Jan Šinágl angažovaný občan, nezávislý publicista


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  • 22.07.2024 08:14
    Ve volbách do europarlamentu ale v poměru 12:9 uspěli ...


  • 16.07.2024 05:37
    Co jsou konspirace? Referáty soudců, usnesení, které vyloží věc ...


  • 14.07.2024 17:09
    Karma vzkazuje poškozeným: Není třeba se mstít. Jen se posaďte ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:31
    Honzo, k Tvému článku "Všesokolské slety......" nesouhlasím s ...


  • 14.07.2024 09:26
    Bravo Barboře - presentovala naši zemi lépe, než všichni ...


  • 01.07.2024 10:19
    Chirurgický nůž na Sudety Na našem severu, v Sudetech, ale ...


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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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English articles

Dear Mr. Sinagl;


I send you the ''Transfer to the Transitional Civil authority'', and ''the statement'' of The Sudanese Professionals, who are leading the people of Sudan in their protest against the regime, for a peaceful transition towards sustainable democratic governance. { Civil Governments }

The ''Transfer to the Transitional Civil authority''  will be handed today 17/04/2019to  The Presidential Council who will exercise the sovereign functions in accordance with the Transitional Constitution (proposed by the Forces for the Declaration of Freedom and Change).

Lou Dobbs, Business Commentator for Fox Business.

French authorities ruled out arson in "hours after the fire started at Notre Dame cathedral," and before any investigation was done.  This is in spite of the fact that last month, twelve churches in France were vandalized. And, in the past year, 875 (eight-hundred-seventy-five) catholic churches had been vandalized in France. The video was on U.S. national news.(Original text from video J.Š.)

I am not a friend of conspiracy theories, but given the numerous bombings in France, the upcoming Easter feast of Christians in the context of churches (The number seems unrealistic), then the arson attack on Notre Dame has its strategic, criminal evil logic. It is would not be surprising then that the French government would be trying to divert public attention elsewhere. Whether the government would like to hide its own failure, or prevent further waves of public protest, which is the same. Are there lists of people working to repair the cathedral? Can I exclude the location of a timed charge or use a drone? Unanswered, logical questions to the public? The Sign of the Sick - indeed God, in the coming Easter holidays. France - and not only her - has major political and ideological problems. If they are not dealt with, the problems will be "solved" by France and other countries - with appropriate impacts on society. J.Š.


Insulting the feelings of believers, homosexuals, and other important topics are mixed every day. Donbass troops will go to Donbass, we help Cubans, we give billions of dollars to Venezuela, and we will now restore Syria. I wonder when we can help Chita? Are our people worthy of living in human conditions? So that the child leaves the house and there is no landfill so the rats do not run in front of the house, so it would not be necessary to carry a bucket of shit to the yard. Why doesn't the situation in Chita touch anyone?

Friends, I ask you to extend this post. Ecological catastrophe in Chita for many years. But we have to do something.


My Dear Boy aversIn my book MY DEAR BOY, I describe how my father Oswald „Valdik“ gets papers from Bata Shoe Company medical department from people he knew.My Dear Boy Joanie

 Yes, I know of Jan Bata because I exist because of Bata‘s help to my father.  Dad, when attending Charles U. med school worked a summer in the Bata medical department and made friends there. In April 1939, when he needed various paperwork required by Nazis, he received a letter from Bata saying he was going to work for them in Singapore.  He later left on the ship SS Chenonceaux with a group of actual Bata employees.  Dad was lucky he didn't stay in Singapore and went on to China because a great calamity happened with a Japanese bombing later at the hospital there. 

Lincoln IBCCThe International Bomber Command Centre (IBCC) at Lincoln, UK, with the Walls of Names, was unveiled on 12th April 2018. It serves as a point for recognition, remembrance and reconciliation for those who died whilst serving with RAF Bomber Command during WW2.

The Memorial Spire, central to IBCC, commemorates the airmen who served in RAF Bomber Command during WW2. Of the some 125, 000 airmen who served, 55,573 died. It is now recognised as the UK’s tallest war memorial.