Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Vlasek QE kvantitativni uvolnovani 28.2.2023"I am not accustomed to the Byzantine ways of kissing the hand that beats me."

Josef Kemr


From the Press conference after the lectures: whoever puts his head in the sand commits mistakes and is condemned to repeat them in an ever greater spiral. The subversion of state finances is underway. An unhealthy society is not conducive to healthy business. People didn't trust science, they trusted television. It is beyond me as a doctor to vaccinate young children from the age of six months. I am supplementing with a small PHOTOGALLERY with shocking graphs.

Ten professionals summarize the social impact of three years with covid. Nationwide Sticking Our Heads in the Sand is a Dangerous Dead End A press conference breaks the silence on the covid crisis and paints a comprehensive picture of its serious implications. It will feature ten experienced professionals from Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia representing the most affected areas of society - medicine, mental health, education, science, law, media, internet, economics and business.

I recommend starting with a lecture by Tomáš Fürst and Gabriela Sedláčková. She was also great, especially at the end of her talk. (Full program with topics and times below). The public broadcaster CT was not on site or otherwise reporting. The public certainly wouldn't have cared - no doubt they were told by the public poll they are so happy to follow... For your own sake and the sake of your loved ones, I recommend watching the whole thing - in batches, so you don't suffer further health damage from the shocking information. Will the public see the equivalent of the Nuremberg Trials for crimes against humanity? 


Past SARS-CoV-2 infection protection against re-infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Albert Bourla, Pfizer boss: Incredible interview at WEF in Davos on vaccines!


13:49 - Start

18:38 - RNDr. Darina Kocsisová, Ph.D., mathematician: INTRODUCTION: From the diary of a mother of schoolchildren, 2021 - 2022

24:45 - Jana Gandalovičová, M.D., cardiologist: MEDICINE: What Pfizer forgot to inform about - an unprecedented number of reports of suspected adverse reactions to vaccinations, including deaths of previously perfectly healthy people

30:26 - Jana Dunčková: Testimony on the death of Petr Brousek

33:31 - Jaroslava Chlupova, M.D., neurologist: Neurological problems after vaccination against COVID-19

36:02 - Tomas Fürst, Ph.D., statistician: DATA AND SCIENCE: Medical data and the failure of scientists under covid

48:09 - Mgr. Filip Jadlovec, psychologist: MENTAL HEALTH: Psychosocial consequences of the covid crisis with a focus on children and adolescents

53:31 - Mgr. Petr Vrána, Headmaster of the Primary School and Kindergarten in Troubky.

1:00:15 - Mgr. Zuzana Candigliota, Attorney at Law.

1:06:20 - Mgr. Petr Bohuš, Ostrava: MEDIA AND FREEDOM PROJECT: Media manipulation in the post-covid era or how to wake up your friends, family to what is going on?

1:14:54 - Gabriela Sedláčková, Prague, Society for the Defense of Freedom of Expression: FREEDOM OF SPEECH ON SOCIAL NETWORKS: Fact-checking by judge and executioner. And who will be the judge and executioner of the fackcheckers?

1:22:02 - Bc. Robert Vlasek, Market Analyst: ECONOMICS: The economic impact of covid - how much did the covid games cost us?

1:32:04 - Bc. Pavel Macek, coach and traper: ENTREPRENEURS: The impact of the covid crisis on entrepreneurs and health prevention

1:36:31 - Petra Banat: Testimony of an ALS patient after COVID-19 vaccination

Moderated by Jan Piňos, RNDr., Iniciativa 21


Participants' observations: blocking judicial review, compensation is a shoddy practice so that no one can be compensated.  Journalists have failed the most, if they hadn't failed there might not have been a pandemic. A public channel should belong to all, not to one party as under totalitarianism.

The psychopathology of the mob:  A general sense of loneliness and lack of social connections and relationships - Lack of meaning, unsatisfying work that offers no meaning - Free-floating anxiety and dissatisfaction that stems from loneliness and lack of meaning - Manifestations of frustration and aggression stemming from this anxiety - Emergence of a consistent narrative by government officials, mass media, etc., that exploits and channels the frustration and anxiety - A thorough analysis of these real, deep and long-standing causes will also give us a clue as to what the real solutions are.

K.G.Jung: "Our society needs at least a similar self-reflection for the renewal of the social contract and catharsis. Let us not allow anything like this to happen again, no matter in what backdrop."

Jiri Piños: "TK, where there are more speakers than journalists, is quite interesting. Invitations went out to 400 journalists, I commented individually with 55, including the semi-commentators of major newspapers, e.g. CT, etc. 20 of the 55 apologized after urgings. 6 confirmed their attendance, 4 came. Most journalists did not respond to emails and SMS at all. This is the state of the journalistic scene through my eyes, a journalist with 30 years of experience."

I was not personally invited by the organizers, fortunately I'm not in paid servicesJ

Journalist Milan Kajinek's (Epoch Times) question was great: "What can we each do on our own?" and an equally great answer. The proven system of Tomas Bata is increasingly claimed - the restoration of natural human communication as the basis of everything. Not sticking our heads in the sand and not running away from problems. Taking them as a challenge. A return from a growing virtual reality to real, real life is needed to assert itself. Either we all win or we all lose. The laws of nature are immutable. Let's not want a "perfect" future, let's want a sustainable world with an evolving spirit, not self-destructive, mindless consumerism. JŠ

Original article in Czech>

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