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Dear Mr. Sinagl;


I send you the ''Transfer to the Transitional Civil authority'', and ''the statement'' of The Sudanese Professionals, who are leading the people of Sudan in their protest against the regime, for a peaceful transition towards sustainable democratic governance. { Civil Governments }

The ''Transfer to the Transitional Civil authority''  will be handed today 17/04/2019to  The Presidential Council who will exercise the sovereign functions in accordance with the Transitional Constitution (proposed by the Forces for the Declaration of Freedom and Change).


Dr. Hassan ELBAKRI

17 April 2019


Transfer to the Transitional Civil Authority                                                                                    

An introduction

The transitional period works to ensure democratic transformation and the building of a state of freedom, justice, and peace, and as a means of mobilizing the human and material capacities of Sudan to build a strong economy that provides prosperity and balanced development for the people of Sudan and achieves the goals of the glorious December Revolution.

The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change are advancing their conceptualization of the mechanisms of the order of government as the forces that led the Sudanese revolution and its path

On the aspirations of the Sudanese people.


First: Presidential Council

The forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change choose the Presidential Council from representatives of the revolutionary forces with the representation of the army through the Ministry of Defense.

The Presidential Council shall exercise the sovereign functions in accordance with the Transitional Constitution (proposed by the Forces for the Declaration of Freedom and Change).

- is the head of state and its sovereign symbol.

- Approval of the appointment of the Chief Justice after being selected by the Supreme Judicial Council.

- Approves international and regional agreements with the Legislative Council.

- Accrediting ambassadors of Sudan and accepting the accreditation of foreign ambassadors to Sudan.

- Declaration of the state of emergency and declaration of war provided that the recommendation is issued by the Council of Ministers.

- Ratification of laws issued by the legislature.

- The decisions of the Council shall be issued by a two-thirds majority in favor of all its members.


Second: the executive government composed of competencies

- The Presidential Council shall choose national competent competencies in the ministries of the Council of Ministers.

- The Council of Ministers shall be composed of qualified competencies with expertise, integrity, national, integrity, professionalism.

- The Council of Ministers shall carry out the tasks before it for the transitional program for the transitional period in accordance with the visions of the forces of freedom and change declaration.

 - Reduction of ministries no more than 17 ministries. Headed by a prime minister and a deputy prime minister.

- Agrees on a consultative method in the selection of the Council of Ministers with the determination of the Ministry of Defense and Interior of the regular forces.

- Call for the Constitutional Conference.


Third: The Transitional Legislative Council

- The Presidential Council shall be composed of the Transitional Federal Legislative Council, which shall have the authority to legislate and supervise.

- The Transitional Legislative Council is composed of 120 members, representing at least 40% of women, with a limited budget, taking into account the economic situation of the country.

- The percentage of participation is determined by the declaration of freedom, change and power signed on the declaration of freedom and change (women's organizations, youth, Sufi methods, independent national figures, athletes, Christians, creators, military and other sectors of our struggling people).


The National Legislative Council shall perform the following tasks:

* Establishes the regulations governing its work.

* Amend laws that are in line with the Transitional Constitution and govern the affairs of the transitional government.

* Monitor the performance of the transitional government and carry out the tasks entrusted with the accounting and dismissal if not satisfactory performance.

* Review the laws in accordance with the Constitution of the transitional.

* Establishes the basis of the referendum on the Constitution of the permanent country and authorized.

* The Elections Commission shall be in charge of the electoral system and the electoral law.


The Declaration of Freedom and Change


17 April 2019/



The vision of the gathering of Sudanese professionals for a peaceful transition towards sustainable democratic governance

The gathering of Sudanese professionals confirms the continuation of the sit-in and the exercise of all forms of peaceful pressure in order to achieve the objectives of the revolution by lowering the visions and perceptions contained in the declaration of freedom and change by immediately handing over power to a compatible transitional government.

The forces of freedom and change and protected by the Sudanese armed forces.

On behalf of our noble people, this forthcoming civilian transitional government, preceded by the armed forces of our people, will embark on the following rapid investigation:

- To undermine the constitutional order and provoke war against the state by the military coup on 30 June 1989 against an elected legitimate authority.

  1. The arrest of Omar al-Bashir, the director of the security apparatus of the ousted regime Salah Gosh, the former Mohammed Atta, the former Nafi Ali Nafi and Qutbi al-Mahdi, the leaders of the National Congress Party, and the ministers in the central and state governments, and the perpetrators and executors of the coup June 30, 1989, On charges such as all or some of the following charges:

- The killing of dissidents and citizens in the assassination since the first martyr in 1989 and until the last martyr in 2019.

  1. The seizure of the assets and property of the National Congress Party, and its bank accounts and guarding its role and headquarters so as not to eliminate the evidence of corruption.

- committing war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity in the Darfur region, the Nuba Mountains, Al-Anqsa and the Blue Nile

- The great betrayal of the separation of southern Sudan

- Caring for corruption and personal and family enrichment from corruption

  1. Release all detainees, all officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the armed forces of the people who sided with the revolution.

- The destruction of the national economy and the sale of Sudanese land and resources.

- Subversion of Sudan's foreign relations

  1. Ending the war and building peace is a top priority in the issues of transition. It is essential that armed struggle forces participate in full transition arrangements to avoid repeating past experiences of the country, addressing issues of radical marginalization and addressing past grievances and abuses through transitional justice mechanisms.
  2. Immediately seizure of the assets and accounts of financial and real estate leaders including their family members.
  3. Expulsion of the Attorney-General, the heads of the Public Prosecutor's Office, the President of the Judiciary, his deputies and the heads of judicial organs.
  4. Dissolution of trade unions and professional associations and seizure of their bank accounts, assets and property.
  5. The immediate change of external representation provided that diplomatic representation is professionally away from the symbols of the regime.
  6. We confirm all the commitments made at yesterday's meeting led by the delegation of the forces of freedom and change in the General Command of the armed forces of the people.

# The Streets only 

We would like to make it clear that the Sudanese people have not raised and presented martyrs, wounded, detainees and victims of torture to replace military rule with another military provision that represents an extension of the same regime, its corruption, and oppression and does not waive the immediate handover of power to a transitional civilian council.


 14 April 2019

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