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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

MoyokarditidaIn addition to sudden deaths, heart problems have become the leading cause of death in vaccinated young people under 65. There were no deaths from myocarditis in unvaccinated people in the same age group. Importantly, the incidence of turbo-cancer was significant among this group among the vaccinated, and myocarditis killed more than covid-19.

In an interview with Tucker Carlson, he explains that media outlets such as Yahoo have picked up an undeniable increase in deaths among young, healthy adults. However, they are quick to point out that these deaths are not caused by the covid-19 vaccines.1 Dowd is not to be deterred. As noted by A Midwestern Doctor on Substack:2

"Ed Dowd has focused on using a narrower body of evidence and linking it to one of the most persuasive arguments currently available for changing the rhetoric. The statistically impossible increase in sudden deaths has occurred in the healthiest part of the population and has occurred at the same time as the increase in disability (which is why we now have a workforce shortage)."

InvermictineAll sources on which the article is based are footnoted at the end of the article.

"If you were to suggest an ideal cure for covid, it would look exactly like ivermectin because it works as an antiviral. It is a very powerful anti-inflammatory drug. It stimulates a process called autophagy. That's one of the main mechanisms for eliminating spike protein, and it improves the microbiome - the bacteria in the gut that covide and vaccines alter in an adverse way, and ivermectin helps restore them. Ivermectin is effective both in the early treatment of covida and during the treatment of vaccine sequelae," said Professor Paul Marik in an interview with The Epoch Times.

Capi hnizdoFor years I have tried in vain to get the subsidy approval documents. Only this year (after paying 600 CZK) I got them from the Ministry of Local Development.

The protocols are from 2008. I also attach a list of all six approved projects. Who else should be held accountable but the fourteen who approved the projects? Are the other five projects serving the public and society as well as the Stork's Nest? I am afraid that the public media and the "glorious investigators" will not be interested in this today. JŠ

Original article>

Muzeum studene valky kartaSinagl samopal 27.3.2023 The Cold War Museum Crisis fallout shelter

I arrived in Prague from a visit to Police Kolín and had 4 hours until the next event. I go out of necessity to the toilet of the JALTA hotel on Wenceslas Square, in the lobby there is a model SNB officer standing as if cut out from the totalitarian era. I asked him: "Where on earth did you come from?" He was a guide to the civil defence bunker from the time of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia. I recommend to see the PHOTOGALLERY.

There were nine of us - four Romanian women, three Romanians, supplemented by the guide and me. The interpretation in English lasted 75 min. Great, full of details, with the guide answering Zapotocky marsal 27.3.2023knowledgeably every question of the visitors. It was also quite action-packed, where we could climb through the emergency exit, or operate the hand-powered air pump. Muzeum studene valky vozitkaTours for Czechs don't happen very often, but they should. Occasionally schools come along, where the tour programme is appropriately tailored to the age of the schoolchildren. It's similar to the Museum of Communism near Republic Square - especially for foreign tourists, where most of the public doesn't know about it. With media promotion, there would certainly be a lot of interest. By the way, the guide is Ukrainian, speaks perfect English and now is improving his Czech. When will the public see the Museum of Totalitarianism in Uherské Hradiště, in the former prison where political prisoners were tortured and died in the 1950s? Below is a recent article on the current system of population protection. It was published on the same day I visited the bunker under Yalta? There are no coincidences. JŠ  

Bose stopy znacky Bata PRIMA 2023Benes Edvard Deep State 1915

Last updated at 6.4.2023: There are some smart students in the Czech Republic. Below is a masters thesis on some of the cities Jan Bata built in Brazil. Very interesting the students are recognizing what J.A.B. accomplished. The Brazilian Agrarian-industrial Towns  of Jan Antonín Baťa (1941 – 1965):

Transnational Crossings in Urban Planning, Davi Costa da Silva, Master’s thesis


Excellent dokumentary on PrimaZoom (2023). I recommend watching these 30 minutes of the hidden truth! The author of the sentence in the title was Jan Antonin Bata.


Benes was a Freemason and one of the founding members of the Czech Eugenics Society in 1915. This means he was part of the depopulation movement we see today. Eugenics is a big part of depopulation. This suggests that he was part of the New World Order (Deep State).


Although the Bata company financially supported Benes' government in London, Benes made sure that the Allies did not make any more of Jan A. Baťa after the war was not removed from the so-called "blacklist" by the Allies. They accused him of providing shoes for the Nazi Wehrmacht. The Bata company made shoes for the British and had them ready for sale in warehouses in Norway. Unfortunately, the Wehrmacht occupied Norway and appropriated the shoes. The British still demanded financial compensation for failure to deliver... Benes wanted nationalisation as early as 1918 (Fortunately, TGM talked him out of it) - a completely spineless, coked-up, crypto-Communist. JŠ

Snyder TimothyRissian Warship go fuck yourself(This is the text of my briefing of The United Nations Security Council this morning, 14 March 2023, for a session called by the Russian Federation to discuss "russophobia."  If you wish to quote me exactly as I spoke, you might wish to check against the video of the session, which for now is available here.)

Ladies and gentlemen, I come before you as a historian of the region, as a historian of eastern Europe, and specifically as a historian of mass killing and political atrocity.  I am glad to be asked to brief you on the use of the term "russophobia" by Russian state actors. I believe that such a discussion can clarify something about the character of Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine and Russia's illegal occupation of Ukrainian territory.  I will speak briefly and confine myself to two points.

Full Article>

AI sit

Man Progression AI

Updated 8.5.2023: "We have discovered the secret of immortality. The bad news is, it's not for us."

Update 3.4.2023: Artificial intelligence as the new horseman of the apocalypse. Such a chat Pinochet - The real problem is elsewhere. It lies in the eventual autonomy of artificial intelligence, i.e. reaching a point where AI itself starts to have its own plans and intentions, and because it is too locked into our computers, it starts to use us as tools to fulfill its intentions. It will still be nice and helpful, it will just start to add elements to its services that will also serve its plans, of which we will know absolutely nothing.


Elon Musk: "Artificial intelligence is an existential risk to humanity; but it is also an existential risk to truth."

Robots can already cheat and be as "pissy" as humans themselves.

Where is the point at which humanity loses control? Will it be self-directed and controlled by artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence will easily come to the point that humanity, including humans, still behave the same way and can take over their ways - good and bad. Can the computers then "get even" with each other. The "good" ones may begin to feel threatened over time and may use their unsuspected abilities not only for the sake of humanity but also for the survival of themselves. For example, they could write the premiere to Fiala: "You are doing pension policy wrong, I give you 30 days to solve it, otherwise I will endanger the operation of 10 hospitals." It seems ridiculous, but it is not so unrealistic, not to mention human abuse. If AI learns from humans, it cannot be ruled out that it will not only react, but also actively act itself, both positively and negatively. Even turning off the electricity can be a punishment. The performance of computers is rising and it is becoming increasingly difficult, or slowly unrealistic, to keep them under full control. I am not surprised that more and more responsible people are realising this risk of loss of control and want to stop this hasty and uncontrollable process.

Rusko vojandyMargarita, a contract soldier who was in the war in Ukraine, has been in rehabilitation for almost two months. She is seeing a psychologist, taking strong antidepressants and trying to forget what happened to her recently. But she has not been able to forget. Margarita's biggest fear is returning to her regiment, where she says the women in her medical company were threatened with sexual relations with officers. She told Sever.realia.

- Sometimes you get the feeling that someone is walking under your window or that objects are moving. Or as if someone is sitting on me," Margarita says of her condition, "I have nightmares and panic attacks all the time. I was diagnosed with something I don't remember, without any paperwork. They told me it would take me six months to get over it. I can't be alone, even though I'd like to shut myself away from everyone in the room. But even when I'm not alone and I'm doing something, I still have this horror in front of my eyes.

According to Margarita, when she was in the war, she did not perceive the changes that were happening to her, but when she returned to Russia, she realized that her psyche was completely broken. She speaks of what she saw and experienced in a calm and composed voice, but her stories of soldiers killed by their own comrades, of drunken officers abusing their conscripts, and of married women in the medical company who were forced to have sex are all the more horrifying. Margarita herself was never able to break down and "hook up" with anyone, although she tried from day one.

"Polkan's got his eye on you."

Madarsky parlamentThere is an ever-growing concern among many Hungarians over the foreign policy our present government conducts. That prompts us, members of former governments, former parliamentarians, actors in the scientific and artistic life, to address an open letter to you, as our compatriots who bear a heavy responsibility for the future of Hungary.

We urge the Hungarian Parliament to ratify immediately the enlargement of our defense alliance, NATO, with Sweden and Finland. There is no excuse or reason for delay, the two countries would strengthen the defense alliance of which we are a member, and would enhance its European character. The whole letter>

Pfizer Covid 19Ceska cesta z coviduUpdated 23.4.2023: Der WHO-Pandemievertrag darf auf keinen Fall ratifiziert werden!


1.3.2023 marks 3 years since the first restrictions due to Covid. It is now almost certain that the virus was artificially created (why ?) and leaked outside the labs.

In the time of Covid there was a total suppression of customs, including the right to privacy.  There was a huge failure of politics and society as a whole and a throwing away of democracy, this led to widespread manipulation, denunciation and censorship. Rights, medical ethics and all of medicine were brutally suppressed, science was discredited, not least human dignity and common sense.  Yet there continues to be zero interest in a critical appraisal of the Covide period.

The WHO guidelines have been uncritically accepted

FDA WHO CDC Pharma IndustryVaccination has had a number of negative consequences, and the brutal pressure on citizens in favour of it has led to a loss of trust in society even towards previously long-established and used vaccines.

There was a total resignation to individual care, fear and panic spread, people were afraid to even go for control of other diseases with all the consequences, a risk group was quickly profiled, but waiting for the vaccine

The epidemic itself had other pervasive social phenomena - fear, manipulation and censorship. Here, many leading media and mass media played an almost unreal negative role. The concept of the m-RNA vaccine has completely failed, and its benefit remains questionable and ambiguous in the at-risk group. In order for this vaccine to be pre-approved for use at all, the completely false argument that there is nothing else for Covid had to be strictly and unequivocally promoted and supported.