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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Updated 21.4.2023: First interview of MUDr. I.K. His "sophistication" is evidenced by the fact that he talks about "ass". By the way, he was in military uniform. The shame also concerns the Army. Instead of the perpetrator and the Czech Republic apologising immediately, there will be endless plebeian hammering, hammering and hammering ... JŠ

Update 18.4.2023: ZOI to the hands of the Defence Minister. JŠ

Update 17.4.2023: Other passengers are standing up for the perpetrator. They say it was a scrum?Quite possibly. She'll do her part, as will the alcohol and low instincts that like to take advantage of her. One would expect witnesses to video everything to support their arguments, unless they were drunk themselves? The fact that they admit no other possibility would suggest so. Their lack of decorum, good manners, and empathy for the other side, they have demonstrated sufficiently. Thus their complicity, unculturedness and Czech plebeianism, which they exported and presented abroad. And then do business with such people... JŠ


Update 15.4.2023: Five witnesses blame the doctor - was it a mistake? The Koreans, like the cameras, will surely know mistake from intent. Regardless of the outcome, this, I fear, "coolie" is just a continuation and magnification of our country's international embarrassment. Let's hope they were watching just as closely as the other passengers drinking on the government dime, unless they themselves were drinking so much that they saw things somewhat differently. An apology from the highest levels should have been issued immediately. Unfortunately, apologies in this country are usually only enforced by the courts. JŠ


The Czechs have unfortunately left behind the aftertaste of uncultured barbarians, all the worse because even the participants of the official government expedition cannot forgive themselves for drinking alcohol and excesses. "We will take measures to prevent a similar situation from happening again," says the Czech Ministry of Defence announced. So, a ban on drinking alcohol on all government planes, or on the uncontrolled drinking that goes on at hotels on the taxpayers' money?


What measures? The citizen is clear. Fire immediately, no compensation, no benefits, demote, publish name and photo. The best, fastest, cheapest and most effective measure. Alcohol only reveals true character and plebeian tendencies. Protecting the interest of the country takes precedence over protecting the privacy of an individual who has been put in a place where he does not morally belong. Typical Czech rudeness and shame. In developed countries, his name and photographs would be published immediately. Perhaps South Korea will do so - and the Czech Republic will sue...

Czech plebeianism par excellence. Even cattle behave better. The damage is irreversible. Politicians have once again the opportunity to show their (in)competence. I.K. will certainly not commit suicide over this, let alone resign. I will inform the Minister of Defence of the Czech Republic, Jana Černochová. She has another opportunity to clean up the deathly infected with corruption Czech Army and its command. It will soon have more officers and generals than soldiers, just like the Czech Police!

There is order in Korea, you can't touch a woman. Mayor and presidential candidate Park Won-soon committed suicide after being accused of sexual harassment. The Korean public can create enormous pressure. Czech society is not capable of this, but perhaps it soon will be if scandals like this continue as if on a treadmill. JŠ


Gloss: A slap on the ass is an international disgrace. It's good for us.

But it may be good for Czech society that the whole incident was not "played out" on the spot among the participants and is being nicely dispersed. Good for us, we deserve the shame. Perhaps we could learn a little from it.

Although the army refers to the whole incident as a "failure of an individual", it is unfortunately more a symptom of the culture we live in in the Czech Republic. A culture where such behaviour is not condemned strongly enough, but is often downplayed - and the drunkenness of the perpetrator is treated as a mitigating factor.

The prompt manner in which the South Koreans responded to the harassment can be an example for us. The authorities took the woman who reported the harassment seriously from the very first moment and began to investigate. Even though it was "just" one slap on the ass. In our country, where they hand out probation for even proven child rape, it's something unimaginable.

Full Article in Czech>

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