Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


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    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Clovek a strachI'll just add that the official "under-reporting" of adverse drug reactions is generally around 95% - that is, only around 5% of cases are reported. That means you can multiply all these numbers by about 20x.


On 14 October, a separate document appeared on the European Parliament's website with the reference number B9-0475/2021: Proposal for a European Parliament resolution on the establishment of a European Fund for the compensation of victims of COVID-19 vaccination


European Parliament, with reference to Rule 143 of its Rules of Procedure,

A. whereas the European Medicines Agency has already reported approximately one million cases of adverse reactions following vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines:

Cizek Vladimir

Update 13.11.2021: A fundamental question: The virus is constantly changing and is always one step ahead. Isn't it better to rely on the immune system, which is certainly better prepared to defend the body, than quickly produced and untested vaccines? Vaccination makes sense in the old where the IS is weakened, not in the young where it is at full strength. The damage done by various, opaque and confusing measures causes more material, health and psychological damage than the virus itself. Optimism strengthens the immune system. Fear-mongering and denial weaken it. Smiling is a higher level of intelligence, so let's smile. Smiles and optimism have much more power than vaccines and viruses. Smiling and humor is a kind of much needed courage today. J.Š.


"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain impartiality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy


Compensation for safe vaccines - and where are the journalists?


A message to the ordinary citizen of the Czech Republic: people, do not let yourselves be deceived by the media massage, do not listen to the public media, live healthy, go to nature, do not wear masks outside, try to live a normal life, do not let yourselves be limited, because life was, is and will be worth it.


Link to the interview interview with MUDr. Vladimír Čížek - below is an extract of the essentials:

With the advent of covid, everything turned into an absolutely crazy thing - The pandemic plan was not followed and something completely different was followed - The media and the "experts" started to spread fear en masse, which had its effect on everything - Any other opinion, even if correct, is considered misinformation and people are discriminated against for it - A waiter cannot ask about the health of a guest from an ethical and legal point of view - The fact that most doctors are silent is not surprising, 41 unlawful measures by the Ministry of Health - From zero to 50 years of age, I definitely do not recommend vaccination with this vaccine, we do not know what the consequences will be in two, three, five years, because it is an experimental vaccine - Phase III clinical trials have not been completed - Frequent consequences of vaccination, blindness, stroke, joint pain, leg pain, thrombosis - After half a year, despite a court order, an autopsy report was secured. In the medical record bleeding, as a consequence of vaccination - SÚKL reported a maximum of 5% adverse drug reactions.

Project Vision Open Your Mind

... So what is the intention for this project? I see it as helping to spread awareness that things are different than how we've been taught, to raise people's consciousness and inspire them to discover their own power within themselves. To realize that we are not victims and powerless against the system that is currently in place. That each of our voices is of great value, even though it may seem that as individuals we can't do much, quite the opposite. By combining our knowledge of what is happening in the world with our own personal and spiritual development, that we can make lasting change here that will benefit everyone. ...


20 minutHypersonicke zbraneWhat if you had 20 minutes to live? A ballistic missile headed for Hawaii changes the lives of twelve people who discover they have 20 minutes to live.

Watch the powerful, exciting new film "20 MINUTES", a sensation at the Cannes Film Festival. The film will be released in selected cinemas in March 2022. You can watch it exclusively on EPOCH TV!  There was so much interest in the film that wealthy people who own yachts in Cannes tried to bribe the organizers to get tickets. Let's hope the reality stays on the movie screen, but let's also each do something for it.

Zeme a vesmirRussia started it with the occupation of Afghanistan and the assassination of the popular President Taraqi. When he spoke on TV, Afghans stood at attention in awe. The Russians may have built great roads in Afghanistan, but they were supposed to serve them too.

Et the time of Hanzelka and Zikmund, Afghanistan was a peaceful, hospitable country where centuries-old traditions were honored and women went without headscarves. What right did we have to interfere in their lives? Did they interfere in ours? We forced another culture, tradition and customs to interfere in our culture, tradition and customs too, in the interest of our own self-preservation. By what right? Did they interfere with ours first? Causes always have consequences. Today we are reaping the well-deserved fruits. The Arabs did not start it, but our "advanced" Western world, whose rampant consumerism and pursuit of profit at any cost, has stopped at nothing and will stop at nothing, as we see today.

EinstenKocianova a panelisteAlbert Einstein: „The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level that created them.“

Thomas Bata: "Every human activity is always reflected in numbers in the end."


The programme was attractive and there was a lot to listen to all day long. The whole programme was videotaped by the ČTK (Czech Press Office). All the performances will eventually be on the Equlibria website.  The conference programme can be found HERE. I took a FHOTOGALLERY  with interesting quotes and graphs and a video of Prof. Miroslav Barta's presentation below, who joined from Egypt. No active politician was present. What was presented is a real government program that most voters would undoubtedly support. Below you will find audio recordings of the presentations of all participants (I missed only Stanislav Háša from the University of Economics in Prague). I particularly recommend the presentations of Peter Stanek, Sonia Jonášová, Miroslav Bárta, Martin Hausenblas, Libor Witassek, Zdeněk Souček, Ladislav Verner and the final discussion of the panelists. The spiritual father of Equlibrium, promoting the principles of the Bata system, Prof. Milan Zelený did not attend. He prefers to be active in the USA - the Czech Republic is too slow for him at this time of fundamental changes... Another public debate with national impact, which took place between four walls. Public Czech television has failed again...

Babis Glasgow summit 1.11.2021Albert Einstein: „The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level that created them.“


Mr President, Excellency, ladies and gentlemen,

In recent years, environmental protection has been replaced by the fight against climate change. The European Union is striving to achieve zero emissions by 2050, as set out in its Green Deal. The thirteen legislative proposals entitled 'Fit for 55' go much further than what the European Union has adopted and agreed.

Yet it is only the EU, with its roughly 9% share of global CO2 production, that wants to take the drastic step of reducing its carbon footprint. However, the EU cannot achieve anything without the participation of the biggest polluters, such as China and the US, which are responsible for 27 and 15 per cent of global CO2 emissions respectively.

Despite these facts, the European Commission continues to put forward dangerous proposals, such as the proposal to ban internal combustion engines in 2035 or to introduce emission allowances for transport and individual housing. Due to inappropriate legislation and speculation, the price of emission allowances has spiralled out of control, resulting in soaring electricity prices. As a result, and in the context of rapidly rising natural gas prices, driven mostly by power games between individual states, many Europeans may be at risk of energy poverty.

Beran Jiri Svedomi narodaA fundamental question: The virus is constantly changing and is always one step ahead. Isn't it better to rely on the immune system, which is certainly better prepared to defend the body, than quickly produced and untested vaccines? Vaccination makes sense in the old where the IS is weakened, not in the young where it is at full strength. The damage done by various, opaque and confusing measures causes more material, health and psychological damage than the virus itself. Optimism strengthens the immune system. Fear-mongering and denial weaken it. Smiling is a higher level of intelligence, so let's smile. Smiles and optimism have much more power than vaccines and viruses. Smiling and humor is a kind of much needed courage today. J.Š.


Karel Čapek: "Truth is more than power, therefore it is permanent" - "Henry David Thoreau: "Disobedience is the foundation of freedom. The obedient remain slaves." 

Albert Einstein: „The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level that created them.“


We vaccinate against a virus that is already different from the one the vaccine was made for. If you've had Covid, there's no point in a second vaccination. Not every person who tests positive will infect someone. This is no longer a political issue, it's a philosophical one. People don't want the politicians they pay to lock them up at their discretion. They don't report the side effects of vaccinations and the number of vaccinees who tested positive, especially those not on the official list. Even people who do not have the necessary certifications are posing as epidemiologists, the license is granted by the MoH, not the CCH. The rising reproductive No. "R" with the falling infected makes no sense at all. The death rate shows how good our health care system is. Ours was very low throughout the epidemic than it was in neighboring states where 40% more people died. The mortality rate is not good (number of deaths per 100,000) who died from this diagnosis. This number was not good. This number shows the impact of anti-epidemiological measures. Singapore has been successful because it has carried out targeted measures unlike us. Vaccines block stronger immune system activity. It's time to treat Covid-19 as a common seasonal disease and we have treated it exactly the same as a common respiratory disease. It takes a lot of courage to be a scientist these days. We have capitalist health care at socialist prices. Message to politicians: Be brave, you don't need to hide behind a "central committee of experts" who run the show. Message to citizens: Don't succumb to depression and fear of illness, try to lead as normal a life as possible, incorporate as much contact with family and some type of sport into your life as possible.  


According to Jiří Beran, the conditions are now in place for treating covida-19 as a seasonal respiratory disease. No blanket restrictions, no unnecessary scaremongering. This is what this expert says in a newly recorded video by the Conscience of the Nation Foundation.

"I think it's the wish of the people who are managing the epidemic that the epidemic never ends," says Prof. Jiri Beran, M.D., CSc., a world-renowned epidemiologist and vaccinologist, author of many award-winning publications, whose vaccination center has trained tens of thousands of people and who trains other doctors in epidemiology.

"Stop this absurd game and repeal the measures like the UK and Denmark. Give back the powers to doctors and county health officers and follow the same procedure as for any other virus epidemic. Because seasonal respiratory diseases are here to stay and we must learn to live with them," is his urgent appeal to the Czech government.


Interview with prof. MUDr. Jiří Beran CSc epidemiologist and immunologist

Bata Tomas a logoBata Tomas a EU

Albert Einstein: „The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level that created them.“

Tomáš Baťa: „It doesn't exist - it can't.“


Business and social debate at the Tomáš Bat'a Memorial in Zlín. I recommend a great debate by people who call things and events by their real names and remind us how relevant the legacy of Tomáš Bat'a is (from the eighth minute). Bata was the largest Czechoslovak company and the seventh largest in the world. April 3 was the 145th anniversary of his birth. Below is an excerpt from the debate.


Tomas Bata: "My factories without people are just pieces of steel and concrete."

The young, newly-entered secretary did not greet Bata in the corridor before she reached the end of the corridor, she was unemployed - of strictness and character. "A man with a crooked character can't do a straight job."

Bata was an emotional company; it's not money that keeps it going, but the enthusiasm of the people. You can't give what you don't have. You can't appreciate yourself, you can't appreciate other people. It was Bata that taught people to find a relationship with themselves and to be able to give that to others. That's where Bata's service begins. It's not defined, it's something extra. It's a conscious perception of people, situations and life itself. It costs nothing, that's the beautiful thing about it, it's not connected to finances.

Who would have thought that in a country as developed as the US, we would encounter the typically socialist problem of a shortage of everything. It's a phenomenon so visible that the current president, until recently seen as a liberator from Trump's horror reign, has already been nicknamed "Joe Empty Shelves."

Commentator Derek Thompson offers an interesting explanation for the unprecedented phenomenon in the October issue of The Atlantic: The tricky part of the problem is that while the U.S. national economy is not currently experiencing a stagflationary slump similar to that of the 1970s. The country has clearly entered a phase of pandemic economics, where GDP is still seemingly growing but people are already suffering from shortages of a shocking number of goods. Starting with medicines, automotive parts, semiconductors, cargo ships, containers, and labor.