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Citát dne

Karel Havlíček Borovský
26. června r. 1850

KOMUNISMUS znamená v pravém a úplném smyslu bludné učení, že nikdo nemá míti žádné jmění, nýbrž, aby všechno bylo společné, a každý dostával jenom část zaslouženou a potřebnou k jeho výživě. Bez všelikých důkazů a výkladů vidí tedy hned na první pohled každý, že takové učení jest nanejvýš bláznovské, a že se mohlo jen vyrojiti z hlav několika pomatených lidí, kteří by vždy z člověka chtěli učiniti něco buď lepšího neb horšího, ale vždy něco jiného než je člověk.



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Arriva busDear Sir or Madam,

Permit me to introduce myself. My name is Helena Mala. My colleague and I are former drivers employed by the bus company ARRIVA STŘEDNÍ ČECHY s.r.o. (Central Bohemia). We wish to provide you with information about the way in which this company reduce salaries of the drivers illegally.

In years 2015 and 2016 the company reduced the salaries illegally when shifts some drivers were divided so that the company would not have to pay the drivers for the period of waiting between bus connections. However, subsequently (fro February 2016) the divided shifts were terminated. But, the salaries of the drive kept being reduced for the period of waiting between bus connections, which was not, from the point of view salary calculations, considered as the period of performs work, even though the company had been aware of the fact the law was breached.

This matter was the subject of the court proceedings and last year (2017) the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic issued the decision (the judgement as 26.9.2017, file no. 21 Cdo 4959/2016), which stated that „ln case of bus drivers city public transport and bus drivers of coaches in which the length of any drivir does not exceed 50 km, at the time of legal regulation effective from 1. 1. 2009 to 3 12. 2016, for the work hours and thus the period of waiting time between the bus connections in public coach transport within the bus connection specified timely ai locally by the timetable did not relate to the mode of the provision of § 3 letter a) the government regulation no.589/2006 Coll..; the stated employees in transport for this period of waiting between bus connections did not deserve the remuneratic according to provision of § 9a and § 28 par. 3 of the government regulation n 589/2006 coll.“

The Supreme Court of the Czech Republic further clearly stated that the period of time for waiting between bus connections in public coach transportation within bus connection timely and locally specified by the time table represents, for the driver of city bus transport and driver of the coach transportation where the length of any bus driving does not exceed 50 km, the performance of work for which the driver must be remunerated.

The Transport Trade Unions with registered address Náměstí Winstona Churchilla 130 00 Prague 3 informed all chairpersons of local trade union branches about ti decision of the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic in order to inform all the: drivers so that they could contact a relevant attorney from the regional counselling centre of ČMKOS (The Czech-Moravian Confederation of Trade Unions), and would submit complete materials for being paid by the employers.

A colleague of mine, I and a few others with the help of Mgr. Houbová requested tl company to pay us, but unfortunately the company did not accept our request ai did not react to it at all.

We decided to highlight this case on television, as we have more evidence how the company Arriva in the Central Bohemia manipulates with the money which belongs to drivers and we are of the opinion that the public and the regions should be aware of this situation. I have also collected evidence how the drivers, who work for Prague Integrated Transport and who have the right to receive a twenty-crown surcharge for each hour when they perform what is considered to be difficult work, have had the twenty crown surcharge reduced in their salaries.

At the time when these drivers were working for the company Arriva Praha with its registered address in Vršovice, they were receiving this surcharge, as appropriate. From the moment when they started to work for the company Arriva Strední Čechy s.r.o. with its registered address Králův Dvůr, Pod Hájem 97, since January 2018 their twenty-crown surcharge started to be reduced by CZK 4,50 as they did not deserve this whole surcharge as the delivery of the bus to the workplace and its driving back to the parking space is not considered as driving for the Prague Integrated Transportation (decided by Ing. Vladimír Káš).

So far these drivers have had this surcharge reduced and the settlements of payments promised by the company to the chairpersons of the trade unions branches have not been implemented yet, even though eight months have already passed.

Last month (July 2018) the company tried to pay this debt to the drivers, but unfortunately the money that the company owed them was calculated in favour of the company and what is more the money was shown on the pay-slip as untaxed income but not as part of the gross salary, so the drivers did not receive the money in their accounts again.

Another absurdity is that the company has its own parking place for buses and three bus drivers must park their buses at the bus station to which they must come by their own personal vehicles which are parked at the paid parking place as they have no option other than to park in the chargeable parking at a cost of twenty crowns for the whole day and their salaries are reduced accordingly by the company - they do not get all twenty-crown surcharge and they must pay CZK 440 for parking every month. Even though the company has its own parking space where there is space for personal vehicles. Instead of reserving this space for company vehicles and those of its employees, trucks from different companies are permitted to park there. The consequence of this is that there is no space to park company buses at this space, therefore the buses must be parked at the bus station. Thus company drivers incur a parking charge when travelling to the bus station in their private vehicles to collect their buses.

But, in this company there is a driver who starts and finishes his work at the bus station as these above stated drivers and he lives in Vráž at Beroun, which is about 7 km far and he is allowed to park his bus directly in front of his house where he lives. Isn't this a bit unfair towards the others, who must pay a parking fee? And there are more of them.

The company economizes money on one side and on the other side the company lets its favoured drivers drive unnecessary kilometres.

We will be happy to answer to your possible additic questions.


Yours sincerely,

Helena Malá                                    Tomáš Pechman

Mobile phone: +420 603 214 433  Mobil phone: +420 604 460 418

E-Mail: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.


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I often use the services of this company. I am very satisfied as a customer. I have talked lot of drivers and admired how they manage their demanding job. But, l have not heard of them any words of praise about the management of this company so far. It is a pity that the company is not able to appreciate its real capital, which is the core of the quality prosperity as it used to be for example at the company Bat’a, where each employee was called a co-worker. On 17. 8. 2018 the Public Czech Television was contacted - Ms. Malá has not got the reaction from it until today.

More drivers are said to have stopped working for this company as a protest against behaviour and manners of the management of the company. The company hires the drivers from other countries, who get a language course. They have different benefits which Cz drivers do not have. Such a company strategy would hardly lead to the permanent prosperity of the company as well as to customer satisfaction - and mainly to the satisfaction of its drivers, who can be followed by the drivers from other countries later on. A driver is one the pillars of the company and if this pillar is not a stable, it will collapse as the bridge recently in Italy. All good quality needs a good foundation.

If the management of the company shows its interest to react to this, its reaction will published at these websites.


Jan Šinágl, 25.8.2018

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+420 775 239 148

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