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Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Capi hnizdo… And now comes far the strongest allegations of police, "Colonel. Ing. Ludek Švamberk received the award from Major General. Mgr. Bc. Tomas Tuhy, Ph.D. instructed Bc. Milan Chovanec, then interior minister. Instruction was given because of the interest CSSD reduce or eliminate political competition, which failed. But at least the crime of criminal conspiracy to block formation of the government." …

PRAGUE - It does not happen often. The fact that the investigators spoke against superiors such as critical in this case. In the case where it is one of the most watched scandals in the country - subsidy scandal Stork's Nest, a connection-oriented first of all on behalf of the incumbent Prime Minister. The case, according to police purpose, which asserts itself since the beginning of Prime Minister Andrej Babis (ANO).

Specifically, the following police investigators: Cpt. Mgr. Mariana Janouška, Cpt. Bc. Pavel Fiala, Cpt. Mgr. Martin Procházka. What unites them? * Foursome accuses management of the Prague police that went to hand former Interior Minister Milan Chovanec (ČSSD).

Their testimony is included (Annex) complaint filed on November 4 this year, the attention of the director of the Prague police colonel. Jana Ptacek. Bird, as we later informed stimulus promoted to General Inspection of Security Forces.

This article may affect the perception of that case. It is the editors  pp_magazínu aware. However, in respect of authorized dismissal of the team of investigators Prague CID. They decided to publish it under his own name. They also passed a new regional chief - Jan Ptacek registered their submission and its relevance wants to investigate.

Our goal will discuss about the topic impartially, without emotion. And offer counterarguments. Finally, the article then describe the motivation and alleged police to unusual media appearances.

And now comes far the strongest allegations of police, "Colonel. Ing. Ludek Švamberk received the award from Major General. Mgr. Bc. Tomas Tuhy, Ph.D. instructed Bc. Milan Chovanec, then interior minister. Instruction was given because of the interest CSSD reduce or eliminate political competition, which failed. But at least the crime of criminal conspiracy to block formation of the government. "

Entire artikle: http://ppmagazin.com/vybusna-vypoved-ctverice-vysetrovatelu-promluvila-kauza-capi-hnizdo-vznikla-na-prikaz-chovance-tvrdi/

* * *

Do it yourself your mention. In Czech TV Events (14.11.2018): foreign media informed about the case: CH Tages Anzeiger (not the main daily NZZ), SLK, DPA, Novosti, BBC server and APA. REUTER and CNN were silent. The same day in the main news on ARD no word. The "poll" agencies hurried to hurry as "most" nations condemn Prime Minister Babis. What's strange that I do not meet such people?! And yesterday was the first demonstration in Wenceslas Square for the resignation of the prime minister. Previously, the demonstration had to be reported at least 7 days in advance? If the protesters were protesting against the immoral increase in the salaries of the legislators, would they have done better or why the Czech Parliament is not able to investigate the Stork´s Nest case to the end, but only to investigate and investigate… So they can be manipulated again by the corrupt opposition, which is increasingly threatened by Prime Minister Babiš powerfully and existentially. When he sets out to show his voters for Babis, Wenceslas will not be enough! I believe it will not be necessary. The prime minister remains the most popular politician and his popularity is growing.

The information above is not signed by anyone, but "investigators" Slonkova and Kubik could learn lecos. There is much more logic, self-esteem, and objectivity. Will the media deal with them as intensely as the premier's son ?! Their "professional qualities" could train physicians, judges and policemen... Czech provincialism once again turned out to be a "full-fledged" world ... Today, I met a foreign tourist in Prague, did not understand how the legislators could afford to raise their salaries! Explain something to someone else that is unimaginable, that is, in an advanced country and society

Jan Šinágl, 15.11.2018

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