Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 29.06.2024 13:14
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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Update 13.11.2021: A fundamental question: The virus is constantly changing and is always one step ahead. Isn't it better to rely on the immune system, which is certainly better prepared to defend the body, than quickly produced and untested vaccines? Vaccination makes sense in the old where the IS is weakened, not in the young where it is at full strength. The damage done by various, opaque and confusing measures causes more material, health and psychological damage than the virus itself. Optimism strengthens the immune system. Fear-mongering and denial weaken it. Smiling is a higher level of intelligence, so let's smile. Smiles and optimism have much more power than vaccines and viruses. Smiling and humor is a kind of much needed courage today. J.Š.


"The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain impartiality in times of moral crisis." Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy


Compensation for safe vaccines - and where are the journalists?


A message to the ordinary citizen of the Czech Republic: people, do not let yourselves be deceived by the media massage, do not listen to the public media, live healthy, go to nature, do not wear masks outside, try to live a normal life, do not let yourselves be limited, because life was, is and will be worth it.


Link to the interview interview with MUDr. Vladimír Čížek - below is an extract of the essentials:

With the advent of covid, everything turned into an absolutely crazy thing - The pandemic plan was not followed and something completely different was followed - The media and the "experts" started to spread fear en masse, which had its effect on everything - Any other opinion, even if correct, is considered misinformation and people are discriminated against for it - A waiter cannot ask about the health of a guest from an ethical and legal point of view - The fact that most doctors are silent is not surprising, 41 unlawful measures by the Ministry of Health - From zero to 50 years of age, I definitely do not recommend vaccination with this vaccine, we do not know what the consequences will be in two, three, five years, because it is an experimental vaccine - Phase III clinical trials have not been completed - Frequent consequences of vaccination, blindness, stroke, joint pain, leg pain, thrombosis - After half a year, despite a court order, an autopsy report was secured. In the medical record bleeding, as a consequence of vaccination - SÚKL reported a maximum of 5% adverse drug reactions.

The doctor should be obliged to report adverse reactions, but this obligation is not sanctionable and enforceable. This is the only way to get true data - Children lose immunity through isolation and masks - There is no health yearbook even for 2019 - The mortality curve went up when schools closed, then went down again when they opened - People sign informed consent, without reading it - Court says informed consent obtained quickly is just a piece of paper - Medical dictatorship vs. medical democracy - In case of covid, medical chamber doesn't work - President of the ČLK Milan Kubek 11 years ago: "Nobody will vaccinate us, we are not guinea pigs. " Now 180 degrees reversed. His media appearances provoke hatred against the unvaccinated. He should resign - In 2009, many young people were vaccinated in Sweden. The consequence for several hundred of them was fatigue syndrome and exclusion from society for life. The Swedes have learned their lesson: they have had restrictions on the number of people at events from the start, voluntary veils, primary schools open all the time, shops, restaurants with only restricted hours, and they have half the number of deaths we have.

Children should not be vaccinated. Two figures on young people in general: in 2020, 2250 died from all causes, in the absence of covid, 2350 died, 100 more. The risk of death for healthy children is almost zero. Why give children vaccines if we do not know what they will cause in two or four years' time, when their risk of death is zero? - A gynaecologist can refuse an abortion on grounds of conscience and a GP is punished for refusing to vaccinate children. A doctor can refuse vaccinations but must recommend another clinic.

HOMEOPATHY: The main evidence from "experts" that drugs contain unmeasurable substances? Absence of evidence is not proof of non-existence. Homeopathy has had a Czech state standard since 2017, EN 16872. They are registered as medicines at the SÚKL and some of them are tied to a prescription. Opponents of homeopathy would have to say that there are charlatans sitting at the state institute. It is part of the WHO programme. I don't understand why homeopathy is so damned and maligned in this country. In Switzerland they did a 300 page study and based on that study it became a treatment method covered by insurance companies - Health dictatorship probes what people will allow, so we may reach totalitarianism very soon. We have cautionary examples, see Australia, Italy and Austria - Let us not rest on our laurels, we need to be on our guard, totalitarianism is getting its claws out - I respect citizens who do not demonstrate, but by their individual behaviour prevent measures like those in Australia and elsewhere.

Message to doctors: Try to get your information elsewhere, because lately the official information is misinformation. One of the biggest misinformers of our time is the MoH itself - From EBM (Evidence Base Medicine) = Clinical trials + empirical experience of the doctor + patient's wishes, all that is left are clinical trials that are commissioned and paid for by the manufacturers of those drugs whose effect they want to prove. Fellow doctors, go back to common sense, empirical experience ars medica and respect the patient's wishes.

A message to those currently in power: Probably currently unpublishable... Sit down even with the holders of opposing views and try to think about whether it would not be better to follow the path of Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Iceland and the UK, which have abolished all measures.

A message to the ordinary citizen of the Czech Republic: people, don't let yourselves be deceived by the media massage, don't listen to the public media, live a healthy life, go outdoors, don't wear masks outside, try to live a normal life, don't let yourselves be restricted, because life has been, is and will be worth it.

MUDr. Vladimír Čížek

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