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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Schwarzenber F. to Biddle London 171041Beneš's abdication was scheduled: "I assure you, that In no case there will be a Czecho-Slovak-German war. No! As long as l am here, I shall always be able to find a way for an agreement with the Gemans.“- MEMORANDUM of Benes a GottwaldFrantišek Schwarz from 1941, especially page 43 + 44, is worth reading! – Andrej Hlinka: : "It is for you necessary to know that each nation, as long as they defend themselves and fight, will last and progress. But they will perish, if and when they submit.“

(Sides 43 – 44) … „I learned of a confidential interview with Beneš, about the end of March, in which the Czech Premier said his country would figure for its independence if their allies come to their aid otherwise, there was nothing to do but capitulate to Germany's terms of friendship.“ I wonder if Beneš doubts the validity of French and English promises.“

This is from 1935. The Polish Journalist Roman Fajans spoke in Septenber 1937 with. Dr. Beneš, then President of the Republic, some days after Masaryk's burial. He printed this interview in full in the book "Sylwetki i roznosy“. Dr. Beneš assured M. Fajans that "it was not to expect shortly or within the whole period /15 - 20 years/ a war in Europe", that the disease, from which the world was sufferlng since 20 years, would pass, rather inside many areas, through radical changes, but that one of the areas, which would not be threatened from such changes, were Czecho-Slovakia /page 94/. And then he declared /page 101 and 102/: "I assure you, that In no case there will be a Czecho-Slovak-German war. No! As long as l am here, I shall always be able to find a way for an agreement with the Gemans.“ How, Mr. President ? "It is always possible to come to agreement, if it is wanted.“ – „I beg to ask in advance to excuse my bold question. Mr. President, whether I am to understand your reply as a hint at an eventual capitulation?“ - “You lay take it as you like. Bit I will tell you this: If Europe will desert us, if they will leave as alone face to face with the Gernans, then no one will be authorized to reproach us that the guns from the Škoda works wlll agaln fire on Paris - as in 1914." Die people ln the home country, knew, of course, nothing of the intentlon to capitulate, avowed by Dr.Beneš.

The war naturally broke out and *very shortly" indeed. But lt was not Dr. Beneš who started it, he capitulated, of course. The guns from the Škoda Works did not fire on Paris for the only reason that Paris capitulated like him.

In the some book of Fajans an interview with the Chairnan of the Slovak people party, Msgr. A. Hlinka, is printed, too. Then M. Hlinka said: "It is for you necessary to know that each nation, as long az they defend themselves and right, will last and progress. But they will perish, if and when they submit.“

The reason why Dr. Beneš was so consistently and so awfully mistaken with his forecasts of the political development and facto, taking place independently from him, is very simple: "wishfull thinking." In short, he is not able to consider things objectívely and with put bias. On the oontrary, with regard to what is being or will be, he passed it for what he wish to happen.

* * *

Josef Kalvoda: "The Genesis of Czechoslovakia" - Chapter 15 - The Declaration of Independence (Washington), what really it was and how it was realized!

After reading this book, every unbiased reader is overwhelmed. To date, TGM's unknown activities are unknown to the public. It changes substantially the image it was created about him. That's why Benes and Jan Masaryk's attitudes both in the Second World War and after her are not so surprising. It is certain that the tragic death of Gen. M.R. Štefánik (he wanted to fight against the Bolsheviks in Siberia, when they were easily defeated. TGM dismissed him as commander.) and Tomáš Baťa sn. (He wanted to run for president of Czechoslovakia and wanted to give Bata Company his brother Jan A. Baťa). TGM and Beneš were mournfully over the deaths of both…  Woe to a country that is in the head of a weak, precarious and unable to act rationally in the interest of the country.

It reveals the truth about the true form of democracy of Masaryk and Benes - a dictatorship based on socialist and communist principles. This explains why so few Czech heroes are. They proposed a political system to destroy any "glass ceiling" breakthrough and become known and successful. J.A.Bata: "The only thing people never forgive you is success."


Jan Šinágl, 10.6.2018

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