Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Martin S1 skodlivy protein 2021GB umrtnost 10 59 let 31.10.2021Albert Einstein: "The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level of thought that invented them."

Albert Einstein 1949: "I don't know what will be used to fight World War III, but in World War IV it will be sticks and stones." 


Dr. Martin: "If you question anything, including patents granted on biological weapons, you are entering territory where there is no forgiveness."


Dr. Fuellmich: "We have had several inquiries with Trasparency International. We were silenced, the topic was not followed up".

Dr. Martin: "Yes you can't, it's not available and it's a tragedy. Unfortunately, it has become an organization that has grabbed the regulator and is not doing a service to the public."


This Occam's Razor argument is perfect in every way. I wonder how many pharmaceutical industry bosses got inoculated with their own covid vaccine. The flu vaccine has served as a much bigger "deal "for these modern day "white glove criminals". They will never have enough

You can watch and listen to Dr. Martin's argument at this link. For your own sake and the sake of your children, take the time to listen to this video. The more action, the more the virus spreads - media, statistical, not factual! We need to fill the squares in the name of common sense. The minority of the able must reach out to the majority of the ignorant. Spread by all means possible: FB, TW, person to person, it's about saving the world from criminals, fearing nothing, who are affecting and destroying our health and the lives of today's and future generations. Excerpts from the interview below.

CAP logoCAP kontaktWelcome to the Czech Republic, which violates the UN Charter on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights, its own Constitution and laws.


I don't know whether you have any experience with the Czech Association of the Compulsory (abbreviation ČAP), chaired by one Denisa Rohanová. The whole association completely ignores the fundamental aspects, the essence of organised crime, of the judicial and enforcement mafia and concentrates on cosmetic adjustments such as territoriality. We can say to ourselves that maybe they don't understand, but how can we explain that they don't react even when someone else, far from just me personally, gives them irrefutable facts. It reminds me of the situation with the OKD (Ostrava-Karviná Mines) flats, where the chairman of the OKD Tenants and Owners Association denied it to me and then did not even accept registered mail to the association because he already knew that I had evidence (the consolidated accounts of OKD before the sale) that incriminated all the actors in the case. I can prove that the 43,000 flats do not belong to Bakala or the companies around him. Why does the President not protect the tenants and owners of OKD flats? He has been corrupted. It is the same with Rohan and the entire ČAP association. Again, they are denying, running away and making dead bugs. In addition, the chairwoman Rohanová is a great friend of the scoundrel Jan Hamáček, under whom worse things happened in the Interior Ministry than under the "young curly" (*) Gross (ČSSD) and the "E" (*) Langer (ODS) together. 

Doktor Jaroslav RAFThe flight commander initially assessed Jaroslav Doktor as a very good pilot, but due to frequent disciplinary problems between 1931 and 1933, he received six sentences and served exactly 100 days in military prison.This last sentence meant the end of his Czechoslovak Air Force career. He was demoted to the rank of Vojín ( Private} on September 22, 1933, transferred to reserve flight at the end of the month he and finally dismissed from the flying staff on 6 October.

From 15 April 1940, he continued with training at Châteauroux airbase, from where the training unit was evacuated on 10 June to Tarbes airfield. On 16 June, Caporal-Chef Doctor was assigned to the operational unit “DASO” at Châteauroux. According to his training, it can be assumed that he was assigned to the Groupe de Bombardement d’assaut GBA II/35, which at that time served as an operational training unit with Breguet 693 aircraft. On June 19, he left Bordeaux aboard the Dutch ship Karanan and two days later landed in Falmouth, England.

Clovek a strachUpdate 11/25/2021: From Steve Kirsch's work: link to the million dollar bet - he lists all the terms in 32 points - https://www.skirsch.com/covid/Bet.pdf


The most dangerous vaccine ever created in history. They are 800 times more dangerous than the smallpox vaccine in terms of death, and more than 25 times worse in terms of permanent disability.

2021-11-19 12:50:12

Steve Kirsch, Jessica Rose, and Mathew Crawford have produced a 60-page analysis estimating the number of vaccine deaths in the United States (https://www.skirsch.com/covid/Deaths.pdf), and the conclusion of this analysis states that "A simple analysis shows that it is likely that over 150,000 Americans have been killed by current COVID vaccines as of August 28, 2021." "There is no evidence that these vaccines save more lives than the lives they take. Our detailed analysis shows that they kill twice as many people as are saved from COVID, and our numbers are statistically significant."

"I am offering an academic grant of $1 million to anyone who can show that the factor found in the analysis is wrong by at least 4 orders of magnitude in any direction, and also to anyone who can provide a more accurate analysis with the correct factor."

Friends and supporters of the Healthy Forum,

our Facebook accounts are constantly under attack by so-called "factcheckers" who arrogate to themselves the right to determine what is and is not true on Facebook and elsewhere. For example, now, our accounts are banned from any publication for 3 days for this video which shows just how these Manipulators and Jan Cemper purposely lie.

Thank you so much for your help and we're moving on.

Socha svobody hlava

Albert Einstein: „The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level that created them.“

Thomas Bata: "Every human activity is always reflected in numbers in the end."


A fundamental question: The virus is constantly changing and is always one step ahead. Isn't it better to rely on the immune system, which is certainly better prepared to defend the body, than quickly produced and untested vaccines? Vaccination makes sense in the old where the IS is weakened, not in the young where it is at full strength. The damage done by various, opaque and confusing measures causes more material, health and psychological damage than the virus itself. Optimism strengthens the immune system. Fear-mongering and denial weaken it. Smiling is a higher level of intelligence, so let's smile. Smiles and optimism have much more power than vaccines and viruses. Smiling and humor is a kind of much needed courage today. J.Š.


Majorities tend to live at the expense of productive minorities through state redistribution. In a majority-rule democracy, therefore, there is a need for politically inviolable rights to freedom - Freedom has a long-term future. People do not want to turn into collectivized ants. People who seek freedom are often in the minority and form a vanguard that must persevere against the shifting coalitions of majorities hostile to freedom for the sake of all.


Commentary by Robert Nef in NZZ 10.10.2021

Those who wish to protect freedom from being abolished must be prepared to limit the principle of democracy without abolishing it. Is the principle of majority rule as a collective decision-making procedure permanently compatible with the idea of freedom? Anyone who observes the current reality of the welfare state from a strictly liberal perspective will quickly doubt its compatibility. However, it is part of the nature of many principles that they are not entirely compatible and that they force us to consider when applying them. If, for example, a majority of net recipients can continually outvote a minority of net payers, the effect is to infringe on their liberty and property. Those who wish to avoid this must be prepared to set such limits to the majority principle as will prevent the principle of liberty from being weakened.

Exekuce clankyWelcome to the Czech Republic, which violates the UN Charter on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights, its own Constitution and laws.


According to Czech Radio, there are approximately 4 ½ million different proceedings pending in connection with foreclosures and insolvency proceedings!!!

According to the words of the bailiffs themselves, over 80% of debts are already uncollectible. Yet not a single enforcement agency has taken advantage of the law and stopped the senseless extortion. Why? I think you know the answer: because he will not lose this money, he will immorally (in the words of the Constitutional Court) steal it from other debtors who can still pay and, most importantly, from creditors who, thanks to the tariffs of the enforcement mafia, already have 80% of the so-called uncollectable debts. Let's take an example, I'll slap now, that at the beginning there were 500 thousand people who could pay and 500 thousand who could not, the first 500 thousand therefore in this overhead bore the costs associated with the futile collection of the second half and this until they themselves could not pay and joined the second half. And over time it became a majority, with the 200,000 foreclosures bearing the costs of the futile enforcement of foreclosures on the remaining 800,000.

The foreclosure entrepreneurs don't mind, because it costs them nothing, they just charge it to others, and this way they have the hope that, if they keep up the hundreds of thousands of futile foreclosures for years and decades, someone may inherit some of those hundreds of thousands, get married, move in with relatives, who then get raided by the foreclosure gestapo for helping their neighbor (if the debtor is found to be there), or maybe win at sports. The fact that it will be the vast minority doesn't matter at all, because there will be some profit there and all the time it will be shouldered by others...

Olsany RD Uvod 14.11.2021Olsany RD modlitba a hymny 14.11.2021The Embassy of Great Britain traditionally honours the memory of fallen soldiers in World War I and World War II on the first Sunday after 11 November. Its Ambassador to the Czech Republic, His Excellency Mr. Nick Archer, also spoke.

I had the privilege of being able to speak with him briefly. The video below is supplemented with a PHOTOGALLERY. I didn't see the wreath from the USA, perhaps I missed it? Sad that the music of the Army of the Czech Republic did not play the anthem of the Slovak Republic. I asked at the beginning if it would be played. Almost apologetically, the bandmaster told me that that was the instruction they had been given. There are also monuments to Czechoslovak soldiers in the cemetery and the anthem should have been played, of course. Sadly, I did not see any Czech politician, MP, senator or well-known public figure. They attend the commemorations only at the cemetery next to the cemetery of the soldiers from the Eastern Front. The fallen soldiers deserve the same respect. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, on September 2, 2015, 11 citizens of the Czech Republic laid a wreath of thanks at the Olšany memorial and placed a total of 264 roses at the gravestones (the fundraiser was not successful; it was an honor to pay for the roses and wreath). The commemoration lasted 20 minutes. It was perfect, as only the British, from whom we have much to learn, can do. I didn't see any Czech media on the spot. J.Š.

Prague, September 2, 2015: thank you for dying for us - and forgive...

Dvorak Petr a CT... Many people may applaud this, but we cannot close our eyes to this - this is a clear road to hell to the complete discrediting of both science and journalism and the beginning of a total subversion of society. And we can only ask - why and who is it all for....


Dear journalists,

the world's agencies, companies, media houses and even public media such as:

AP, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google/YouTube, The Hindu, Microsoft , Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, The Washington Post, have joined in the unprecedented censorship. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), whose vice-president is CT's director general Petr Dvorak, is also participating in the agreement. It can therefore be assumed that Czech Television is naturally part of this admitted censorship.