it and look at it from a distance. And I dare say many people don't know this.