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  • 29.06.2024 13:14
    ČLK Seminář info: Moje vystoupení se obešlo s prezentací sotva ...


  • 26.06.2024 08:18
    Tragikomedie justice, kdy oceněné reportérky u soudu letos ...


  • 23.06.2024 15:13
    Dotaz na soudkyni Bochňákovou: Jelikož vim, že čte tyto články ...


  • 21.06.2024 17:45
    Česká společnost Dvakrát zažila totalitu. Šest let nacistickou ...


  • 21.06.2024 11:13
    Od dob působení Otakara Motejla se mnoho na tomto úřadu změnilo ...


  • 18.06.2024 10:48
    Nejlepší policie na světě? Aktuálně je v médiích, že Karlova ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Thomas Bata

  • Clarion Congress Hotel Prague 13.10.2021: Institut Equlibrium - Finding the Czech Way, or Management in the XXI Century

    EinstenKocianova a panelisteAlbert Einstein: „The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level that created them.“

    Thomas Bata: "Every human activity is always reflected in numbers in the end."


    The programme was attractive and there was a lot to listen to all day long. The whole programme was videotaped by the ČTK (Czech Press Office). All the performances will eventually be on the Equlibria website.  The conference programme can be found HERE. I took a FHOTOGALLERY  with interesting quotes and graphs and a video of Prof. Miroslav Barta's presentation below, who joined from Egypt. No active politician was present. What was presented is a real government program that most voters would undoubtedly support. Below you will find audio recordings of the presentations of all participants (I missed only Stanislav Háša from the University of Economics in Prague). I particularly recommend the presentations of Peter Stanek, Sonia Jonášová, Miroslav Bárta, Martin Hausenblas, Libor Witassek, Zdeněk Souček, Ladislav Verner and the final discussion of the panelists. The spiritual father of Equlibrium, promoting the principles of the Bata system, Prof. Milan Zelený did not attend. He prefers to be active in the USA - the Czech Republic is too slow for him at this time of fundamental changes... Another public debate with national impact, which took place between four walls. Public Czech television has failed again...

  • Fiala's Christmas speech, another fairy tale for adults...

    Fiala vanocni projev 2023 Listening to it, I remembered Fial's professor at grammar school, who prophesied him a promising career, but not a professional one... He states the familiar, does not motivate, does not stimulate, does not acknowledge the real state of the economy and the total breakdown of morals in society.

    The Christmas speech is more like a grammar school pupil's essay exercise, devoid of emotion, of convincing visions, soulless, with childish gestures in a vain attempt to impress. It is not a personality speaking, but a „reading machine“, like the President of the Senate. How can the Prime Minister know that it won't get worse? The Police also claimed that there is no danger after Klánovice... The President of the Republic still has a chance to really address the country in his New Year's speech....

    We are facing a crisis and it is bound to grow - we cannot live forever on debt! Today's times need new Bata's, Churchill'sand Reagan's, real leaders and personalities the people do not doubt. JŠ

  • Misunderstanding or deliberate, subliminal damage to Baťa?

    Bata o moralni bideBata Jan CT 24 CVIn "Read what came out in the Přítomnost" (13.12.2022) was also included an article from 16.5.1934, written by Edvard Maška  „Open letter to Jan Bata“ (pp. 311-312).

    Mr. Maška's core work was primarily "guides to life success and personal development". I do not know to what extent his books fulfilled their aim, i.e. to help society, but the work of the Bata brothers fulfilled his proclaimed aims to the full. Benes vytahThose who do their work properly have no time to criticize others. I don't understand why the management of Přítomnost (Presence) chose this article. For the unknowing, I remind below not to forget the big and to remember the small  things and the people.

    We need not dwell too much on what Bata offered his people. In the 1930s to 1940s. Bata was far ahead of all other companies in Czechoslovakia and Europe.

    Bata provided:

  • Novak Djokovic, a victim of politics and politicians' stupidity

    Djokovic NovakDjokovic eskortaCurrently the best tennis player in the world, completely healthy, yet not allowed to play at the Australia open. Tennis has lost and common sense. As an exceptional person, supporting charity projects, youth work and sportsman, he should have been given an exemption. Australia has shown power but at the same time weakness, smallness and bowed to paragraphs of stupidity.

    His participation could have promoted reconciliation between opponents and supporters of vaccination, taken the edge off emotions and promoted the common sense that Djokovic is guided by and fighting for. Most have lost it; fortunately, more and more people are beginning to follow it. Banning participation has achieved the opposite, through the formal rule of laws that are increasingly destroying society, the coexistence of normal people and the running of the world. Sport is the best policy. The legacy of Pierre de Coubertin must be fulfilled once again.

  • This day 100 years ago: The Expansion of Baťa's empire into the Netherlands - Baťa's legacy

    Bata Dorf NL UCT 8.9.2021As of this summer, exactly one hundred years have passed since the Czechoslovak businessman Tomáš Baťa expanded into the Netherlands. The ČT Events (September 8, 2021) brought a great report, although it was the third from the end of 34 reports. Just to clarify, the photo in the report does not show the father of Tomas Bata's son Tomík, but Jan Antonín Baťa, who took over the company and brought it to prosperity. He saved thousands of Jews during the war, yet they are still silent about this. The son of the founder, his uncle (his father's half-brother), was fraudulently deprived of the company after the war. Once the seventh largest enterprise in the world and the largest company in Czechoslovakia, it gradually began to decline and lost its importance under the leadership of Tomík.

    The Czech Republic has not yet dealt with the descendants of the rightful owner of the company, Baťa, Jan Antonín Bata. They did not receive compensation for the illegally confiscated property of this successful businessman and a great patriot.

  • Wir feiern die Schaffung eines Staates, den es nicht gibt - wir haben ihn selbst zerstört

    SD VetreibungsverlusteIndem wir Masaryk verehren, laufen wir eigentlich vor ihm weg. Wir beruhigen unser schlechtes Gewissen, dass wir nicht in der Lage sind, den menschlichen Anforderungen gerecht zu werden, die er einst an sich und andere Tschechen stellte. Was ist mit der Integration der Sudetendeutschen in die Tschechoslowakei? Wie wurde die neue Verfassung von 1920 geschaffen? Warum wurden die nationalen Minderheiten in ihr nicht ausreichend geschützt?

    Masaryk für das 21. Jahrhundert. Pavel Kosatík. Diese 20 Minuten lehrreichen Zuhörens lohnen sich. Wir werden erkennen, wie Emotionen, Unwissenheit und Manipulation der Politiker zum allmählichen Zerfall der Tschechoslowakei führten, mit logischen Folgen, die bis heute andauern. Bis zu seinem Tod feierte TGM die Gründung der Republik am 14. Oktober (dem Tag der Verkündung der Bestimmungen der provisorischen tschechoslowakischen Regierung). Er hielt die Schweiz für ein Vorbild, das national und grenzüberschreitend denken konnte, aus dem es seine geistige Energie schöpfte und das die Grundlage für seinen späteren Reichtum und Wohlstand bildete. Klingt das Ende des Audios so, als seien die tschechischen Deutschen an allem schuld? Man muss bedenken, dass sie ihre jahrhundertealte Heimat liebten. Die unfreundliche Politik der tschechoslowakischen Regierung, die nach der Gründung der Republik begann, trieb sie zunehmend in die Arme Nazi-Deutschlands. Wir hätten die zweite Schweiz in Europa werden können, indem wir das Potenzial der Menschen und die geografische Lage des Landes perfekt genutzt hätten. Karel Hašler hätte es in dem folgenden Lied nicht besser ausdrücken können.

    Wir feiern die Gründung eines Staates, den es nicht gibt. Auf der Nationalflagge der Tschechischen Republik befindet sich ein blauer Keil, der zu einem anderen Land gehört. Der Chevalierismus ist uns inhärent, also sollten wir uns über den Zustand der heutigen Gesellschaft nicht wundern. Alles hat seine gesetzmäßigen Ursachen und Folgen. Wir haben zwei Nobelpreisträger, die tschechischen Deutschen zehn. Nur die wirklichen Eliten können gut regieren das Land. "Eliten" gibt es immer genug. Wir brauchen dringend neue Thomas Bata und Emil Kolben!


    "Wir sind keine Nation von Faschisten, wir sind eine Nation von Statisten."