Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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EinstenKocianova a panelisteAlbert Einstein: „The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level that created them.“

Thomas Bata: "Every human activity is always reflected in numbers in the end."


The programme was attractive and there was a lot to listen to all day long. The whole programme was videotaped by the ČTK (Czech Press Office). All the performances will eventually be on the Equlibria website.  The conference programme can be found HERE. I took a FHOTOGALLERY  with interesting quotes and graphs and a video of Prof. Miroslav Barta's presentation below, who joined from Egypt. No active politician was present. What was presented is a real government program that most voters would undoubtedly support. Below you will find audio recordings of the presentations of all participants (I missed only Stanislav Háša from the University of Economics in Prague). I particularly recommend the presentations of Peter Stanek, Sonia Jonášová, Miroslav Bárta, Martin Hausenblas, Libor Witassek, Zdeněk Souček, Ladislav Verner and the final discussion of the panelists. The spiritual father of Equlibrium, promoting the principles of the Bata system, Prof. Milan Zelený did not attend. He prefers to be active in the USA - the Czech Republic is too slow for him at this time of fundamental changes... Another public debate with national impact, which took place between four walls. Public Czech television has failed again...

It was well moderated by Martina Kociánová, a former editor of the Czech Radio, who supplemented her comments with great quotes. It ended with a panel discussion with space for questions, where I reminded, among other things (from the 42nd min.), that the system that linked the social benefits of communism with capitalism, devised by Tomas Bata and implemented in no small part by Jan A. Bata, is the best yet, with interesting reactions. For reasons of time, I have not had time to mention that Bata was the largest company in the Czechoslovakia, the seventh in the world, and almost nothing was returned to the descendants of Jan Antonin Bata. Jan A. Bata, as a great Czechoslovak patriot, was sentenced to 25 years of hard imprisonment (every six months a hard bed). In Brazil he started from scratch, again building factories and cities. Brazil nominated him for the Nobel Prize in 1956, which he gave up in favour of another Brazilian. He died on the day of the opening of a new bridge over a river he designed with the words: "The truth will come out like oil on water."  

A few observations: Automation, collaboration, independence - Lead, manage, not control, motivate - For 130 years we have just been adapting to the then-established fundamentals of management, which have been overtaken, instead of changing them - Shift power from managers to people as well - Surround yourself with people you trust, Give them power and don't get in the way - Pensioners are a stabilising element of society (in Germany they buy up to 50% of production) - The stupidity of current governments - Produce less, better and more expensively - Timber for China instead of for domestic industry - Our main advantage is that we are in the centre of Europe - Most people try to strengthen their weaknesses - A good word and a pointed gun can do more than a good word.


Clarion Congress Hotel Prague 13.10.2021: Institut Equlibrium - Hledání české cesty, aneb management ve XXI. století


Audio recordings:

1) Introduction Martina Kociánová, moderator

2) Introduction Vladimír Mařík, Equlibrium Institute

3) Peter Staněk, SAV Bratislava - Key strategic changes in 21st century management

4) Soňa Jonášová, Institute of Circular Economy - Circular Economy in the Context of PBD: Planet, Business, Disruption

5) Martin Jahn, Škoda Auto a.s. - Tranquility in Complexity

6) Miroslav Bárta, Charles University - 7 Laws of Civilization and their Application to Management

7) Martin Hausenblas, Malfini a.s. - Companies resisting adverse conditions

8) Libor Witassek, Kovolit a.s. - Project management as a living organism

9) Zdeněk Souček, Institut Equlibrium - Let's prepare the whole population for entrepreneurship

10) Ladislav Verner, SOMA, CEO. - Conditions for dynamic development of industry / economy in the 21st century

11) Vilém Vrba, Business Republic - How (not) to manage the young generation

12) Roman Knap, Gen. Director. Czech Post - Central management is over (by the way, after my exile to CH in 1982, the post office delivered twice a day - morning and afternoon)

13) Jan Juchelka, General Director. KB - The Story of Agile KB

14) Final panel discusion (from 42. min J.Š.)


Jan Šinágl, 5.11.2021


FOCUS BAŤA, Zlín, October 28, 2021: Tomáš Bat'a's still relevant message to today - contribution to the Glasgow Summit

1.11.2021: Speech by the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic ing. Andrej Babiš at the Climate Summit in Glasgow

Prague Regional Court, 12 October 2021: My closing speech for freedom of speech - abridged

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