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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Falun Gong Paris 26.8.2023(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from over 30 countries in Europe gathered at the Place de la République in Paris on August 26, 2023, for a rally and parade to call for an end to the persecution. Many government officials attended to show their support.

Former French Minister for Education: The Persecution of Falun Dafa Cannot Be Accepted and Must Be Exposed

Ms. Françoise Hostalier is the former Minister for Education in France and Deputy in the National Assembly of France. She said in her speech at the rally, “This persecution cannot be accepted. We must expose this in public!”

Full article>

Prelovsek DamjanDr. Damjan Prelovšek - art historian and expert on modern architecture, specialist on the work of architect Jože Plečnik, Ambassador of Slovenia to the Czech Republic 1998-2002, member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, writer and photographer.

In my last piece, I published a letter received by "Legal State" from the Czech Republic's Central Committee, or rather from Prime Minister Petr Fiala. In the matter of Schengen visa fraud at the Czech Embassy in Morocco, the Prime Minister recommended contacting the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Of course, I contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately in 2019 and tried to communicate the information I received from the staff of the Royal Palace in Rabat. I repeatedly offered not only the data, but later also the materials that the Moroccans gradually provided me (not only they, but also, for example, African diplomats). But there was no response/interest. It was only after some time in December 2020 that the then Secretary of State Miloslav Stasek (now Ambassador in Washington, close to the ČSSD/UN and according to the Czech media at the time "the man of Andrej Babis and the Castle during the time of Milos Zeman in the Foreign Ministry") wrote to me.

Original article>


Election Fraud Analysis from 2020 - U.S. Army Colonel (Retired) Phil Waldron (Video)


Jan Šinágl: Internationally renowned independent journalist, columnist, political analyst, i.e. punished in the EU country (for freedom of speech and the public's right to information) on property and health. A committed citizen, for twenty years defending truth, justice and the preservation of democratic values. Citizen of the Czech Republic and the Swiss Confederation, respected by the democratic citizens of Europe. 30 years of life in totalitarianism, 20 years in democracy, 20 years in post-totalitarianism.

Nash John Bata Memorial speach 11.7.2023

Tomas Bata understood that true greatness lies in benefiting others through one's work. He recognized that small-minded individuals think only of themselves, while great men are those who dedicate themselves to such extensive work whose efforts lift up others. He encouraged people to dream like kings, but execute their dreams like astute businessmen. Tomas Bata did have a plan to remake Czechoslovakia through politics and the presidency. If he had implemented a “Bata system” for government. That might have launched the country in a better direction...


From: John Nash <Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.> Date: Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 2:58 PM Subject: Tomas Bata Speech -JNash, July 11, 2023


Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we gather here to pay tribute to a remarkable individual whose life and legacy have left an indelible mark on the world. Tomas Bata was a visionary entrepreneur, economist, mayor, and philosopher. He was also the original pioneer of the Bata system of management. Tomas was not just a man of many titles, but also a loving husband, a devoted father, an uncle, brother, and in my case a great-uncle. Tomas Bata was also the godfather of my uncle, Jan Tomas Bata, Jan Antonin Bata’s only son.

Zlin Bata JunkersTomas’ journey was one of triumph, as he built a colossal shoemaking empire from a small investment that employed an astounding 22,000 men and women at its peak.

But beyond his accomplishments in the business world, Tomas Bata was known for his unwavering ideals and profound insights; his ideas and concepts were the beginning of what came to be known as the “Bata system” of management.

Under Tomas’s leadership, his organization educated employees  the in virtues like courage and perseverance in surmounting obstacles, a sense of solidarity, self-discipline and determination; he taught people to embody a sense of responsibility, and he preached a healthy view of life, based not on drudgery but the joyful activity that was good for the mind and body.

Sigut Jaromir 23.8.2023Listen to the audio recording of the OS Ostrava meeting (23.8.2023) and you can see for yourself. By the way, JUDr. Jana Bochňáková (former member of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia), known from the case of Ing. Marek Gába.

At the beginning, the question of the defence lawyer Mgr. Michal Straka, what did the prosecutor Mgr. Petr Valíček was doing for 10 minutes in the courtroom before the start of the hearing? This was followed by the judge's uncompromising lecture to Šinágl, a ban on photography and the testimony of the witness Col. Mgr. Bc Jaromír Šigut (see photo on the left), head of the IV. department of serious financial crime of the NCOZ Ostrava exposition. The prosecutor had no questions and remained silent throughout. Great arguments were presented by Mgr. Straka and the defendant Ing. Jan Karas, who reasonably questioned the mental health of a senior police officer. His intellectual expression and thought processes would be sufficient for a catering establishment of the lowest price group at most. They have nothing at all in common with the level of a high-ranking police officer expected by the public, including the clothes, which rather resembled a homeless person. My cell phone intervened as a "force majeure" when, despite turning off the sound, it said "I'll show you today" (while reading the contents of the file while I was going through my mail). The construction company ing. Jan Karas and his mother Jana Domanska had an excellent reputation for 10 years, customers were fully satisfied. The company was liquidated by a criminal police officer, not to mention the destroyed family and damaged psyche of the little daughter of Ing. Karas. The Czech state "rewards" him for this crap with a salary of about 80 000 CZK + bonuses and bonuses for "excellent work"!!!

Of course the media did not show up, but 5 representatives of the public, supporting this brave family, did. Brave citizens supporting brave citizens - there are more and more of them - just a thicket! I believe that in October the courtroom will be full and the public will take full advantage of their constitutionally guaranteed right to public scrutiny of the administration of justice. We cannot expect that from the publicly-owned Czech Television yet. The next hearing is scheduled for October 25, again at 8:00 a.m.

Original article>

Ukrajinka Plasy 13.8.2023

Updated 7.9.2023: Are you from Ukraine? The driver asked the women. Then he beat them upCan't he be blamed for beating up a defenseless woman in public in front of her children? A society that does not punish and tolerate this horror cannot sink any lower! JŠ


She suffered an open fracture of the jaw and a fracture of the cheekbone and nasal bones. From the scene, the ambulance transported her with impaired consciousness to the emergency room of the Pilsen University Hospital.

They were sitting and chatting on the pavement when a car stopped near them and its driver asked if they were from Ukraine. When Lilia, 34, and her friend Tetiana, 10 years older, nodded their heads in agreement, he drove a short distance away and returned to the two women. He then brutally attacked the foreign women, who had children aged 11 and two with them. The younger of the women ended up in hospital with a broken face. Full story>

I would post a photo of the perpetrator, including name and residence, without mercy! If he doesn't belong in Bohnice (a mental health facility in Prague), he should be sentenced with the maximum penalty as soon as possible! President Petr Pavel should also make a statement as soon as possible. As the highest representative of the country, he should make an alarming moral appeal! By remaining silent, he would become an indirect accomplice and unworthy of his office. Even the perpetrator can be a victim of the disinformation media, when his plebeianism and low instincts were addressed and he acted in "good faith", just as after 1945 his ilk murdered tens of thousands of Czech Germans in "patriotic enthusiasm". JŠ

For the first time in 1683, troops led by Polish King John III. Sobieski crushed the Turks at Vienna. This ended the serious threat of the Islamisation of Europe and began the push of the Ottomans out of Eastern Europe.

For the second time, the Polish army inflicted a heavy defeat on the Red Army in August 1920 at Warsaw. This marked the definitive end of the Bolshevik dream of exporting socialism to European countries and the alliance of the Red Army with the German left-wing revolutionaries. Otherwise, there would probably have been no force that could have stopped the export of the Marxist revolution. It can be said, therefore, that our continent, especially the eastern part of it, would thus remain spared for several decades from communist repression and crimes that involved great terror and the death of many millions of people and would not have differed much from the Nazi horrors. Even the Russian Bolsheviks purposely exterminated whole sections of the population, whom they branded as class enemies.

The war ended with the Peace of Riga

The fighting between the Poles and the Soviets ended with the signing of the so-called Peace of Riga on 18 March 1921 in the Latvian capital Riga.

Depardieu PutinNetrebko Anna

Updated 31.8.2023: After the annexation of Crimea, Anna Netrebko has already performed 5 times in the Czech Republic and nobody minded? Tchaikovsky's concert at the National Theatre was cancelled a year ago? More in the article "Cadre" (Tomáš Baldýnský LN, 30.8.2023). JŠ


Apparently, the steel line-up of Prague City Hall, headed by Jiří Pospíšil, will prevent the criminal singer from entering the concert hall with their own bodies.

And Depardieu was producing in Moravia and they could go crazy there. You know, the Frenchman, but Netrebko, she's a Russian bitch, we'll give her what for.

Not that Netrebko deserves praise for her support of Putin in 2012, but the war did not rage then and the singer was and is not alone in her support of politicians in power. Surprisingly, no one is disgusted by what European and American film stars, led by "Citizen Depardievsky", performed in St Petersburg, where two years earlier they paid tribute to baby Putin at a charity evening. They were able to brace themselves as he sang them Blueberry Hill and played the piano with one finger. Vincent Cassel, Alain Delon, Ornella Muti, Monica Bellucci, Kevin Costner, Sharon Stone, Goldie Hawn.

"They bring you in, divide you into men and women. You strip naked, then some officials or FSB agents search you in rubber gloves without changing them," historian Petr Hlavacek describes what it looks like in the "concentration camps of the 21st century" where the Russians "filter" captured Ukrainian soldiers, but also civilians. Moreover, Ukrainian mothers in these camps often lose their children to Russia for re-education.

"Russia is in a demographic crisis, so it is spending a lot on children and youth to somehow improve the 'Slavic element' of the Russian Federation. Caucasian and Siberian ethnicities are growing over their heads," Hlaváček explains one of the reasons why Ukrainian children are being forcibly taken to Russia. According to the Ukrainian side, so far the Russians have been able to take tens of thousands of children out of the country. "Moreover, Russia is a country where something like human organ trafficking takes place. This is a catastrophic matter and a matter to which the civilised world should pay close attention."

Ding YuandeLebin SOS my parents

Mr. Ding Yuande, father of Berlin resident Ding Lebin, was formally arrested on July 20, 2023, by the Donggang District Police Department in Rizhao City, Shandong Province. He was illegally placed in detention with his wife, Ma Ruimei, on May 12, 2023. Approximately 70 Falun Gong practitioners in Rizhao City were detained as part of a province-wide mass arrest campaign for the 24th anniversary of World Falun Dafa Day, celebrated annually on May 13. Ding is at risk of torture and longer-term imprisonment. 

Lebin a koloHis son, a 10-year resident of Berlin, is currently advocating for his release with multiple human rights organizations and European government officials on the federal, state, and local level.

International Advocacy Aids Family

The International Society for Human Rights, an NGO with UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) status and headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, sent letters requesting the release of Ding’s parents to the Chinese Ambassador to Germany, the former Chinese Foreign Minister and both provincial and city level CCP officials. Volunteers with the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (WOIPFG) also flooded the detention center with calls to release Ding’s parents.

Musil HB 2 210819Novy plakat 1968See all 24 panels on the crimes of the communists from 1948 to 1989. I am attaching links to my articles below. Col. Josef Musil and I organized the exhibitions practically on our own, including paying most of the financial costs. They took place in Bohemia, Moravia, in both chambers of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and at important places in our history at more than 20 locations. Neither the public media nor any other media showed any interest in them.

Even after 34 years, the citizen legislators could not agree on the proclamation of a memorial day for „DEN ZRADY“ (Day of Disappearance)...

Below I attach links to my articles on the subject. Colonel Musil served his country literally "to his last breath". He fulfilled his military oath and honor. Honor his work and memory! JŠ

Full article>