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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Dedictvi titulek 15.1.2023Dedictvi Betrand 15.1.2023"We do not have two hearts, one for animals and one for humans.

We have one heart, or we have no heart."


Jann Arthus Betrnand


Read and act responsibly yourself. Problem solving starts with each of us! JŠ


After Home, Yann Arthus-Bertrand comes up with a documentary that is a powerful, passionate appeal. In it, he shares a sensitive and radical vision of our world, the destruction of which he has witnessed over a generation, and reveals a tormented planet, a disoriented humanity unable to take seriously the danger that threatens it and all living beings. The filmmaker calls for action - each of us can and must take decisive action to save the planet and the future of our children. In the end, he calls us to reconcile with nature and proposes several solutions. Directed by Jann Arthus Bertrand.


Dedictvi Divka 15.1.2023Dedictvi Cina 15.1.2023Unfortunately, this excellent documentary was only broadcast on iBroadcast CT until 15.1.2023. I bring an extract of the essential ideas that should appeal to every still normal person. The Japanese will be dealing with the aftermath of Fukushima for decades. They have a problem of where to put the contaminated soil - it will be put into the sea! The benefits of globalisation must be harnessed in a global effort to save the earth. There is no other solution. We are all in acute danger, including flora and fauna. The earth is not inflatable. JŠ


Harmony of life, getting used to the meaning of everything we know. Animals are divided into those that can survive and those that rush headlong to their deaths. Humans have already taken over 75% of animal territory where farmland is The strength of the earth lies in the freedom of interconnectedness. Poverty spreads more easily than wealth. Twenty-fold increase in property owned by 1% of the country's population.

Navajo: "Beauty heals the soul."

Love and friendship have always played an important role. The story of all of us - the story of man. The essence of life is energy. Life on earth exists only because of the greenhouse effect. The only purpose of plants was to obtain energy. Trees are perfect solar power plants and water pumps. They live only on light and carbon dioxide, and when they die, they create humus. Nature's most powerful force for survival. Associate, consume, reproduce - the most powerful driving forces on the planet. Crops have increased 500 times in 150 years.

Insects don't improve, they maintain - only humans want more.

The energy of 1 litre of oil is equivalent to the work of 100 people in one day. We produce 15 billion litres of oil a day = equivalent to 200x the population of the country. The beautiful fairy tale of human evolution is starting to spiral out of control. Man has removed all obstacles, continues his uncontrolled forward run and there is nothing to stop him. He rushes on, completely out of balance. The death rate is falling and the human population is growing at a dizzying rate. He's surrounded by more and more stuff. Man believed that he had mastered the laws of nature, and today they are again at work.

An unlimited population cannot fit into a limited area. A limited amount of raw materials cannot be extracted without limit. You cannot have unlimited growth in a finite world. The world is facing a crisis of ecological and biological diversity, it is facing a crisis of the world. They are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Both have an impact on human populations.

The state of glaciers is the best climate indicator.

Glaciers are a sure sign that the planet is warming too fast. The more greenhouse gases we emit, the more crucial a role they play at the poles in regulating the climate. If Greenland's glaciers melt, ocean levels will rise by 6 metres. If the Antarctic mountains melt, scientists are talking 60 metres! The oceans would move 10 to 100 km inland. The ice sheet is melting faster and faster.

Glaciers, the only source of fresh water, are gradually disappearing.

Dedictvi Mulatka 1992 15.1.2023Glaciers are at a chain point that will increase the rate of melting. The thawing of permafrost in Canada and Siberia is also one of the points. It makes up 1/5 of the earth's surface to a depth of several metres. The huge amount of methane warms the atmosphere 30 times more than carbon dioxide. As a result of melting, it enters the atmosphere where it accelerates its dissolution. The rate is increasing - a real climate bomb. The climate crisis is more like climate change. Carbon dioxide energy is returning to us as storms and cyclones. It's not going anywhere, it's just transforming.

Even worse is the global impact on agriculture

Genetic agriculture is completely unable to adapt to climate change. We are totally dependent on the production of the agricultural sector. This affects all living organisms. The changes are too rapid for current biodiversity. Trees, insects, birds, mammals and humans are interdependent.

Without biodiversity, we have no chance of survival.

We are wiping out thousands of species every year - an irreversible and irreplaceable loss. It's like erasing a hard drive without knowing what was recorded on it. Another million species are at risk.

Since 1972, the country's population has doubled.

96% of all mammals are humans and livestock. Only 4% of animals live in the wild.

Natural resource extraction has doubled since 1982.

Over 8 million tons of plastic waste enters the seas and oceans every year = one garbage truck every minute. It takes many hundreds of years to decompose! A civilization of waste!

Since 1992, the planet has lost half its forests and half its polar ice caps.

Today, 75% of the earth has been transformed by human activity. Half of the population uses it for agricultural production, which seems to have gone mad - it consumes 70% of the planet's fresh water and 1/3 of the land is taken up by crops not for them, but for livestock. Every year we spray 5 million tons of pesticides and herbicides. In Europe, 75% of flying insects have disappeared even in protected areas. 30% of songbirds have been wiped out. There are dozens of such figures!

The animal that is hidden in our bodies is forcing us to eat more and more

Our hyper-productivity has reached the point where nothing can stop it. It's still running at full speed. Bees for pollinating almond trees in the US are trucked in. Hundreds of billions of bees are needed. They're rented from as far away as Australia. The result is a huge colony mortality rate. Domesticated animals are kept in conditions that convict man of a lack of humanity - in China pigs are "bred" for life in huge apartment blocks. We disregard their feelings and intelligence.

Our greed and the pursuit of profit have caused us to lose sight of the value of life

We treat animals like plants that need to be grown and harvested as quickly as possible. Feeding animals and cows drains water and grain that could feed the world and exacerbates the greenhouse effect. Meat consumption has tripled in 40 years! The consequences are obesity, diabetes, circulatory disorders, etc.

One hectare feeds two meat eaters but up to 50 vegetarians! We kill more than 100 billion animals for meat every year - 1 billion in France. Nothing can reverse this determined effort.

We do not have two hearts, one for animals and one for humans. We have one heart, or we have no heart.

We hunt fish as if we were harvesting strawberries with a bulldozer. We are responsible for hundreds of millions of sharks every year. We kill over 10,000 of them every hour. Over 90% are already extinct!

One Bangladeshi produces 30 times less carbon dioxide than one American

Make no mistake, these people also want to live the dream they see on their screens every day. They have a lot of kids and nothing. It is not only poverty and war that drive them away, but increasingly drought and crisis. Whether it is political, economic or climatic, they are all refugees. There are more and more of them. In 2019, there were "only" 20 million. By 2050, the UN projects 250 million climate refugees. In the poorest countries, the climate crisis causes poverty and wars, which indirectly affects the rich part of the world.

The really big crisis has not yet begun.

There is no doubt that it will hit both the refugees and those who host them hard. It is too late to be pessimistic. I have promoted renewable energy as the best way to combat climate change. Consumption of fossil fuels hasn't cut it. Those sources have not been replaced - just added to. The sun generates enough energy in an hour to cover the annual consumption of all humanity. Thousands of photovoltaics have not replaced 100 million barrels of oil per day - and that number is rising every year.

Another disappointment is the UN conferences on combating climate change

Dedictvi Greta 15.1.2023Together they are acting on an issue of the highest importance. Sadly, it often feels like a meeting of co-owners who cannot agree. Each defends its own interests and individual states end up doing what they want.  The 2015 Paris Agreement: 180 countries have committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, but to get countries to agree to sign, the words coal, oil, gas and fossil fuels are not in the agreement. It is as if we are afraid to name the enemy who is going to kill us. No climate conference has ever achieved a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.

That failure is a symbol of our dependence on growth

Coal still generates most of the world's electricity. Oil was said to be going away, but more and more is being extracted, just like the shale gas that is poisoning American soil. The US is the worst polluter and to me is a symbol of our decline.

Everything is under the unqualified protection of the financial market

Banks lend over $650 billion a year to companies seeking new fossil fuel reserves. The banks are dependent on their borrowers, hence the development of the fossil fuel industry. It is very difficult to change this model, as there is a risk of huge financial losses and even bankruptcies.

What to do about it?

One solution is to change the financial sector's dependence on coal, oil and gas. So far, it is rather the other way round. Energy is killing us! We have no choice but to decarbonise our lives. The only sustainable energy is love.


I would also like to remind the possible influence of the precession of the Earth's axis, which was already mentioned by the Sumerians. Even a small ball will deflect when it's loaded. How many forces are acting on our earth from without and within?


"Love is the greatest healing force in nature." Osho


Original article>


J.Š. 22.1.2023

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