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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Beran Jiri Svedomi narodaA fundamental question: The virus is constantly changing and is always one step ahead. Isn't it better to rely on the immune system, which is certainly better prepared to defend the body, than quickly produced and untested vaccines? Vaccination makes sense in the old where the IS is weakened, not in the young where it is at full strength. The damage done by various, opaque and confusing measures causes more material, health and psychological damage than the virus itself. Optimism strengthens the immune system. Fear-mongering and denial weaken it. Smiling is a higher level of intelligence, so let's smile. Smiles and optimism have much more power than vaccines and viruses. Smiling and humor is a kind of much needed courage today. J.Š.


Karel Čapek: "Truth is more than power, therefore it is permanent" - "Henry David Thoreau: "Disobedience is the foundation of freedom. The obedient remain slaves." 

Albert Einstein: „The problems that exist in the world cannot be solved by the level that created them.“


We vaccinate against a virus that is already different from the one the vaccine was made for. If you've had Covid, there's no point in a second vaccination. Not every person who tests positive will infect someone. This is no longer a political issue, it's a philosophical one. People don't want the politicians they pay to lock them up at their discretion. They don't report the side effects of vaccinations and the number of vaccinees who tested positive, especially those not on the official list. Even people who do not have the necessary certifications are posing as epidemiologists, the license is granted by the MoH, not the CCH. The rising reproductive No. "R" with the falling infected makes no sense at all. The death rate shows how good our health care system is. Ours was very low throughout the epidemic than it was in neighboring states where 40% more people died. The mortality rate is not good (number of deaths per 100,000) who died from this diagnosis. This number was not good. This number shows the impact of anti-epidemiological measures. Singapore has been successful because it has carried out targeted measures unlike us. Vaccines block stronger immune system activity. It's time to treat Covid-19 as a common seasonal disease and we have treated it exactly the same as a common respiratory disease. It takes a lot of courage to be a scientist these days. We have capitalist health care at socialist prices. Message to politicians: Be brave, you don't need to hide behind a "central committee of experts" who run the show. Message to citizens: Don't succumb to depression and fear of illness, try to lead as normal a life as possible, incorporate as much contact with family and some type of sport into your life as possible.  


According to Jiří Beran, the conditions are now in place for treating covida-19 as a seasonal respiratory disease. No blanket restrictions, no unnecessary scaremongering. This is what this expert says in a newly recorded video by the Conscience of the Nation Foundation.

"I think it's the wish of the people who are managing the epidemic that the epidemic never ends," says Prof. Jiri Beran, M.D., CSc., a world-renowned epidemiologist and vaccinologist, author of many award-winning publications, whose vaccination center has trained tens of thousands of people and who trains other doctors in epidemiology.

"Stop this absurd game and repeal the measures like the UK and Denmark. Give back the powers to doctors and county health officers and follow the same procedure as for any other virus epidemic. Because seasonal respiratory diseases are here to stay and we must learn to live with them," is his urgent appeal to the Czech government.


Interview with prof. MUDr. Jiří Beran CSc epidemiologist and immunologist

For some time, Professor Beran was a member of a government panel of experts, but his views, based on years of practice, were not reflected by the majority, nor were those of politicians and MPs in parliament when he spoke out and called for a rational approach to tackling the epidemic, in which targeted protection of at-risk groups, hygiene and healthy lifestyles have their place.

Branded a disinformer

Last year, he was publicly declared a disinformer by the Ministry of Health, making him a lightning rod for frustrated individuals. He has also received death threats.

"I'm not playing into that. I had the opportunity to show the Minister the consequences of such a public designation and I had the opportunity to present my views to the government's epidemic management team," comments Jiří Beran.

Beran's appeal is also the content of the Appeal of physicians and experts dealing with the issue of Covid-19 of the Golden Pin Initiative, of which he is a leading signatory. Together with fellow doctors and other experts, they point out, among other things, that doctors who are involved in scaring people with epidemics violate one of the main principles of medicine, "Above all, do no harm".

In addition to the Golden Pin, Jiří Beran cooperates with the Healthy Forum1 platform.

Jiří Beran graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Hradec Králové. He passed the basic certification in hygiene and epidemiology in 1988. Since the late 1980s he has been working intensively in epidemiology both in academia and in practice.

In 2002 he was appointed professor in epidemiology. He is the director and chief physician of the Centre for Vaccination and Travel Medicine in Hradec Kralove. He is involved in the development of vaccines and has also dealt with the issue of particularly virulent diseases. He spent about five years in the tropics. According to his own words, his work has become a hobby, but he does not underestimate the need for relaxation. He is an enthusiastic runner and a great promoter and advocate of a healthy lifestyle. He moves around Hradec Králové almost exclusively by bicycle. He considers time spent with family and loved ones to be one of the most important things in a person's life.

Source: Conscience of the Nat1ion Foundation


Prof. Jiří Beran is the true successor of Prof. Karel Raška, who after repeated attempts was finally awarded the state decoration of the Order of Thomas Garrigue Masaryk im memoriam on 28 October. For saving hundreds of millions of people, he deserved the Order of the White Lion, First Class!

Freedom has already been - it will be again, if only we don't let it be taken away.


Jan Šinágl, 4.11.2021


Prof. MUDr. Jiří Beran, CSc., světově uznávaný epidemiolog a vakcinolog, vyzývá vládu, aby „zastavila absurdní hru“

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