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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Divis KarelGhandi jednotlivec

"The cause of the crisis is moral misery. The turning point of the economic crisis? I don't believe in any turning points per se. What we used to call economic crisis is another name for moral misery. Moral misery is the cause, economic decline is the effect. There are many people in our country who believe that economic decline can be remedied by money. I dread the consequence of this error. In the position we are in, we do not need any ingenious turns and combinations. We need moral positions on people, on work and on public property. Not to support bankrupts, not to run up debts, not to throw away values for nothing, not to extort the workers, to do what has lifted us out of post-war misery, to work and save, and to make work and saving more profitable, more desirable and more honest than idleness and waste. You are right, there is a crisis of confidence to be overcome, but it cannot be overcome by technical interventions, financial and credit interventions; confidence is a personal matter and confidence can only be restored by moral considerations and personal example." Tomáš Baťa

P.S. The basis of everything is quality upbringing and education. It generates the true elite and pulls the country along if it is represented in the crucial places in the country. Karel Diviš decided to run because he had no one to vote for. JŠ


I remind you that the president of Slovakia, Zuzana Čaputová, was elected only thanks to a month-long ban on promoting candidates before the election. She was elected by the voters, not by the media, otherwise she would have had no chance.

How to choose a president - Probably the first question every voter should answer is: "Does the person I choose to vote for live for politics or does he live off politics?" The answer is obvious, because once democratically elected politicians succumb to the desire to make money from politics, either directly or by obtaining subsidies or exceptional status, they threaten its very purpose. A great politician, according to Hegel, is recognized by the fact that he does not promote his own ideas, but grasps ideas that are already in the world in an indistinct form and promotes them. Identifying these people, while not looking for the whitest spotless angel in a marketing quagmire of deceitful lies, gibberish praise and phantasmagorical promises, is exactly what democracy demands of a responsible citizen who goes to the polls.

Unfortunately, there are still plenty of voters who are affected by the current media election campaign.

Interview with Karel Diviš on ČT24 (21.12.2022) - He would abolish the election polls in favour of the "chosen ones" in order to show the real will of the citizens and fulfil the purpose of the direct election of the President of the Republic. He does not stoop to criticizing other candidates, he presents his qualities because he believes in himself.

Listen to the 20-minute interview (from 15:06). Let's use common sense in electing our country's president - a true citizen candidate, unites, does not divide, appeals with his naturalness and speech.

Adding: DEAR PRESIDENT - A quote: Our nation cannot hold its great men in high esteem. It has become a national sport to look for any nits on all of them instead of their positives, which must then be exaggerated, properly opentlit and then published as a new testimony or a new perspective. The Czech man needs to find some flaw, weakness, or even dirt in his greats, so that he can boldly proclaim that he is not like that, that he is basically better, and that if he did that, everything would be much better.

Full article in Czech>


Both grandfather and father of Karel Diviš were soldiers. After the occupation in 1968, his father left the Czechoslovak People's Army. New times and new challenges need new people whose thinking, behaviour and manners are not burdened by their own past, which binds them, obliges them and makes them dependent on the power structures behind the scenes.


Jan Šinágl, 7.1.2023

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