Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Update 19.8.2023: I have received another Summons to appear in court on 12.9.2023 at KS Praha. What have they "invented" again "JUDr." Martin Michal and bailiff Mgr. Jan Benes? The plaintiffs, represented by the plaintiff Mgr. Jana Gavlasová, never appeared at the court hearing. My request that they appear in court so that I could ask them questions was not granted, with reference to their power of attorney to the legal representative. This does not prevent them from "bravely" slandering me in the "friendly" tabloid media. The "unfriendly" tabloids preferred to keep quiet so as not to have to litigate for years. I am consistently denied access to these slanderous media. Despite Zeman's honouring of "comrade" Helena Vondráčková, the train is not running. The modern "class enemy" must be destroyed". I pay with my property, my health and millions of crowns for publishing and reminding the truth, known to the whole country. The prosecutors should pay me, but sue for years, when you would have seen the verdict in heaven... Truth is punished, lies are rewarded. The state has extended the summer of grace until the end of November. The law doesn't apply to bailiffs' costs?! Welcome to the "banana republic" in the middle of Europe. The result of the "jingle of the sprouts"... Even freedom of speech and the public's right to information has its price. The public and the media are once again invited to the court hearing. However, I expect that the public seats will remain empty again. Will "justice in reverse" continue? Nothing lasts forever. The truth, which the whole country knows, "will one day come out like oil on water", as Jan Antonin Bata wisely said, shortly before his death. I add justice - God's justice, certainly. JŠ


See for yourself at the links and photos: EXTRA.CZ (taken over by SEZNAM.CZ) - SUPER.CZ - KAFE.CZ - AHA and Slovak ČAS. To his credit, the lies of "JUDr." of Martin Michal and Helena Vondráčková. CRo2, Xaver TV and Frekvence 1 willingly joined in the lies and slander. No media contacted me. They did not respond to my questions and warnings? Slander takes precedence over the truth. Czech media "democracy" in practice. Maybe soon the Kremlin will join in:-) Half of the people in the Czech Republic are indebted for life and another quarter are heading there. If things keep going this way, it will soon be more than just thieves, crooks and politicians in foreclosure. JŠ

I quote from the Resolution of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic (28.6.2023): "The plaintiffs demand the removal of the text of the entire articles and discussions under them on the defendant's web portal, published in 2010 and 2011, the occurrence of non-pecuniary damage in the millions against each of them remains unresolved. The action is not negotiable, even after the third invitation to supplement the action".

There is something very wrong in society when one psychopath can, in "collaboration" with the state apparatus, destroy the lives and destinies of many decent people with impunity, for years. Embezzled about 600 million crowns, about 20 million debts, foreclosures nobody solves, including abused banks, five marriages, fake title "JUDr." ... We can only feel sorry for his wife. She's the next victim in line. Her singing performances today are already undignified, without intonation and often embarrassing, including drug ads in the media, etc. No one has the guts to break the law and good manners, to stop it. Is this about a bad system, or persons who know how to use and abuse it, whether they themselves or it is used by others who, through others, destroy decent fellow citizens, including an independent journalist who has been publishing serious information for years and which the public often does not learn from other media?

I have lost my family house, the archive of my work for about 30 years of my committed work in exile and in the Czech Republic, not to mention a heart attack, two heart surgeries and a threatened 2 years in prison without parole. According to the judgments of the Czech justice system, I have damaged the reputation of my creditors. Have I "repaired" it with hundreds of thousands of dollars for non-pecuniary damage? It was never good, it can't be worse. In addition, the State received 7 times the maximum fine of 100 000 CZK, which was imposed on me by the bailiff Mgr. Jan Beneš (he always granted the creditors' motions, the execution cannot be cancelled, another max. fine of 100 000 kč is on the way). I am not talking about other lawsuits, criminal charges, complaints to the FÚ, etc. There must be hundreds of them filed against various persons and companies in the Czech Republic over the years. A sick justice system and a country that can "serve" such a mentally ill person. Nothing lasts forever. JŠ


"Beware of worrying too much about money, status or fame. One day you will meet a man who doesn't care about any of those things. Then you will know how poor you are."

 Rudyard Kipling

 Original article>

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